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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 1, 2019

GODWHEEL (1994-1995)

When Marvel Comics purchased Malibu Comics (beating DC Comics to the punch), a crossover between their two universes was inevitable. The event builds-up to the big guest-star reveal, as  Thor enters the Ultraverse (though very briefly). More Marvel characters - including the Silver Surfer and Adam Warlock - feature in the epilogue issues, but  we wouldn't see the full effect of Earth-616 (the mainstream Marvel Universe ) and Earth-93060 (the Ultraverse) truly collide with each other until COUNTDOWN TO BLACK SEPTEMBER .  I'm not expert on Malibu or the Ultraverse, so please feel free to correct me if you spot any mistakes! Even coming into this having read just a few Ultraverse comics, I really wasn't entirely sure what was going on at times! Lord Pumpkin #0 (tie-in) Giant-Size Rune #1 [1/2] Rune #7-9 Freex #17 (tie-in) Mantra #17 Giant-Size Warstrike #1 Hardcase #18 (tie-in) Godwheel #0 Godwheel #1-3 Rune/The Silver Surfer #1 [1/2] (also see THE WATCH IS BROK...


Just a quick hit from Earth-120185 , as Swoop  of the Dinobots reveals a long-standing rivalry with the Predacon known as Divebomb . Turns out that name used to belong to Swoop and he's looking to take it back... Transformers Annual 1987 [1/6] Transformers #135 [1/2] Transformers #136 [1/2] Transformers Annual 1987 [1/6] Millions of years ago on Cybertron , the Autobot called Divebomb lost a fight with a Decepticon flyer who then laid claim to his name. The Autobot went looking for rematch, only to lose again and survived when Optimus Prime stepped in to save his life. He lied about Prime's involvement to hide his shame. Now the Autobot continues the war on Earth as Swoop , a member of the Dinobots . But he's still eager to have his revenge some day... Transformers #135 [1/2] The Dinobots Sludge and Swoop are monitoring human news channels when they learn of the Predacon s' attack on a circus. Swoop recognises Divebomb and flies off to confront him alone, only ...

SECOND GENESIS (1974-1975)

After 66 issues, Marvel had accepted that the X-Men just didn't resonate with fans the way they'd hoped. In 1970, the team of teenage mutants were relegated to guest appearances in more popular characters' titles while their own series reprinted their earlier adventures. Four years later, we were introduced to a scrappy Canadian mutant who would herald the arrival of an all-new, all-different team if X-Men in Giant-Size X-Men #1 the following year with a more international feel. The X-Men won their own title back and the rest is history! [ WOLVERINE READING ORDER : Before the X-Men] Incredible Hulk #180-181 Incredible Hulk #182 (tie-in) Giant-Size X-Men #1 [1/3] X-Men #94-95 Incredible Hulk #180 When the Hulk leaps back into Canada, a secret military installation mobilises Weapon X against him. He eventually stumbles on Marie Cartier who plans to free her brother from the Wendigo curse by magically switching his mind with the Hulk's. Hulk wakes up before she can ...