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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 7, 2019

WEAPON X (1991)

When Barry Windsor-Smith revealed how Wolverine ended up getting unbreakable adamantium all over his bones, it was pure comics gold. And it all took place in the unlikeliest of Marvel titles at the time. Despite being Comics Code Approved, BWS gave us page after page of violence, gore, psychological torment and butt-naked Logan which was pretty shocking for newsstand fare in the early '90s. And there are moments when it's still shocking, now! It's more like a relentless horror than an X-Men book. Windsor-Smith doesn't answer every question, though, leaving more mysteries to solve. These were picked up by Larry Hama and Marc Silvestri in Wolverine's regular solo series (during MUTANT GENESIS ). You don't need to read the follow-up tales that, true to form, also leave more mysteries to solve. But read them together and you'll see one of the most harrowing moments from Logan 's past and how it shaped his present. Welcome to Experiment X ... [ WOLVERINE...


Conan has never appealed to me in the slightest and I knew next-to-nothing about the Ultraverse 'til I started the Marvel Comics Guide , so I'll keep this one pretty basic. This little crossover event happened not long before Marvel lost or gave up the rights to publish Conan stories and right after they'd started messing up the Ultraverse, so maybe they thought combining the two would work? It probably has more to do with the fact that Marvel had a chance to bring Barry Windsor-Smith back to Conan (the series that made him famous) by having him cross paths with his most recent creation, Rune , in the one-shot comic. This could easily have been passed off as taking place outside of continuity, but Conan was originally considered part of Earth-616's ancient history and Rune was seriously old, so it'd be revealed some time later that Rune hopped realities from Earth-93060 to Earth-616 hundreds of years ago and clashed with the world's most famous barbarian. Con...

NEW WARRIORS READING ORDER: Before the Warriors (1972-1989)

I was surprised when the New Warriors came out on top when a ran poll on my Instagram page to choose a team to take the 'reading order' spotlight. Don't get me wrong, I loved the Warriors when they first launched, I just wasn't convinced they still had such a strong following today. I'd only been buying the imported American Marvel comics for about six months when the New Warriors made their debut during ACTS OF VENGEANCE ( Marvel UK tended to run select stores in reprint titles that were frequently cancelled). I only recognised Firestar from the 'Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends' cartoon and thought the rest of the New Warriors were genuinely new! But Namorita , Nova and the kid who became Marvel Boy had all been around since the '70s. Conversely, Speedball only appeared a year before the team's debut with Night Thrasher being an actual new Warrior, first appearing when the team fought the Juggernaut alongside Thor . Rather than start ...