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Just a quick hit from Earth-120185, as Swoop of the Dinobots reveals a long-standing rivalry with the Predacon known as Divebomb. Turns out that name used to belong to Swoop and he's looking to take it back...
  • Transformers Annual 1987[1/6]
  • Transformers #135[1/2]
  • Transformers #136[1/2]
Transformers Annual 1987[1/6]
Millions of years ago on Cybertron, the Autobot called Divebomb lost a fight with a Decepticon flyer who then laid claim to his name. The Autobot went looking for rematch, only to lose again and survived when Optimus Prime stepped in to save his life. He lied about Prime's involvement to hide his shame. Now the Autobot continues the war on Earth as Swoop, a member of the Dinobots. But he's still eager to have his revenge some day...

Transformers #135[1/2]
The Dinobots Sludge and Swoop are monitoring human news channels when they learn of the Predacons' attack on a circus. Swoop recognises Divebomb and flies off to confront him alone, only to find himself outnumbered by the five Predacons.

Transformers #136[1/2]
The Dinobots show up to save their friend and overpower them. Swoop realises he's losing the fight with Divebomb and lures him into Grimlock's path. Divebomb tells Grimock the truth about Optimus Prime saving Swoop all those years ago, but Grimlock doesn't care. The Dinobots look after their own and allow the Predacons to walk away in defeat. 

Transformers #38-39 (UK, 1987)
Fortress Maximus and his team of Autobots come to Earth, leading to the end of Grimlock's tenure as leader during HEADMASTERS.

Transformers #42 (US, 1988)
Optimus Prime is rebuilt using Powermaster technology on Nebulos and returns as leader of the Autobots.

Transformers #50 (US, 1988)The Underbase-powered Starscream kills the Predacons before Divebomb can have his rematch with Swoop.

Transformers: Best of UK - Prey
Transformers Classics UK vol.4
Transformers: Prey
Include Transformers #135[1/2]-136[1/2] and Transformers Annual 1987[1/6]

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