It's Halloween, so how's about a little old school werewolf action ? Around this time, Marvel had a tendency to try new characters out in titles like Marvel Spotlight or Marvel Premiere , then give them their own series if they proved to be popular. However, the characters' first issues often carried on the story from those other books, so you'd pick up issue 1 only to find yourself in the middle of an ongoing tale (for other examples, see Captain Marvel in THE COMING OF CAPTAIN MARVEL or Adam Warlock in COUNT-DOWN FOR COUNTER-EARTH ). In the Werewolf By Night 's case, this little two-parter featuring his search for the Darkhold would flow from Marvel Spotlight into his very own ongoing series. Jack Russell has only recently discovered his true family legacy and that Phillip Russell , the man he believed to be his father, is actually his uncle. His biological father, Baron Gregory Russoff (Phillip's brother), was a magic user and werewolf. Jack inherite...