When Marvel Comics purchased Malibu Comics (beating DC Comics to the punch), a crossover between their two universes was inevitable. The event builds-up to the big guest-star reveal, as Thor enters the Ultraverse (though very briefly). More Marvel characters - including the Silver Surfer and Adam Warlock - feature in the epilogue issues, but we wouldn't see the full effect of Earth-616 (the mainstream Marvel Universe ) and Earth-93060 (the Ultraverse) truly collide with each other until COUNTDOWN TO BLACK SEPTEMBER . I'm not expert on Malibu or the Ultraverse, so please feel free to correct me if you spot any mistakes! Even coming into this having read just a few Ultraverse comics, I really wasn't entirely sure what was going on at times! Lord Pumpkin #0 (tie-in) Giant-Size Rune #1 [1/2] Rune #7-9 Freex #17 (tie-in) Mantra #17 Giant-Size Warstrike #1 Hardcase #18 (tie-in) Godwheel #0 Godwheel #1-3 Rune/The Silver Surfer #1 [1/2] (also see THE WATCH IS BROK...