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After the popularity of THE AMALGAM AGE OF COMICS titles that were released as a part of MARVEL VERSUS DC, Marvel and DC combined forces again one year later to produce another twelve one-shots taking place in the Amalgam Universe (Earth-9602). Some are complete stories and others are left on cliffhangers we'll never see resolved.

This time, readers would see combined versions of Generation X & Jonah Hex (Generation Hex), Man-Thing & Man-Bat (Bat-Thing), Howard the Duck & Lobo (Lobo the Duck), Thor & Orion (Thorion) and Iron Man & Green Lantern (Iron Lantern), as well as a host of amalgamated supporting characters and villains.

We'd also see more tales starring amalgamated characters we'd already met, such as Super-Soldier (Captain America & Superman), Spider-Boy (Spider-Man & Superboy), X-Patrol (X-Force & X-Men & Teen TitansDoom Patrol), Dark Claw (Wolverine & Batman), the Magnetic Men (X-Men & Metal Men) and the JLX (X-Men & Avengers & Justice League).

And the Challengers of the Fantastic (Fantastic Four & Challengers of the Unknown) would also get their very own one-shot, after their previous cameo.
  • Generation Hex #1
  • Super-Soldier: Man of War #1
  • Bat-Thing #1
  • Lobo the Duck #1
  • Spider-Boy Team-Up #1
  • Challengers of the Fantastic #1
  • Exciting X-Patrol #1
  • Dark Claw Adventures #1
  • Thorion of the New Asgods #1
  • Iron Lantern #1
  • Magnetic Men featuring Magneto #1
  • JLX Unleashed #1

Generation Hex #1
In the Old West, Jono Hex recalls how his mother died in childbirth and his father was killed by the children of the town of Humanity's Last Stand when he's believed to be a 'malform'. The shock kicked Jono's powers in and, years later, he finds himself allied with the malforms of Generation Hex on the run from Marshall 'Bat' Trask's robotic Razormen. Jono chases a group of outlaw malforms out of Hunanity's Last Stand, convincing the townspeople who made him an orphan to dress as malforms in celebration. Generation Hex lead the Razormen to Humanity's Last Stand, tricking them into killing the townspeople and allowing the group's escape.

Super Soldier: Man of War #1
During World War II, Super Soldier and Jimmy Olsen are sent on a secret mission to stop Major Zemo from stealing the Allies' experimental weapons. With help from Sgt Rock and his Howling Commandos and the sacrifice of under cover agent Mademoiselle Peggy, Super Soldier destroys Zemo's War Wheel. But Major Zemo and his secret ally, Lex Luthor, escape with the means of creating an Ultra-Metallo.
Bat-Thing #1
Detectives Clark Bullock and Christine Montoya try to protect the wife of Kirk Sallis from her husband who seems to have transformed back into the Bat-Thing and started killing gang bosses. But the real killers turn out to be criminals sent by gang boss Fat Freddy, who wants Bullock dead and are using Francie-Ellen Sallis to lure him into a trap. The Bat-Thing arrives and kills the gang members, saving his family and Detective Bullock.

Lobo the Duck #1
Manhattan is in ruins and the heroes are all dead after the war against Thanoseid and the Green Skull. Only Lobo the Duck and the Impossible Dawg are left standing and head to Al Forbush's diner to find out the identity of the real ultumate villain. At the diner, Lobo beats fellow bounty hunter Ambush the Lunatik, then his girlfriend, Bervarlene, beats Lobo for cheating on her. Twice. Doctor Bongface sends his lackeys to gather up the bodies of dead heroes. Lobo the Duck tracks the true villain, the Gold Kidney-Lady, to her hideout and shoots her, but her falling body activates the Gravitoninoutometer that will remove all the Earth's kidneys.
Spider-Boy Team-Up #1
The Legion of Galactic Guardians 2099 pluck Spider-Boy from time, just before Scavulture can deliver a kill shot. Finding himself in the future, Spider-Boy meets the Legion just before the Frightful Five attack and the timeline is disrupted by Spider-Boy's presence. After bouncing into a dark future and back to 2099, Spider-Boy meets a different version of the Legion of Galactic Guardians 2099, returns to the present and saves the life of Mig-El Gand of the Yancy Legion who goes on to become Spider-Boy 2099. Both Spidey's defeat Kang the Time-Conqueror and return to their timelines. Over at Project Cadmus, the Silver Racer arrives and prepares to witness a hero's fall...

Challengers of the Fantastic #1
Years ago, a team of adventurers avoided cosmic mutation on a mission in space and survived Victor Von Doom's attempt to make their shuttle crash. Now, as the Challengers of the Fantastic, they face overwhelming odds when Galactiac tries to consume Earth, saving only a remnant for his collection. Galactiac transforms Ben 'Rocky' Grimm into a four-armed monster. Johnny 'Red' Storm - with assistance from June Masters and the Silver Racer - destroys Galatiac's Terra-Matrix, forcing him to flee. 'Rocky' Grimm changes back, but the diminutive Johnny Stormtrooper dies in the final battle. And Doctor Doomsday (Von Doom) steals the power of the Silver Racer...
Exciting X-Patrol #1
Shatterstarfire and Elasti-Girl leads the X-Patrol to the lair of Brother Brood where Niles Cable is a prisoner. The team fight their way past Terra-X, but are defeated by the Brood-infected Cable. New member Jericho reveals himself to be Niles Dayspring - Niles Cable's younger self - and kills Brother Brood. Niles Cable is healed by the ghost of his wife, Raveniya Dayspring.

Dark Claw Adventures #1
Lady Talia attacks Dark Claw in his own Danger Cave, wanting to kill him for blowing up her father, Ra's A-Pocalypse, with a bazooka. Talia runs her cybernetic claws through Dark Claw's chest and immediately regrets killing the man she loved. Dark Claw's healing powers kick in and he reveals he allowed her to think he was dead so that she would realise her mistake.
Thorion of the New Asgods #1Thanoseid appoints L'ok D'saad with the task of using the Mother Cube to free the Promethian Giants who attempted to bring about Ragnarok years earlier. Thorion sacrifices himself to end L'ok's threat and destroy the Mother Cube. But, instead of dying, Thorion is reborn as the Celestial.

Iron Lantern #1
After dropping the defeated HECTOR off at Oa the Living Planet, the Iron Lantern (Hal Stark) returns to Earth too late to stop the test flight of his new jet being sabotaged. The Star Sapphire transforms Pepper Ferris into Madame Sapphire, making her resurrect the giant robotic Great White and kidnap her father, Harrington Ferris. Former Green Guardsman, Kyle O'Brien, breaks into the Stark Aircraft plant, takes out Happy Kalmaku and Stewart Rhodes and disconnects the lantern that powers Hal's armour. And the mastermind behind all of these events, Mandarinestro, watches as Iron Lantern hurtles towards his death...
Magnetic Men featuring Magneto #1
Magneto rebuilds his sentient Metal Men and tries to give them normal lives while he continues to fight his never-ending war against his mutant-hating brother, Will Magnus. But he ends up rushing to the Metal Men's rescue when they're captured Quasimodox and Chemodam's Sinister Society. Magneto ultimately realises the robotic Sinister Society share the same oppressive enemy and everyone joins forces against Will Magnus.

JLX Unleashed #1
The Hellfire League of Injustice summon Fin Fang Flame to wipe out all metamutants, and he starts with the Hellfire League of Injustice themselves. The Judgement League Avengers are stretched too thin to protect all of America from Fin Fang Flame's attacks, so Amazon breaks the metamutant Justice League X-Men out of jail, including their Skrull leader, Mister X. Ultimately, Apollo crashes the Wavecruiser into Fin Fang Flame and absorbs all his magical power. Apollo becomes an energy being and Amazon joins the JLX.

Super Soldier #1
Super Soldier destroys the Ultra Mentallo in the present day during THE AMALGAM AGE OF COMICS.

DC Versus Marvel #4 (1996)
The Marvel Universe and DC Universe are separated, essentially ending the existence of the Amalgam Universe during MARVEL VERSUS DC.
Unlimited Access #1-4 (1997-1998)
Access uses his powers to create more Almalgams when the Marvel and DC Universes begin to merge again during UNLIMITED ACCESS.

Spider-Verse #2 (2015)
Spider-Boy makes a cameo appearance as two alternate versions of Spider-Man compare their lives while the Spider-Army (consisting of numerous alternate Spider-Men) face the Inheritors during SPIDER-VERSE.
Return to the Amalgam Age of Comics: The DC Comics Collection
Collects Bat Thing #1, Dark Claw Adventures #1, Generation Hex #1, JLX Unleashed #1, Lobo the Duck #1 and Super Soldier: Man of War #1.

Return to the Amalgam Age of Comics: The Marvel Collection
Collects Challengers of the Fantastic #1, Exciting X-Patrol #1, Iron Lantern #1, Magnetic Men featuring Magneto #1, Spider-Boy Team-Up #1 and Thorion of New Asgods #1

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