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The creepy, doll-faced Puppet Master tried to create a new life for himself and his niece, Alicia Masters, by transferring their minds into tiny robot bodies so they could live in peace in the purpose-built town of Liddleville - a shrunken village populated by minute robot citizens. 

In an effort to turn this already-insane plan into a revenge plot against the Fantastic Four, Doctor Doom transferred the minds of the FF into tiny bodies and removed their memories. The team eventually learned the truth and escaped Liddleville and took Doom's inert body back to the Baxter Building, unaware that Doom's consciousness was still trapped in the tiny body of Professor Vince Vaughn in Liddleville...
  • Micronauts #40-41
  • Fantastic Four #246-247
Micronauts #40
The Micronauts lose their ship, the Endevour, down a sewer and decide to contact the Fantastic Four for help in returning to the Microverse to overthrow the tyrannical King Argon. While the Thing sleeps, Franklin Richards takes the Micronauts to the Baxter Building's sub-molecular studies lab where a sea of Antrons are running wild. The Thing wakes up in time to put a stop the Antrons' invasion and advises the Micronauts to check out Doctor Doom's castle in upstate New York for a possible way of getting home...

Micronauts #41
In the Microverse, King Argon continues to transform himself in the Body Banks, becoming more like Baron Karza. He also rejects an alliance with Belladonna who now inhabits Lady Slug's body. Back on Earth, the Micronauts lose more supplies in another sewer incident before they reach Doctor Doom's castle in their Reducta Craft. They answer a call for help from Phillip Masters (Aka, the Puppet Master) in Liddleville to bring down Doctor Doom who has taken over the tiny town after constructing a suit of armour for the body of Vincent Vaughn that he now inhabits. The Micronauts are no match for Doom, but a fire starts in the Liddleville version of his castle, stranding him in place and melting the perfect features of Vince Vaughn. The Micronauts leave, no closer to returning home...
Fantastic Four #246
The Micronauts leave the Puppet Master to gloat over Doom's freshly melted face until a full-size Doctor Doom flattens him with his palm and pockets tiny Doom. In Manhattan, the Fantastic Four take Doctor Doom's inert body to the Latverian Embassy where they're separated and attacked by four different Dooms. By the time the FF defeat their robotic enemies, they learn the real Doctor Doom's mind has been transferred back to his body and they're now aboard a ship heading towards a Latveria in ruins...

Fantastic Four #247
Not long ago, the FF helped Zorba Fortunov unseat Doom from the Latverian throne. In order to maintain control of the country, Zorba has ended up becoming an even bigger tyrant than Doom who is still loved by his people. When the mother of young Latverian Kristoff Vernard is killed by Doombots, Doom and the FF take the fight to Zorba. While the FF are busy fighting Zorba's army of killer robots, Doom kills Zorba and reclaims the throne and promises to destroy the Fantastic Four next time they meet...
Micronauts #47 (1982)
The Micronauts locate another Bioship.

Micronauts #48 (1982)
Microtron and Nanotron sacrifice themselves so that the new Bioship can absorb their memories and become the Micronauts new ship.

Micronauts #49 (1983)
It's revealed that Argon had become a host to Baron Karza who is reborn by tearing through Argon's body.

Micronauts #50 (1983)
Prince Pharoid, Lady Slug, Belladonna and Devil are all killed in the battle with the reborn Baron Karza; Devil is reborn as Fireflyte; the defeated Micronauts flee Homeworld again.

Fantastic Four #258 (1983)
Doctor Doom is revealed to have taken the orphaned Kristoff Vernard as his ward; Doom prepares to use Tyros the Tamer to help him fulfil his promise to destroy the Fantastic Four during THE TRIAL OF REED RICHARDS.

Thing #4-6 (1983)
The Puppet Master reconstitutes himself by transferring his consciousness into a clay form in Liddleville; the Puppet Master transfers his consciousness to the Thing, then back to a clay Thing form before crumbling back to dust.

Fantastic Four #259-260 (1983)
Doctor Doom's promised revenge on the Fantastic Four backfires when Tyros is killed by the Silver Surfer in an explosion that destroys Doom's body; Doom transfers his consciousness to the body of passing shopper, Norman McArthur, during THE TRIAL OF REED RICHARDS.

X-Men and the Micronauts #4 (1984)
The new Biotron is destroyed by the New Mutants during MICRONAUTS TRIUMPHANT.

Micronauts #58 (1984)
After transporting the Micronauts back to the Microverse, the exhausted Fireflyte goes into a cocoon and transforms into a new Devil; the Micronauts gain another Biotron and Microtron during MICRONAUTS TRIUMPHANT.

Thing #23 (1985)
The Thing confronts Mister Fantastic when he realises he'd been keeping the truth about his inability to return to human form a secret from him, causing the Thing to leave the Fantastic Four during TO ALL THINGS AN ENDING.

Fantastic Four #278-279 (1985)
Kristoff Vernard attacks the Fantastic Four, beliving himself to be Doctor Doom; it's revealed that Vernard was Doom's failsafe if he died and, when his body was destroyed by the Silver Surfer, it activated the plan to upload Dooms memories into the body of young Kristoff; as 'Doctor Doom', Kristoff destroys the Baxter Building.

Fantastic Four #287-288 (1986)
In Norman McArthur's body, Doctor Doom attempts to control the Beyonder; the Beyonder restores Doom to his real body and sends him back in time to Battleworld to take part in the 'Secret Wars' during SECRET WARS II.

Thing #34 (1986)
The Puppet Master is restored to human form by the Sphinx.

Fantastic Four Annual #20 (1987)
As 'Doctor Doom', Kristoff takes the throne of Latveria during ALL IN THE FAMILY.

Fantastic Four #350 (1991)
Doctor Doom confronts Kristoff Vernard, uttering a key word and showing him a reflection of his own face, undoing his programming; the real Doctor Doom reclaims the Latverian throne.

Fantastic Four #393 (1994)
The Thing tries to give Alicia Masters a new life in Liddleville, eventually abandoning it when they accept it's not reality.

Fantastic Four #397-400 (1995)
Kristoff Vernard retains an armoured form and becomes a regular ally of the Fantastic Four during EVEN THE WATCHERS CAN DIE.

Tales of the Marvel Universe #1 (1997)
Dimitri Fortunov (half-nephew of Zorba Fortunov) lays his claim to the Latverian throne after the apparent death of Doctor Doom during THE HAUNTING OF CASTLE DOOM.

X-Force #63-64 (1997)
Meltdown briefly finds herself in Liddleville when X-Force try to secure Doctor Doom's Time Platform; Dimitri Fortunov's attempt to take over Latveria fails during THE HAUNTING OF CASTLE DOOM.

Fantastic Four #503-508 (2003-2004)
The Fantastic Four take over Latveria themselves when Doctor Doom falls into Hell.

Hulk #20 (2010)
The Intelligencia use the Liddleville technology to keep the smartest heroes on Earth subdued during FALL OF THE HULKS.

FF #2 (2011)
Doctor Doom ends Kristoff Vernard's exile, asking him to act as ruler of Latveria until the brain damage he suffered in a battle with the Hulks can be undone during FUTURE FOUNDATION.
Fantastic Four by John Byrne Omnibus vol.1
Fantastic Four: The Villainy of Doctor Doom
Fantastic Four Visionaries: John Byrne vol.2
Includes Fantastic Four #246-247

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