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WEAPON X (1991)

When Barry Windsor-Smith revealed how Wolverine ended up getting unbreakable adamantium all over his bones, it was pure comics gold. And it all took place in the unlikeliest of Marvel titles at the time. Despite being Comics Code Approved, BWS gave us page after page of violence, gore, psychological torment and butt-naked Logan which was pretty shocking for newsstand fare in the early '90s. And there are moments when it's still shocking, now! It's more like a relentless horror than an X-Men book.

Windsor-Smith doesn't answer every question, though, leaving more mysteries to solve. These were picked up by Larry Hama and Marc Silvestri in Wolverine's regular solo series (during MUTANT GENESIS). You don't need to read the follow-up tales that, true to form, also leave more mysteries to solve. But read them together and you'll see one of the most harrowing moments from Logan's past and how it shaped his present.

Welcome to Experiment X...

  • Marvel Comics Presents #72[1/4]-83[1/4]
  • Marvel Comics Presents #84[1/2]
  • Wolverine #48-50 (tie-in) (also see MUTANT GENESIS)
Marvel Comics Presents #72[1/4]
A lonely, drunken scrapper loses his job at the FBI due to his unpredictable behaviour and obsession with the new mutant phenomenon. He finds himself with the dead and dying in a run-down refuge for fallen Christians in Ottawa. Logan's life has reached a dead end, but his nightmares are telling him hell is 'round the corner. Elsewhere, a scrawny scientist begins work on Experiment X; employing a disreputable male doctor wanted by the authorities and a sweet, young female doctor.

Marvel Comics Presents #73[1/4]
The heavies from Experiment X have to give Mr Logan a real heavy beating to get him down. By the time he's back at their hi-tech facility, shaved, stuck with tubes and needles and dunked in tank, it becomes apparent that Logan is no ordinary man. He's already healed form his injuries and his hair grows back within 20 minutes. Embarrassed by not having all the facts on this seemingly superhuman test subject, the Professor leaves the experiment partway through...
Marvel Comics Presents #74[1/4]
The Professor communicates with Experiment X's secret benefactor, expressing his frustration that he wasn't informed about Logan being a mutant. As the experiment continues, Dr Abraham Cornelius and Dr Carol Hines begin infusing Logan's bones with Adamantium - an indestructible metal. The drain on the resources increases unexpectedly. Once the experiment is over and Logan begins to wake up in his holding lab, blood starts spurting from his hands, followed by adamantium 'claws'. The scared young lab worker alerts the Professor who encourages him to enter the lab, only to be gutted. The Professor is more interested with his creation than the dead lab worker...

Marvel Comics Presents #75[1/4]
As Dr Cornelius expresses his concerns about the fact they've just turned a man into a wild beast, Logan smashes his way out of his lab, stares them down and passes out. The Professor convinces Cornelius that what they've done is create the most formidable tactical weapon ever conceived. Cornelius agrees to stay and help program Logan so he can be controlled...

Marvel Comics Presents #76[1/4]
The Professor embarrasses himself again, this time by trying to imprint his role as Logan's master before the conditioning machines are even turned on. When they are, the machine ends up receiving instead of projecting as Logan's rage sends image of a spiked skeleton in agony onto the monitor before the Professor, Hines and Cornelius. Logan wakes and grabs Hines by the throat, then focuses his attention on the Professor, ignoring his voice commands. Armed guards tranquillise him, but he still manages to project an image of the Professor with three claw-holes in his face on the monitor...

Marvel Comics Presents #77[1/4]
Logan - now dubbed 'Weapon X' - is tested against a pack of starving wolves in the snow outside the Experiment X compound. He puts up absolutely no resistance at first, then cuts loose and tears the animals to shreds. The Professor orders the guards to leave Weapon X out in the snow overnight to wallow in the blood of his kills...

Marvel Comics Presents #78[1/4]
For their next experiment, Cornelius loads Weapon X up with tech and batteries that will allow them to turn him on and off within a five-mile radius. The Professor's initial attempt to control Weapon X ends with the living weapon in a heap on the floor and the techs laughing at the oversensitive scientist. When everyone leaves this room, the Professor pours his hot coffee over Logan's face and naked body...

Marvel Comics Presents #79[1/4]
Cornelius has enabled Weapon X to function within a nine mile radius. Despite the weight of the extra battery packs, he's fast and silent enough to sneak up on a bear and take it down. The Professor is keen to move on to human opponents, making Dr Cornelius even more uncomfortable. When the Professor leaves the room, Cornelius shares his issues about getting blood on his hands with Dr Hines. It's then that Weapon X breaks free once he's been returned to his cell. Cornelius believes the Professor is responsible. Either way, no one's controlling him, now...

Marvel Comics Presents #80[1/4]
Weapon X kills his way through the armed personnel at Experiment X, following the scent of the Professor who is accidentally broadcasting his half of a private conversation with the real mastermind behind Experiment X. The Professor asks if he should hold steady while his boss uses Weapon X to kill off the 'dead wood'. Cornelius's suspicions about the Professor are realised, but he still sends a cadre of heavily armed guards to take Weapon X down. By the time they get to the Professor, he's alive but minus a hand. Now he wants Weapon X dead...

Marvel Comics Presents #81[1/4]
With the body count rising, the Professor orders Hines and Cornelius to follow him to the adamantium reactor hold; the safest place in the entire compound. From there, the Professor openly contacts his employer, begging him not to let Weapon X kill him. The loss of power at the facility means the turbines for the adamantium reactor have shut down. The place is more likely to blow up before Weapon X even gets through the thick blast door. But Weapon X has found another way through and stands over the Professor, dripping blood on his bald head...

Marvel Comics Presents #82[1/4]
The blood-loss finally catches up with Weapon X as he stands before the three terrified scientists, and it looks like he'll drop before he can attack. The Professor hits Dr Cornelius from behind, making him accidentally fire his rifle at Weapon X and reigniting his rage. With Cornelius gored to death, Weapon X tracks the last two living people to the compound's fission gate. The Professor pushes Hines into the exhaust pit to lure Weapon X in after her while he prepares to fire up the gate and burn them both alive...

Marvel Comics Presents #83[1/4]
Experiment X's real master isn't done manipulating things from afar and turns off the reactor, allowing Weapon X to get out. Still burning and leaving Hines behind him, Weapon X climbs up to the control bay and looms over the Professor, defiantly refuting the his taunts that he's nothing but an animal. After bellowing that he's a man, that he's Logan, Weapon X cuts off the Professor's other hand then unleashes his claws into his enemy's head.

Marvel Comics Presents #84[1/2]
Aware of himself for the first time in a long time, Logan tosses the Professor's body into the lit fission gate. He walks through the facility, unaware that he's the one who's caused all the carnage he surveys. He sees the claws emerging from his hands, then things get weird as his world transforms around him into spikes and screams. Outside the compound, he faces a Siberian Tiger. His escape is revealed to be a simulation. Cornelius believes the Professor's communications with his 'master' was just another element of the illusion. Just a part of the game. While they're busy back-patting, Weapon X breaks free of his handlers and slices his way to the central control room where he's ready to kill them all over again. Later, the escaped Logan trudges naked through the Alberta snow...
Wolverine #48 (tie-in)
IN the present day, Wolverine takes Jubilee along when he breaks into the Weapon X Facility where he gained his adamantium. He experiences a number of vivid flashbacks, including his capture and mindless rampage, along with a mission he seemingly went on with Sabretooth and Mastodon, hunting down terrorists in the form of Professor and Silver Fox. Jubilee snaps Wolverine out of his flashbacks as the memories warp. They leave before finding the mold for something called SHIVA...

Wolverine #49 (tie-in)
At the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters, Charles Xavier and Jean Grey help Wolverine delve into forgotten memories, including another mission with Sabretooth in Nicaragua and more from the mission to bring down Silver Fox. Wolverine snaps back to reality as things get more twisted. He rips off his costume and storms out of the school, unaware he's being observed by Hines on behalf of the Professor...
Wolverine #50 (tie-in)
Wolverine boards the SHIELD Helicarrier where he convinces Nick Fury to release his CIA security dossier, triggering an alert to an unknown Hydra boss. The X-Men drop Wolverine off in Ontario where he investigates the location where he received most of his memory implants. His primary concern is confirming that the cabin where he and Silver Fox lived was a real memory which he confirms, but the Professor sends a SHIVA robot to kill him immediately after. While Wolverine gets his memories scrambled by SHIVA, Hydra agent Silver Fox emerges from the shadows and kills the Professor. The X-Men arrive on the scene to find the Professor dead, Carol Hines alive and a whole barrel more questions left unanswered...
X-Men #5-7 (1992) 
Dr Abraham Cornelius is revealed to be alive; it's revealed that Wolverine did go on missions with Sabretooth as a member of Team X; Maverick first appears and is revealed to be another Weapon X/Team-X member; Maverick kills Cornelius during MUTANT GENESIS.

Wolverine #60-64 (1992) 
First appearance of Kestrel (aka John Wraith) and Vole (aka Aldo Ferro); first appearance and death of the real Mastodon; Maverick is revealed to be Weapon X agent Wildcat; the Weapon X Program is revealed to be part of a CIA operation; a flashback reveals how Carol Hines and criminal mastermind Aldo Ferro were recruited; Ferro bought his way in to gain longevity; Ferro (aka, Psi-Borg) used his mental powers to alter Weapon X candidates memories, including Logan's belief he'd escaped the Experiment X facility; SHIVA goes after Sabretooth; Aldo Ferro kills Carol Hines; the Weapon X candidates battle Aldo Ferro for manipulating them; Ferro coerces Sabretooth into killing Silver Fox and helping him escape.

Wolverine #66 (1993) 
Wolverine returns to the Prophecy refuge for more strange experiences and prophetic mutterings from random drunks.

X-Men #25 (1993) 
Magneto rips the adamantium off Wolverine's bones and through his skin during FATAL ATTRACTIONS.

Wolverine #75 (1993) 
Despite being stripped of his adamantium, Wolverine still pops his claws, revealing them to be bone and a part of his mutation during FATAL ATTRACTIONS.

Wolverine #92 (1995) 
Wolverine's healing factor is revealed to be better without the adamantium; without his healing factor, Wolverine would have died from adamantium poisoning.

Wolverine #100 (1996) 
Genesis (Tyler Dayspring) tries to recreate the process to restore Wolverine's adamantium against his will; the process fails and Wolverine's body mutates for a short while during STONE COLD DEATH.

Deadpool & Death Annual (1998) 
Flashbacks reveal how a second Weapon X Program was started (including Deadpool, Slayback, Sluggo and Garrison Kane as candidates, being granted versions of Wolverine's healing factor) as part of Department K, but the program ultimately failed during PAYBACK.

Wolverine #145 (1999) 
Apocalypse (who was originally intended to be the Professor's employer on Experiment X) recreates the adamantium bonding process and restores the adamantium to Wolverine's claws and skeleton during THE SHATTERING.

Origin #1-6 (2001-2002) 
Wolverine's youth is revealed; Wolverine's mother, Elizabeth Howlett, first appears; Wolverine's real name is revealed to be James Howlett; the groundskeeper (and probably Wolverine's biological father) is called Thomas Logan.

Wolverine #160 (2001) 
First appearance of the Director (Malcom Colcord).

Wolverine #166 (2001) 
The Director tries to restart Weapon X and claim Wolverine among its membership; the Director reveals himself to be a guard Logan facially disfigured as he left the Experiment X facility during RETURN TO WEAPON X.

Weapon X #½ (2002) 
The Director starts recruiting more mutants to act as agents of the new Weapon X during WEAPON X: THE DRAFT.

New X-Men #128-130 (2002) 
'Weapon X' is first revealed to mean 'Weapon Ten'; the Weapon X Program is revealed to be just one part of the Weapon Plus Program, designed to create super-soldiers; other previous Weapon Plus projects are revealed, though all identities aren't revealed in this issue (Weapon 0 is John Steele; Weapon I is Captain America (aka, Steve Rogers - though the prototype is Isaiah Bradly, the black Captain America); Weapon IV to Weapon VI are unconfirmed (though Weapon V could be Warhawk and Weapon VI could be Luke Cage (aka, Power Man)); Weapon VII is Nuke; Weapon VIII to Weapon IX are unconfirmed (though Weapon VIII could be Josiah X and Weapon XI could be Romulus); Weapon XI is thought to be Deadpool or Garrison Kane; Weapon XII is the Huntsman; Weapon XIII is Fantomex; Weapon XIV are the Stepford Cuckoos.

New X-Men #143 (2003) 
First appearance of Weapon XV, the Ultimaton.

Weapon X #18 (2004) 
The X-Men shut down the new Weapon X Program and facility, but the Director starts up a new version called the Program.

Weapon X #23-24 (2004) 
Flashback sequences reveal more of the experiments on Logan are revealed (though they contradict the original story); the Professor himself expressed his concern over Abraham Cornelius' assistant, John Sublime; the Professor explains to Cornelius that Logan is a mutant will be Weapon Ten; the Professor tests Wolverine by making him kill everyone in the town of Roanoke; Sublime is revealed to have shut down the Weapon X Program; a few years after Logan became Weapon X, the Professor continues to create more potential candidates for Weapon X (aka, Weapon Ten) including Maverick (Christoph Nord), Silver Fox ('Kayla Silverfox') and Kestrel (John Wraith); John Sublime hires Malcom Colcord to be the director of a new Weapon X Program during X-MEN RELOAD.

X-23 #1-6 (2005) 
X-23's origin is revealed; lab technician Dale Rice escaped the carnage at the Experiment X facility with notes on the project; Logan killed Rice as he left the facility, leaving his notes to be found by Martin Sutter; X-23 was cloned from Wolverine and became a living weapon for a version of Weapon X called the Facility.

House of M #1 (2005) 
Wolverine's memories are restored by the Scarlet Witch during HOUSE OF M.

Wolverine: Origins #2 (2006) 
Romulus is first 'heard', but not seen during ORIGINS AND ENDINGS.

Wolverine: Origins #5 (2006) 
Romulus first appears in shadow during ORIGINS AND ENDINGS.

Wolverine #53-54 (2007) 
Romulus' name is first revealed; Romulus is also revealed to have been behind the Weapon X / Experiment X Program; a flashback reveals that while Logan floated unconscious in an Experiment X sensory deprivation tank, the Professor showed him to Sabretooth and Romulus.

Wolverine #55 (2007) 
Romulus first fully appears.

Wolverine #58 (2007) 
A flashback reveals Logan facing Azreal/Lazaer in Purgatory having almost been killed by the bear outside the Weapon X Facility.

Wolverine: Origins #33 (2009) 
Nick Fury reveals the real reason Wolverine was granted adamantium, the connection between Weapon X and Romulus, the Professor's real name (Truett Hudson) and the connection to the Hudson family tree, including Wolverine's mother (originally named Elizabeth Hudson) during DARK REIGN.

Dark Reign - The List: Wolverine #1 (2009) 
First appearance of Weapon XVI, the Allgod, during DARK REIGN - THE LIST.

Uncanny X-Force #21 (2012) 
Weapon III is revealed to be the Skinless Man.

Death of Wolverine #4 (2014) 
Dr Abraham Cornelius is revealed to be alive, behind many of Wolverine's more recent woes and attempting to recreate the Weapon X Program; Wolverine kills Cornelius just before dying himself when he's smothered in adamantium during DEATH OF WOLVERINE.

Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #6 (2016) 
Weapon II is revealed to be a squirrel with claws and a healing factor.

WMD: Weapons of Mutant Destruction #1 (2017) 
Serenity Industries (a new version of Weapon X) first appears; Serenity create a Wolverine/Hulk hybrid during WEAPONS OF MUTANT DESTRUCTION.
Best of Wolverine
Weapon X
Wolverine Omnibus vol.1
Wolverine: The Adamantium Collection
Wolverine: Weapon X
Include Marvel Comics Presents #72-84.

Essential Wolverine vol.3
Wolverine Legends vol.6
Wolverine: Weapon X Unbound
Include Wolverine #48-50.

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