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HONOR (1984-1985)

Colossus became a little obsessed with the alien healer Zsaji on Battleworld during the SECRET WARS. The thing is, he was meant to be with Ariel (aka, Kitty Pryde, his X-Men team mate), but he figured the heroes stranded on Battleworld might never make it home. Ultimately, Zsaji sacrificed her own life to save Colossus and the heroes returned to Earth. But where does that leave Colossus and Kitty...?
  • Uncanny X-Men #183
  • Kitty Pryde and Wolverine #1-3
  • Kitty Pryde and Wolverine #4 (also see THE SURTUR SAGA)
  • Kitty Pryde and Wolverine #5-6
  • Uncanny X-Men #192 (tie-in)
  • Alpha Flight #16-17 (tie-in)
Uncanny X-Men #183
Colossus breaks the news to Kitty Pryde that he met someone else on Battleworld, expressing his sadness that she died for him and explaining that he's feelings for her have changed. Kitty decides to take a leave of absence from the X-Men and visit her father. Rogue leaves the mansion when Storm fails to convince her to express her feelings after Michael Rossi told Rogue he hated her fr what she'd done to Carol Danvers. Wolverine and Nightcrawler take Colossus to a bar to get him wasted, only for him to get into a fight with the Juggernaut on a night off. The bar is destroyed and Colossus loses. Wolverine tells Colossus the way he treated Kitty lacked honour and he broke her trust. Juggernaut narrowly avoids having his powers sucked out by Selene. And Raven Darkholme (aka Mystique) sets up a meeting between Val Cooper and her friend, Forge.

Kitty Pryde and Wolverine #1
Kitty Pryde moves back to the Illinois and soon finds out her dad, Carmen Pryde, has the family bank in dire straights and is making deals with Yakuza boss, Heiji Shigematsu, who kidnaps Carmen to Japan. Kitty phases aboard another flight, only to find herself alone in Japan without a plan, money or shelter. She makes a collect call to the Xavier School for Gifted Youngers. When Wolverine answers, she hangs up. Kitty phases into Shigematsu's head office to witness her dad making a deal with him...

Kitty Pryde and Wolverine #2
Wolverine traces call and jumps on a flight to Japan. Shigematsu's enforcer, Ogun, takes Kitty for himself, despite Carmen Pryde's protests. Ogun mentally breaks Kitty down, making her forget her life as Ariel and starts her personality over from scratch, with a lifetime's worth of ninja training thrown in. Now she's a short-haired ninja badass who can kill a room of ninjas without breaking a sweat. Her first mission is to kill Wolverine.

Kitty Pryde and Wolverine #3
Wolverine sends Yukio to rescue Carmen Pryde while he deals with Shigematsu. Instead, he faces a vicious, skilled, masked ninja warrior he can't seem to touch. It takes him a surprisingly long time to realise he's fighting a brainwashed Kitty Pryde. Yukio and Carmen Pryde arrive in time to see Kitty put a sword through Wolverine's chest...

Kitty Pryde and Wolverine #4
Yukio drives the gutted Wolverine, Carmen Pryde and the bound Kitty Pryde to the mountain stronghold of Clan Yashida in a freak snowstorm (caused during THE SURTUR SAGA). Wolverine hopes to break Ogun's hold over Kitty before it becomes complete. He calls Professor X to tells him what's been happening and learns of the death of James MacDonald Hudson (aka, Guardian of Alpha Flight). When Kitty believes she's broken Ogun's hold, she sneaks out and gets a plan to Tokyo...

Kitty Pryde and Wolverine #5
Kitty Pryde warns Heiji Shigematsu to stay away from her dad, Carmen Pryde. She adopts a new look and the name Shadowcat and prepares to confront Ogun. Her ninja skills still aren't enough to defeat him. Just as Ogun's about to deliver the killing blow, Wolverine arrives...
Kitty Pryde and Wolverine #6
Wolverine's battle with Ogun rages through the streets of Tokyo. Shadowcat ends up saving Yukio, Mariko Yashida and Amiko Kobayashi (Wolverine's foster daughter in Mariko's care) from Shigematsu's goon, Shumai. Wolverine gives in to his berserker rage in a last-ditch attempt to survive the fight and it works! He gives Kitty the opportunity to kill Ogun but she passes, proving to Logan that Ogun's influence has left her. Ogun tries to strike back, but a combo move from the two X-Men ends with Wolverine's claws in Ogun's heart. Carmen Pryde hands himself in to the US Embassy to face up to his crimes. Shadowcat and Wolverine agree to spend a little more quality time in Japan with Mariko and Amiko.

Uncanny X-Men #192
Rachel Summers suddenly remembers that she came back in time to try to change her past and save their present by destroying Project: Nimrod. Wolverine and Shadowcat meet the X-Men and Rachel at the airport and Kitty remembers Rachel from her mind-swap with Kitty Pryde of Earth-811 (during DAYS OF FUTURE PAST). The Magus (the Technarch father of the alien Warlock form the New Mutants) arrives on Earth and tries to absorb Nightcrawler and Colossus. Rogue kisses Magus and absorb his powers and memories and temporarily turns into a Technarch. The Magus leaves before the other X-Men arrive. Later, Professor X finishes up a lecture and Columbia University in his Charles Xavier identity, only to be assaulted by mutant-hating students and left for dead.

Alpha Flight #16 (tie-in)
Puck and Namor the Sub-Mariner's investigation into an alien Plodex in Lake Ontario reveals the return of the Master of the World, now free of the Plodex ship that kept him alive for thousands of years. Puck and Namor free the captive, raging Marrina before the Master can force her to breed with the other Plodex. Namor takes Puck to the surface and the Master's ship appears to explode. The saddened Namor leaves and a humiliated Marrina emerges, back to her normal self, and decides to become a recluse. Elsewhere, Roger Bochs summons the Madison Jeffries to his home to help him get revenge on Jerome Jaxon. Heather Hudson recovers in hospital from the wounds she received from the Plodex where she gets a surprise visit from Wolverine...

Alpha Flight #17 (tie-in)
Heather and Wolverine reminisce about the key moments in James 'Mac' Hudson's career; donning the Weapon Alpha suit, losing Wolverine to the X-Men, failing to bring Wolverine back and tackling the X-Men head-on as Vindicator! Wolverine tries to convince Heather to stop blaming herself for Mac's death and to take over as Alpha Flight's leader. Elsewhere, Sasquatch's experiments gives Aurora new abilities and severs the powers-based bond between her and her brother, Northstar. Aurora figures it's also time to debut a new, more revealing costume.

Uncanny X-Men #184 (1984) 
Having lost her chance to absorb Juggernaut's life force, Selene tries to claim Rachel Summers instead; Raven Darkholme introduces Valerie Cooper to Forge; Forge reveals he's created a version of Rom's Neutraliser that can kill Dire Wraiths (and also take away mutants' powers) during THE DEMON BEAR SAGA / WRAITH WAR.

Uncanny X-Men #185-186 (1984) 
Storm finally catches up with Rogue, only to be shot by the Neutraliser instead of Rogue; Storm gets close to Forge until she discovers he was ultimately responsible for the loss of her powers during WRAITH WAR.

Uncanny X-Men #188 (1984) 
The other side of Professor X's conversation of Wolverine can be heard during WRAITH WAR / THE SURTUR SAGA.

Marvel Team-Up #150 (1985) 
Colossus has his rematch with the Juggernaut, alongside the X-Men and Spider-Man.

Alpha Flight #18 (1985) 
Heather Hudson tries out the Guardian suit but decides against it; Heather begins reforming Alpha Flight.

Alpha Flight #20 (1985) 
Aurora debuts her new costume.

Prince Namor, the Sub-Mariner #1-4 (1984) 
Namor the Sub-Mariner pursues new love interest, Jacqueline Trufaut; Trufaut turns out to be an enemy of Atlantis.

Power Pack #9 (1985) 
Marrina helps Power Pack recapture the alien Snake-Eyes.

X-Men and Alpha Flight #1-2 (1985) 
Wolverine is soon reunited with Heather Hudson and Alpha Flight during ASGARDIAN WARS.

Alpha Flight #22 (1985) 
'James Hudson' seemingly returns from the dead.

Alpha Flight #24 (1985) 
Roger Bochs joins Alpha Flight as Box; Roger Bochs gives up his robot body for Walter Langkowski to use as a host when his Sasquatch body is destroyed.

Uncanny X-Men #193 (1985) 
The homeless person who saved Professor X is revealed to be Callisto; Nimrod continues his search for Rachel Summers in the present during LEGION.

New Mutants #26-28 (1985) 
Professor X recovers from the attack by mutant-haters on Muir Island during LEGION.

Uncanny X-Men #196 (1985) 
Professor X returns to America; the X-Men locate his attackers during SECRET WARS II.

Alpha Flight #25-27 (1985) 
Alpha Flight face the 'resurrected' Guardian's Omega Flight; 'Guardian'/'James Hudson' is revealed to be the robotic Delphine Courtney during AND THE GRAVES GIVE UP THEIR DEAD.

Alpha Flight #28 (1985) 
Delphine Courtney is destroyed during AND THE GRAVES GIVE UP THEIR DEAD / SECRET WARS II.

Uncanny X-Men #199 (1985) 
As Mystique, Raven Darkholme offers her services to Val Cooper when she transforms the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants into the government-sponsored Freedom Force during THE TRIAL OF MAGNETO.

Alpha Flight #32 (1986) 
Heather Hudson dons the Guardian suit, but takes the name Vindicator.

Alpha Flight #33 (1986) 
A flashback sequence reveals how James and Heather Hudson found Wolverine running wild in Buffalo National Park.

Uncanny X-Men #202 (1985) 
The Beyonder shows Rachel Summers the moment when Nimrod kills Kate Pryde during SECRET WARS II.

Alpha Flight #40 (1986) 
The second Plodex creature returns and is destroyed by Alpha Flight and Namor the Sub-Mariner; Marrina and Namor marry during ASSAULT ON ATLANTIS.

New Mutants #46 (1986) 
Magus tracks down Warlock, but the New Mutants help him escape during MUTANT MASSACRE.

New Mutants #50 (1987) 
Magus confronts Warlock again; with with help from the New Mutants, Professor X and the Starjammers, Warlock sends him back into space.

Alpha Flight #41 (1986) 
Madison Jeffries officially joins Alpha Flight.

Uncanny X-Men #225-226 (1988) 
Storm and Forge spend a year on another plane of existence and admit their love for each other; Forge restores Storm's powers during FALL OF THE MUTANTS.

Excalibur Special Edition #1 (1988) 
Shadowcat and Rachel Summers become close friends after joining the UK-based Excalibur team during THE SWORD IS DRAWN.

Avengers #291-293 (1988) 
Marrina conceives three Plodex-Atlantean hybrid children with Namor; Marrina's Plodex nature transforms her into the Leviathan; Black Knight kills Marrina during FUTURES IMPERFECT.

Alpha Flight #76 (1989) 
The Master of the World is revealed to be alive; a new Gamma Flight is formed by the Canadian Government to replace Alpha Flight.

Alpha Flight #78 (1989) 
Llan the Sorcerer reveals the Master of the World is holding Marina's body.

Alpha Flight #87-91 (1990) 
The Canadian Government restarts Department H and reinstates the Alpha Flight programme; Guardian (James MacDonald Hudson) is revealed to be alive; Mac was teleported out of his suit by the alien Quwrlin before it exploded; Vindicator (Heather Hudson) becomes Guardian; James MacDonald Hudson rejoins Alpha Flight as Vindicator; Vindicator and Guardian face Doctor Doom for the first time, together.

Classic X-Men #44 (1990) 
The full story of how Rogue left a boy in a coma is explained.

X-Factor #71 (1991) 
Val Cooper becomes the government liaison to the mutant team X-Factor during MUTANT GENESIS.

Wolverine #57 (1992) 
Wolverine doesn't get to patch up his relationship with Mariko Yashida as Matsuo Tsurayaba poisons her; Wolverine ends her life rather than allowing the poison to give her a slow, painful death.

Excalibur #66-67 (1993) 
Kate Pryde of Earth-811 is revealed to have survived Nimrod's attack and used by Nimrod to locate Rachel Summers' place in time; Kate Pryde merged with Nimrod's time-warp and sent her consciousness into present day Earth-616 where it inhabited the floating robot head called Widget; Rachel Summers (as Phoenix) and Excalibur free Earth-811 from the Sentinels' control.

Wolverine #82 (1994) 

Yukio takes over as Amiko's guardian following the death of Mariko Yashida.

Wolverine #89 (1995) 

Wolverine's training from Ogun is first explored in a flashback sequence; Ogun's spirit returns and is defeated by Wolverine and Ghost Rider by destroying his mask.

Wolverine #111-114 (1997) 

Wolverine recalls his first meeting with Ogun; Ogun tries to possesses Lady Deathstrike and Viper until he's forced out by Wolverine.

Excalibur #111 (1997) 

Ogun briefly possesses Shadowcat during A MOST DANGEROUS GAME.

Kitty Pryde, Agent of SHIELD #1-3 (1997-1998) 

Ogun returns to claim Shadowcat and destroy Wolverine, this time using SHIELD against them; Ogun is destroyed by Shadowcat during A MOST DANGEROUS GAME.

X-Men #110 (2001) 

When Colossus gives his life to end the threat of the Legacy Virus, Kitty Pryde takes his ashes back to Russia during THE CURE.

Avengers #47 (2001) 

Marrina's body can be seen in one of the Master of the World's stasis tubes during KANG DYNASTY.

New X-Men #115 (2001) 

Cassandra Nova's Wild Sentinels massacre the inhabitants of Genosha during BRAVE NEW WORLD.

X-Men Unlimited #36 (2002) 

Carmen Pryde is revealed to have been among those who died on Genosha where he was continuing to try to redeem himself during MEKANIX.

Astonishing X-Men #5-6 (2004) 

Kitty Pryde is reunited with a resurrected Colossus during X-MEN RELOAD.

Alpha Flight #4-6 (2004) 

Alpha Flight tackle the Plodex in the forms of the original Alpha Flight line-up.

Astonishing X-Men #14 (2006) 

Kitty Pryde and Colossus get back together and finally consummate their relationship.

Civil War: The Initiative #1 (2007) 

Following the death of Alpha Flight, Sasquatch forms a new team dubbed Omega Flight during CIVIL WAR / THE INITIATIVE.

Wolverine: Origins #29 (2008) 

Wolverine learns he was coerced into joining the X-Men by Romulus so that he could kill Charles Xavier; Xavier broke his programming and he agreed to stay with the team during ORIGINAL SIN.

X-Men Legacy #224 (2009) 

Rogue finally gains control over her absorption powers.

Dark Reign - The List: X-Men #1 (2010) 

Norman Osborn uses the reanimated Marrina in her Leviathan form against Namor the Sub-Mariner; Namor kills Leviathan/Marrina to save the X-Men's Utopia base during DARK REIGN - THE LIST / NATION X.

Chaos War: Alpha Flight #1 (2011) 

Marrina is resurrected along with the other deceased members of Alpha Flight during CHAOS WAR.

Alpha Flight #0.1 (2011) 

Marrina rejoins Alpha Flight.

X-Men Legacy #2-3 (2012) 

Ogun is revealed to have raised twins - Karasu-Tengu and Sojobo-Tengu - to become his heirs during MARVEL NOW!

Death of Wolverine #2 (2014) 

Ogun puts a bounty on Wolverine during DEATH OF WOLVERINE.

Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program #3 (2015) 

Ogun returns, looking to possess Wolverine; learning Wolverine is dead, he possesses Sharp instead during DEATH OF WOLVERINE.

X-Men Gold #20 (2018) 

Colossus and Shadowcat get engaged.

X-Men Gold #30 (2018) 

Kitty Pryde breaks off the wedding at the last moment due to their fraught history during 'TIL DEATH DO US PART.
Marvel Masterworks: The Uncanny X-Men vol.10
Includes Uncanny X-Men #183

Marvel Masterworks: The Uncanny X-Men vol.11
Includes Kitty Pryde and Wolverine #1-6 and Uncanny X-Men #192

Alpha Flight Classic vol.2
Alpha Flight by John Byrne Omnibus

Include Alpha Flight #16-17

Wolverine Omnibus vol.1
X-Men: Kitty Pryde and Wolverine - Premiere Edition

Include Kitty Pryde and Wolverine #1-6

Essential X-Men vol.5
Includes Uncanny X-Men #183, 192

X-Men Epic Collection vol.12: The Gift
Includes Uncanny X-Men #192

Marvel Firsts: The 1980s vol.2
Includes Kitty Pryde and Wolverine #1

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