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T.H.E.M. (1966)

Nick Fury and his agents of SHIELD have just defeated the international terrorist organisation, Hydra. But the world is far from safe as an even greater, more mysterious threat lurks on the horizon. Who are THEM? Or should that be... who is THEM? That grammatical issue won't be addressed by SHIELD, Captain America, the Hulk or the Sub-Mariner, but they'll all find themselves in the crosshairs of THEM!

The storyline introduces a huge number of characters and concepts to the Marvel Universe, including AIM, Batroc the Leaper, Boomerang, Peggy Carter, Sharon Carter, the Cosmic Cube, Fixer, Mentallo, the Secret Empire, Jasper Sitwell and the Super-Adaptoid, and also brought the Red Skull into the modern age.

Thanks to Solletaire for pointing this one out to me. I've run this one before, but recently discovered a load more tie-in issues that add a whole other level of crazy to this Kirby-fuelled conspiracy.

  • Strange Tales #141[1/2]
  • Strange Tales #142[1/2]
  • Strange Tales #143[1/2]
  • Strange Tales #144[1/2]
  • Strange Tales #145[1/2]
  • Tales of Suspense #75[2/2]
  • Tales of Suspense #76[2/2]
  • Tales of Suspense #78[2/2]
  • Tales of Suspense #79[2/2]
  • Strange Tales #146[1/2]
  • Strange Tales #147[1/2]
  • Tales of Suspense #80[2/2]
  • Tales of Suspense #81[2/2]
  • Tales to Astonish #81[2/2]
  • Tales to Astonish #82[2/2]
  • Tales to Astonish #83
  • Strange Tales #148[1/2]
  • Strange Tales #149[1/2]
  • Tales to Astonish #84
  • Tales to Astonish #85[2/2]
  • Tales of Suspense #82[2/2]
  • Tales of Suspense #83[2/2]
  • Tales of Suspense #84[2/2]
[Marvel Universe Reading Order: 1966]
Strange Tales #141[1/2]
The handful of Hydra agents who escape SHIELD when the organisation is defeated kill the Imperial Hydra (Arnold Brown) as they leave, convinced he's just an old man. Nick Fury lets his daughter, Laura Brown, go as a reward for saving his life, earlier. SHIELD's ESP unit immediately alert Fury to a new threat in the form of a rogue former-SHIELD agent, Mentallo, whose telepathic powers have given him access to all of the organisation's secrets. Mentallo decides to form an alliance with the hi-tech criminal known as the Fixer when he breaks out of jail...

Strange Tales #142[1/2]
SHIELD's ESP unit observe as the Fixer and Mentallo join forces, but nothing can prepare them for the duo's hi-tech/telepathic assault on SHIELD's Helicarrier. They make their way through all of SHIELD's troops and defences until they capture Nick Fury, himself. Despite their alliance, the Fixer reveals that his true loyalty lies to an organisations called THEM...
Strange Tales #143[1/2]
Mentallo and the Fixer attach Nick Fury to a miniature H-Bomb as they lay claim to SHIELD. Fury blocks Mentallo's mind probes by putting a song in his head while agents wearing helmets with telepathic protection shoot the villains' helmets, forcing them to remove them and take a full psychic attack from the ESP unit. Tony Stark fires a Neutraliser ray into the room that turns the H-Bomb into harmless ash and Dum Dum Dugan and his team arrest Fixer and Mentallo and free Fury. Outside the Helicarrier, a SHIELD jet comes under attack from a giant egg...

Strange Tales #144[1/2]
The techno-magician called the Druid sends a series of giant floating eggs to chase down and kill Nick Fury. When Fury and Dugan narrowly escape one of these eggs with their lives, Fury decides to go underground and meets new agent, Jasper Sitwell... 
Strange Tales #145[1/2]
Nick Fury interviews the Fixer to find out is he knows who's sending the eggs, but the truth gas only makes him reveal the existence of THEM. Fury starts using LMDs (Life Model Decoys) to misdirect his mystery attacker, but Druid confronts Fury directly and fights him hand-to-hand. Dum Dum Dugan and Jasper Sitwell use the Stark-built weaponry to take down Druid's men while Fury decks Druid.

Tales of Suspense #75[2/2]
The day after Captain America saves the country from the reactivated Nazi Sleeper robots, Steve Rogers sees a blonde woman on the street who reminds him of a past love from World War II. When the woman is pursued by the mercenary Batroc the Leaper, Steve dons his Captain America costume and comes to her aid. As the woman's package is damaged in the conflict, Batroc ends up enlisting Cap's help in an effort to stop its contents - the explosive element Inferno 42 - from exploding and destroying New York...

Tales of Suspense #76[2/2]
Captain America and Batroc pursue the blonde SHIELD agent to obtain the cylinder of Inferno 42 and save New York, only for Batroc to grab the cylinder for himself and take it back to THEM for payment. Captain America follows Batroc back to THEM's hideout, but both escape justice in favour of Cap checking up on the hospitalised agent of SHIELD.

Tales of Suspense #78[2/2]
Nick Fury and Captain America catch up for the first time since World War II when Fury asks for Cap's help to stop THEM's plot to build tiny brains to build Chemical Androids. One of these androids breaks into Avengers Mansion and attempts to kill them both. Cap sets off the mansion's capability to freeze over to slow it down and Fury defeats its tiny brain by giving it a knock-out pellet. Fury gives Cap an A-1 priority SHIELD card and continues his investigation, unaware that THEM are busy creating an army of androids...

Tales of Suspense #79[2/2]
Later, Captain America is attacked on the streets of New York by assassins only he can see, making other New Yorkers think he's lost it. Little does he know the Red Skull is back in the modern age after being rescued from beneath rubble that fell on his during World War II and an experimental gas kept him in stasis. His attempt to discredit Cap fails when he uses SHIELD counter-tech to see through the assassins' next attack and learns the Red Skull was behind the whole thing...

Strange Tales #146[1/2]
Soon after, Nick Fury and Dum Dum Dugan lead a SHIELD track down THEM's undersea base, fighting through Amphibian Androids until they're trapped by scientists dressed like yellow beekeepers. The agents of THEM are trampled by their own Hammer-Hand Androids and Fury's crew take the opportunity to escape. Putting two and two together, Fury realises the scientific organisation AIM (Advanced Idea Mechanics) are behind THEM.

Strange Tales #147[1/2]
Back at the SHIELD Helicarrier, an undercover agent of AIM tries to convince the US Military to replace SHIELD with AIM and get Nick Fury fired. When one of the barbershop entrances to a SHIELD base is discovered by THEM, Fury gets involved directly. SHIELD defeat THEM, but he mission raises the wrong eyebrows with the guys in charge. Nick Fury's meant to director SHIELD, not out himself in the firing line on dangerous missions...

Tales of Suspense #80[2/2]
A couple of weeks later, Captain America finds out the Red Skull has betrayed AIM and THEM and stolen their experimental Cosmic Cube. Cap follows a mind-controlled AIM agent to the Red Skull's island base where he easily defeats the Skull in hand-to-hand combat. The Skrull throws Cap off by revealing he was the one who ordered Baron Zemo to kill Bucky during World War II and uses his knock-out gas shirt to bring the Captain to his knees, nabbing the Cube to gain ultimate power...

Strange Tales #81[2/2]
The Red Skull plans to use his god-like power to enslave the Earth and take over the universe. He magics up his own suit of golden armour to emulate King Arthur and Captain America kneels to him, asking to become his servant. The Skull's arrogance prevents him from seeing through Cap's obvious ploy. He makes a grab for the Cube and the Skull loses control of his power, splitting the island in two. He falls into the sea in his heavy armour. The Cube falls elsewhere, covered in rock and silt. Cap is left alive on the last piece of rock left above the water.

Tales to Astonish #81[2/2]
A new criminal organisation, the Secret Empire, hire Boomerang to steal the new Orion Missile from the US Government. Below ground, Bruce Banner searches for Betty Ross, Rick Jones and Glenn Talbot who have been kidnapped by the Mole Man and Tyrannus. Banner transforms into the Hulk to fight his way through the subterranean factions, but the trio of captives are teleported to the surface where Boomerang captures Betty.

Tales to Astonish #82[2/2]
The Hulk is teleported to the surface, then leaps away from General 'Thunderbolt' Ross and his troops. Ross soon learns Boomerang has kidnapped his daughter. Back at the Secret Empire's base, the organisation is infiltrated and Number Five is gassed by a booby trap. The Hulk pursues Boomerang until he gives Betty up in favour of making his escape.

Tales to Astonish #83[1/2]
Namor the Sub-Mariner continues to pursue Warlord Krang who's kidnapped his beloved Lady Dorma (during AMONG US WALKS A GOLIATH). Namor locates Krang's flying warship and tears at it to get to Dorma. But Krang's fleet destroyer missile knocks Namor into the sea. He survives, but loses his memory. He's rescued by Number One from the Secret Empire who hopes to use the Sub-Mariner for his own purposes.

Tales to Astonish #83[2/2]
Betty tries to figure out if the Hulk is really Bruce Banner like Rick Jones told her. Thunderbolt Ross's forces focus on tracking the Hulk down. Hulk takes Thunderbolt Ross and Rick Jones back to Betty to reunite them. With hardly anyone left at the base to protect the Orion Missile, Boomerang makes his move. At the Secret Empire's headquarters, Number Two gathers the Empire to locate the traitor, only for them all to be taken out by a stun grenade from Number Nine...

Strange Tales #148[1/2]
THEM attempt to assassinate Nick Fury, 'killing' a Life Model Decoy of Fury, instead. Fury's brought before the Board of Inquiries for going on too many missions himself, thanks to Count Bornag Royale's ploy to get him fired. As 'THEM', AIM raid a SHIELD base in the hope of stealing LMDs to use their tech to upgrade their own deadly androids. When the Fury's trial on the Helicarrier goes badly, he throws himself out of a window...
Strange Tales #149[1/2]
Landing safely with his secret parachute belt, Nick Fury rushes to the raided SHIELD base, strips to his undies, pretends to be a Life Model Decoy and is stolen by AIM. Fury's so hardcore, he beats AIM down while he's only wearing his smalls. Gabe Jones returns from his mission to defeat the Secret Empire (turns out he was Number Nine all along) and captures fleeing AIM agents. Jasper Sitwell chases Count Bornag Royale to his secret lair which blows up when he's inside. Together, Fury, Jones, Sitwell and Dum Dum Dugan figure this whole thing is way bigger than they thought. AIM weren't the real masterminds behind THEM. No... Hydra are back!

Tales of Suspense #84[1/2]
Number One leads Namor to the city and sends him to kill the Hulk. Pursued by the police, Namor steals some clothes and drops into a cinema where he sees footage of the Hulk. Namor's memories slowly return and he ignores the commands of Number One in favour of going after Krang once again.

Tales of Suspense #84[2/2]
Little did Namor realise that the Hulk was loitering at the back of the same cinema, 'disguised' in a trench coat and fedora stolen from an oversized men's store. The news reveals that Glenn Talbot threatened to detonate the Orion Missile rather than allow Boomerang to get his hands on it. When he gets outside, the Hulk's hat blows away in the wind, revealing his identity. He runs away from the baying crowds and heads off, alone.

Tales to Astonish #85[1/2]
Namor destroys the device Number One gave him to radio his commands. The desperate Number One sends out a signal to enrage Namor into doing his bidding and attack the Hulk. Instead, Namor rampages through a funfair and the Hulk ends up at the source of the signal by coincidence. Number One tries to blow the Hulk up with a bomb, but kills himself instead. Somewhere, a mysterious figure strikes AIM and the Secret Empire's names off a chalk board...

Tales of Suspense #82[2/2]
At Avengers Mansion, Captain America is attacked by Agent Axis and Fang the Warlord - two dead villains from World War II. Reunited with Bucky, Cap begins to wonder if his time in the modern age was all a dream and falls unconscious. Jarvis picks him up and carries him to bed. But it's not really Jarvis! Elsewhere, SHIELD find Count Bornag Royale and alive but injured in his techno-cave. He warns them that the Adaptoid has escaped...
Tales of Suspense #83[2/2]
AIM's experimental Adaptoid android has replaced Captain America. The Tumbler breaks into Avengers Mansion, reveals his ridiculous origin and defeats the Adaptoid, believing it's Captain America. The real Cap breaks free, beats the Tumbler and ties the Adaptoid up with rope...

Tales of Suspense #84[2/2]
The rest of the Avengers - Hawkeye, Wasp and Goliath - come to see the inert Adaptoid. When they leave, the Adaptoid springs into action having absorbed all the group's powers and renames itself the Super-Adaptoid. Alone and outmatched, Captain America convinces the Super-Adaptoid to fly out of the mansion, taking Cap with him and landing on a bridge. The Super-Adaptoid throws Cap across the water and he barely survives the impact. Believing Captain America is dead, the Super-Adaptoid flies away.
Tales of Suspense #77 (1966)
A flashback tale reveals how Captain America lost track of the blonde-haired love of his life, but doesn't reveal her name.

Amazing Spider-Man Annual #3 (1966) 
The Avengers try to capture the Hulk, rather than help him.

Tales to Astonish #85 (1966) 
Gorki is revealed to be a spy.

Tales of Suspense #13 (1967)
Captain America has a rematch with Batroc and meets the mysterious but familiar blonde Agent 13 again.

Tales to Astonish #86 (1966) 
Boomerang returns and has a rematch with the Hulk.

Tales to Astonish #87 (1967) 
Bruce Banner's dual identity becomes public knowledge.

X-Men #29 (1967) 
The Super-Adaptoid resurfaces, taking on the X-Men.

Strange Tales #150 (1966) 
SHIELD begin their mission to take down Hydra and their leader, the Supreme Hydra.

Tales to Astonish #87 (1967) 
Sub-Mariner defeats Krang and is reunited with Lady Dorma.

Tales of Suspense #88-89 (1967) 
The Red Skull returns and reveals how he used the last of the Cosmic Cube's power left within him to escape drowning during BACK FROM THE DEAD.

Avengers #40 (1967) 
Namor the Sub-Mariner finds the Cosmic Cube at the bottom of the ocean; the Mole Man obtains the Cube and discards it during BACK FROM THE DEAD.

Strange Tales #156-158 (1967) 
Nick Fury discovers Baron Wolfgang von Strucker is the Supreme Hydra; Hydra are defeated and Hydra Island is destroyed with help from Laura Brown. 

X-Men #34 (1967) 
Tyrannus is restored to his youthful form.

Tales of Suspense #92-94 (1967) 
AIM regroup and return with a new leader, MODOK, becoming a recurring threat to Earth's heroes.

Avengers #45 (1967) 
The Super-Adaptoid takes on the entire Avengers line-up.

Tales of Suspense #95 (1967)
Jasper Sitwell becomes Stark Industries' liaison to SHIELD during ALONE AGAINST A.I.M.

Captain America #105 (1968)
Batroc forms his first incarnation of Batroc's Brigade, joining forces with Swordsman and the Living Laser.

Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD #4 (1968) 
Hydra return under new leadership.

Captain America #108 (1968)
Captain America learns's Agent 13's real name is Sharon Carter.

Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD #9 (1969)
Laura Brown become a regular ally of SHIELD.

Captain America #114-119 (1969) 
The Red Skull briefly regains the Cosmic Cube during THE MAN BEHIND THE MASK.

Iron Man #19 (1969)
Tony Stark undergoes surgery to finally rectify the issues with his heart during ENDGAME.

Incredible Hulk #124 (1970) 
Betty Ross almost marries Bruce Banner, but he transforms into the Hulk on their wedding day; Betty turns to Glenn Talbot for comfort.

Captain America #130 (1970)
Batroc forms his second incarnation of Batroc's Brigade with Porcupine and Whirlwind.

Amazing Adventures #11 (1972) 
The Secret Empire reform with a new Number One.

Incredible Hulk #155 (1972) 
The Skrulls are revealed to have created the first Cosmic Cube.

Fantastic Four #127-128 (1972) 
The war between the Mole Man and Tyrannus resumes.

Incredible Hulk #158 (1972) 
Betty Ross marries Glenn Talbot.

Captain America #161-162 (1973)
Captain America's long-lost love from World War II is named as Peggy Carter (though her familial connection to Sharon Carter changes over the years).

Captain America #169 (1974) 
Another new Secret Empire is formed; Tumbler is killed by Moonstone during SECRET EMPIRES.

Captain America #174-175 (1974) 
The revelation of the new Number One's identity causes Steve Rogers to quit being Captain America for some time during SECRET EMPIRES.

Captain America #187-188 (1975)
The Druid (aka Dredmund the Druid) returns, attacking SHIELD and Captain America.

Marvel Premiere #20-21 (1975)
Batroc begins populating Batroc's Brigade with street thugs.

Daredevil #123 (1975)
Mentallo returns, with his powers fully restored.

Marvel Two-in-One #26-27 (1977)
Fixer and Mentallo join forces again in another attempt to capture the SHIELD Helicarrier; Fixer and Mentallo turn Deathlok against SHIELD during DAY OF THE DEMOLISHER

Iron Man #104 (1977)
Having fallen in love with Madame Masque (Whitney Frost), Jasper Sitwell passes up a chance at revenge on his romantic competitor, Tony Stark, prioritising his role as a loyal agent of SHIELD.

Super-Villain Team-Up #16-17 (1979) 
The Red Skull creates a flawed Cosmic Cube and traps a clone of Adolf Hitler inside it.

Captain America #238 (1979)
Mentallo's recruitment into SHIELD is revealed in a flashback sequence.

Incredible Hulk #260 (1981) 
Glenn Talbot dies while pursuing the Hulk.

Captain America Annual #7 (1983) 
The Cosmic Cube is revealed to be sentient and evolving; the Cube transforms into a being called Kubik.

Captain America #291 (1984) 
The brother of the original Tumbler becomes the new Tumbler and is defeated by Captain America.

Captain America #294 (1984) 
The experimental gas is revealed to have worn off the Red Skull and Horst Lederer, making them age rapidly.

Captain America #295 (1984) 
Horst Lederer dies of old age.

Captain America #300 (1984) 
The aged Red Skull dies in battle with Captain America.

Captain America #304-305 (1985)
Machete and Zaran become the most regular members of Batroc's Brigade, with Machete being replaced by his siblings taking up the name Machete as each eventually meets their fate.

Iron Man #202 (1986)
Fixer finally faces off against his intellectual equal, Tony Stark (as Iron Man).

Incredible Hulk #319 (1986) 
Betty Ross and Bruce Banner are married.

Avengers #273-276 (1986-1987)
Fixer joins the Masters of Evil line-up who successfully take over Avengers Mansion during UNDER SIEGE.

Avengers #287 (1986)
Disguised as the Fixer, the Super-Adaptoid tricks Mentallo into assisting him against the Avengers.

Nick Fury vs SHIELD #1-6 (1988)
Jasper Sitwell is among the SHIELD agents killed and replaced by the Deltite's LMDs.

Marvel Comics Presents #34 (1989) 
A flashback tale reveals how Agent Axis was killed by the Thin Man during World War II.

Captain America #350 (1989) 
The Red Skull returns in a body cloned by Arnim Zola using Captain America's DNA.

Fantastic Four Annual #23 (1990) 
The Molecule Man and the Beyonder merge to become a new Cosmic Cube.

Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD #21 (1991) 
Baron Wolfgang von Strucker returns.

Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD #42-44 (1992-1993)
Jasper Sitwell and the other replaced agents of SHIELD are revealed to be alive, having been placed in suspended animation by the Delitite; Sitwell immediately returns to active duty.

Thunderstrike #13-14 (1994)
Bison is sent to steal Inferno 42 from SHIELD on behalf of Mongoose; Bison is defeated by Thunderstrike and Luke Cage and SHIELD move Inferno 42 to a secure location. 

Avengers #386 (1995) 
AIM create another Cosmic Cube which the Red Skull attempts to claim during TAKING A.I.M.

Captain America #445-448 (1995-1996) 
The Red Skull sends Captain America into the old flawed Cosmic Cube to kill Hitler; the Red Skull is turned to ash by the power of the Cube.

Thunderbolts #1 (1997)
As Techno, Fixer joins the Thunderbolts - a select group of Baron Zemo's Masters of Evil pretending to be heroes - during JUSTICE LIKE LIGHTING.

Thunderbolts #7-8 (1997)
As Techno, the Fixer uploads his consciousness into a robotic body.

Captain America #15 (1999) 
The Red Skull gains the power of the flawed Cosmic Cube, is fully resurrected and recreates a version of his golden armour.

Agent X #6 (2003)
Batroc's daughter, Marie Batroc, is among a group of villains hired to kill Agent X (aka Nijo, aka Alex Hayden); Agent X kills Marie Batroc, claiming he hates racial stereotypes.

Captain America #1 (2005) 
The Red Skull is assassinated by the Winter Soldier in order to obtain a new Cosmic Cube for Aleksander Lukin; the Skull uses the Cube to transfer his consciousness into Lukin's body.

Captain America #14 (2006) 
The Winter Soldier is revealed to be Bucky Barnes, having survived World War II; Captain America restores Bucky's memories using a Cosmic Cube.

Civil War #6 (2006)
Fixer becomes a registered hero during CIVIL WAR.

Annihilation: Quasar #4 (2007) 
The Super-Adaptoid is destroyed by Quasar (Phyla-Vell) during ANNIHILATION: CONQUEST.

Wolverine: Origins #16-20 (2007-2008) 
Flashbacks reveal Hydra emerging from being a secret society for the first time in centuries while under the leadership of Baron Wolfgang von Strucker during World War II.

Secret Warriors #1-6 (2009) 
Nick Fury learns SHIELD was always a puppet organisation of Hydra; Hydra's existence is revealed to date back to the Third Dynasty of Egypt; Jasper Sitwell is among the agents who remain loyal to Nick Fury when Norman Osborn disbands SHIELD and replaces it with HAMMER during DARK REIGN / NICK FURY, AGENT OF NOTHING.

Siege #4 (2010) 
As Steve Rogers, Captain America becomes Director of SHIELD during SIEGE.

Secret Warriors #26-27 (2011) 
Nick Fury reveals to Strucker that it was actually him who'd been working for Fury the whole time.

Winder Soldier #10 (2012)
Japser Sitwell is shot dead by a brainwashed Black Widow while protecting Nick Fury.

Superior Foes of Spider-Man #1 (2013) 
A flashback reveals how the Secret Empire hired and outfitted Boomerang after he was caught up in a bribery scandal during MARVEL NOW!

Superior Spider-Man #25 (2014) 
Roderick Kingsley (the original Hobgoblin) sells the Tumbler identity to a new villain.

Captain America #6 (2012) 
A new Hydra is formed from the ashes of the old Hydra.

Captain America and Iron Man #633 (2012)
Batroc forms a new Batroc's Brigade with Rapido and a female Machete.

Captain America: White #3-5 (2015-2016)
An untold tale of Captain America's early days reveals Cap faced Batroc's grandfather, Olivier Batroc (aka, the Leaper) during World War II.

Howling Commandos of SHIELD #1 (2015)
Jasper Sitwell returns as a zombie under unexplained circumstances; zombie Sitwell joins the monster-themed Howling Commandos during ALL-NEW, ALL DIFFERENT MARVEL.

Avengers: Standoff - Assault on Pleasant Hill: Omega #1 (2016) 
The Red Skull rebuilds Hydra from the ground up during STANDOFF.

Secret Empire #10 (2017) 
Hydra's attempt to take over America using a Captain America from an alternate Earth is thwarted by Earth's heroes during SECRET EMPIRE.
Marvel Masterworks: Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. vol.1
S.H.I.E.L.D. by Lee & Kirby: The Complete Collection
S.H.I.E.L.D.: The Complete Collection Omnibus
Includes Strange Tales #141[1/2]-149[1/2] and Tales of Suspense #78[2/2]

Thunderbolts: Marvel's Most Wanted
Includes Strange Tales #141[1/2]-143[1/2]

Captain America Epic Collection vol.1: Captain America Lives Again
Captain America Omnibus vol.1
Essential Captain America vol.1

Includes Tales of Suspense #75[2/2]-76[2/2], 78[2/2]-84[2/2]

Marvel Masterworks: Captain America vol.1
Includes Tales of Suspense #75[2/2]-76[2/2], 78[2/2]-81[2/2]

Marvel Masterworks: Captain America vol.2
Includes Tales of Suspense #82[2/2]-84[2/2]

Marvel Superhero Team-Up
Includes Tales of Suspense #78[2/2]

Captain America vs the Red Skull
Includes Tales of Suspense #79[2/2]-81[2/2]

Essential Hulk vol.1
Incredible Hulk Epic Collection vol.2: The Hulk Must Die!
Incredible Hulk Omnibus vol.1
Marvel Masterworks: Incredible Hulk vol.3

Includes Tales to Astonish #81[2/2]-85[2/2]

Marvel Visionaries: John Buscema
Includes Tales to Astonish #85[2/2]

Essential Sub-Mariner vol.1
Marvel Masterworks: The Sub-Mariner vol.1

Includes Tales to Astonish #83[1/2]-84[1/2]

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