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Hercules makes his modern-day Marvel Universe debut - both in the form of a flashback and trouncing the Asgardian God of Thunder - expanding the pantheons featured in this ever-growing universe of characters. But it's not just Thor who receives Herc's 'gift. The Hulk also clashes with the Olympian in the first of a number of battles to decide who the strongest hero in the Marvel Universe really is. But we won't find that answer here. Despite the fisticuffs, this tale is ultimately about Thor and Hercules becoming the buddies we know them to be today.

I'm not big on the '60s era comics, so this isn't necessarily a recommendation to new readers. But if you want to see how Hercules, Zeus, Ares, Pluto and others were introduced to the Marvel Universe and how Herc and Thor started their bromance, this is the place you need to look! You'll also see big changes to Thor's relationship with Jane Foster and meet Tana Nile for the first time...
  • Journey Into Mystery Annual #1[1/5]
  • Journey Into Mystery #124[2/2]
  • Journey Into Mystery #125[2/2]
  • Thor #126[2/2]
  • Thor #127[2/2]
  • Tales to Astonish #79[2/2]
  • Thor #128[2/2]
  • Thor #129[2/2]
  • Thor #130[2/2]
Journey Into Mystery Annual #1[1/5]
In a time before Thor was sent to Earth to learn humility, Thor and Loki looked for adventure in Jotunheim only for the God of Thunder to fall through the ground and find himself transported to Olympus. Looking for a way home, Thor finds himself on a thin bridge, facing Hercules. When neither allow the other to pass before them a battle erupts. The pair are evenly matched and it's only the arrival of Zeus that brings it to an end. Zeus returns Thor to Jotunheim and seals the entrance to Olympus.
Journey Into Mystery #124[1/2]
Thor learns his double-life has effected Jane Foster's sanity. He reveals he's both the God of Thunder and Dr Donald Blake and promises to stop disappearing from her life and give up his Asgardian powers to devote himself to her. He immediately breaks his promise when he learns of the Demon's rampage across Asia using the Asgardian Norn Stones and the speed of his flight creates a sonic boom that attracts the attention of Zeus in Olympus. Zeus sends Hercules down to modern day Earth to investigate...

Journey Into Mystery #125[1/2]
Thor defeats the Demon and returns the Norn Stones to Asgard only to face Odin's wrath for revealing his secret to Jane Foster. Odin sends every Asgardian to fight Thor and stop him leaving, but he manages to escape via the Rainbow Bridge. On Earth, Hercules saves a train, plays guitar, beats up gangsters, get offered a role playing himself in a film and win the heart of Jane Foster. Thor arrives to discover Jane's found a new man and offers to fight in her honour...
Thor #126[1/2]
As when they first clashed, Thor and Hercules are evenly matched. But Odin still needs to punish his son and passes the Odinpower to his trusty advisor Seidring the Merciless to do it on his behalf. Thor loses half his godly strength, loses the fight to Hercules and loses the respect of his once-adoring public. Jane Foster realises her mistake, but Thor rejects her. Hercules accepts the offer to play the lead in a Hollywood film about his own adventures...

Thor #127[1/2]
New maverick Hollywood producer, Mr Pluto, prepares for the arrival of Hercules in Hollywood, displays some sinister powers and talks up his plans with the film's female lead. Thor returns to Asgard where Seidring has defeated Odin and claimed the throne. Despite losing half his might, Thor defeats Seidring by threatening to drop the Odinsword and end all of reality. Seidring relents and Odin tends to his fallen son...
Tales to Astonish #79[2/2]
The Hulk defeats his latest foe, the scientist Konrad Zaxon, by hitting his hi-tech cannon away from him, only for it to bounce off a wall and fire at Zaxon, killing him instantly. With the US Government believing it was the Hulk who killed Zaxon, the Green Goliath is on the run again. When the Hulk's rampage holds up Hercules' train to Hollywood, the Lion of Olympus tackles the Hulk head-on. Their fight is evenly matched and the Hulk takes the opportunity to flee rather than face the oncoming army troops...

Journey Into Mystery #128[1/2]
Over the next few days and weeks, Thor recovers in Asgard. Seidring is sent to rule a small band of Rock Trolls in the middle of nowhere. And Hercules makes the most of his new life in Hollywood. Eventually, Mr Pluto tricks Hercules into signing a contract only for it to be revealed as a contract that will make Hercules the new ruler of Hades. Free of his centuries-long banishment, Mr Pluto reveals himself to be Pluto (cunning). Herc's female co-star, Hippolyta, wanted revenge on him for rejecting her affections. Fully recovered and with all his power restored, Thor asks Odin to send him to Earth for a rematch with Hercules and, instead, finds himself allying with his foe against the hordes of Hades. Thor helps beat the armies back, but abandons Herc to his fate...
Journey Into Mystery #129[1/2]
Thor returns to Jane Foster's apartment and meets her oddly compelling new room mate, Tana Nile, then heads to Asgard to renounce his godhood only for Odin to send him on a quest through the Doorway To All The Worlds where he'll face three threats on behalf of others. Pluto heads to Olympus to announce to Zeus that Hercules will take his place. Zeus will allow Hercules to break his contract if he finds someone to fight on his behalf. When Ares and others refuse to fight for Herc, Thor's first of three trials, of course, ends up being the fight to prevent Hercules from being stranded in Hades forever...

Journey Into Mystery #130[1/2]
To keep her plans a secret , Tana Nile mentally manipulates Jane Foster into leaving her own department and getting as far away from it as she can. In Hades, at the risk of losing and find himself trapped in Hades instead of Hercules, Thor fights the never-ending hordes on Herc's behalf. The fight does more harm to the forces Pluto spend hundreds of years building up and to Hades itself, so Pluto relents knowing Thor will do more harm, yet. He allows Hercules his freedom and retains his role as ruler of Hades. Thor and Hercules leave the underworld as best buddies.
Tales to Astonish #80 (1966)
Glenn Talbot's plans to use Rick Jones as bait backfire when they're both kidnapped by Tyrannus.

Thor #131 (1966)
Thor returns Hercules to Olympus where he immediately swears revenge against Ares for not helping him; Tana Nile is reveled to be from the alien Rigellian race who plan to colonise planet Earth. 

Thor #132-134 (1966)
Thor thwarts Tana Nile's plans to colonise Earth.

Avengers #38 (1967)
The Enchantress and Ares manipulate Hercules into attacking the Avengers; freed from her control, the Avengers invite Herc to stay at Avengers Mansion during BACK FROM THE DEAD.

Avengers King-Size Special #1 (1967)
Thor briefly returns to the ranks of the Avengers during THE MONSTROUS MASTER PLAN OF THE MANDARIN.

Avengers #45 (1967)
Hercules gains full Avengers membership status during THE MONSTROUS MASTER PLAN OF THE MANDARIN.

Thor #136 (1967)

Odin agrees to allow Thor to marry Jane Foster and gives her Asgardian-like powers which she finds too overwhelming; Odin returns Jane to Earth where she meets and immediately falls in love with Dr Keith Kincaid; Thor is reunited with Sif and begins to rekindle his affections for her.

Thor #163-164 (1969)
Pluto returns, looking for revenge on Thor; the defeated Pluto is returned to Hades by Zeus.

Avengers #98-100 (1972)
Ares attacks the Avengers as part of his feud with Hercules. 

Thor #199-201 (1972)
Pluto and Ares try to manipulate Thor and Hercules into destroying each other, but they learn of their plans and defeat them.

Thor #221 (1974)
Though Thor and Hercules remain firm friends, they battle each other again when Thor is tricked by Pluto.

Champions #1-3 (1975)
Hippolyta returns and allies with Pluto against Hercules in a plot that results in the formation of the Champions; Cerberus is sent to battle Ghost Rider in his humanoid form, but also appears in his canine form for the first time during THE WORLD NEEDS CHAMPIONS.

Thor Annual #5 (1976)
A previously untold tale reveals a fight between Thor and Hercules on behalf of their worshippers.

Champions #16 (1977)
Hercules next clashes with the Hulk while trying to free the world from Doctor Doom's control during DOOM SUPREME.

Giant-Size Hulk #1 (2006)
Hercules and the Champions fight the Hulk again until he realises they're trying to save his cousin, Jennifer Walters.

Thor #336 (1983)
Jane Foster marries Keith Kincaid.

Thor #356 (1985)
A flashback tells of a fight between Thor and Hercules, exaggerating it to suit his own ego.

Incredible Hulk #316 (1986)
Hercules is among the heavy-hitters trying and failing to bring the Hulk down when he's separated from Bruce Banner during HULKBUSTERS.

Incredible Hulk #321-322 (1986)
Hercules lands a blow that almost kills the Hulk when the East Coast Avengers and West Coast Avengers bring down the rampaging Hulk during THE NEW HULK.

Incredible Hulk #404 (1993)
A mind-controlled Hulk fights Hercules and the Avengers.

Incredible Hulk: Hercules Unleashed #1 (1996)
Hercules questions the Hulk on the disappearance of the Avengers until the two come to blows during SURVIVOR'S GUILT.

Generation X #25 (1996)
On the run from the Rigellians for standing against colonisation, Tana Nile finds herself allied with Franklin Richards, Man-Thing, Howard the Duck and other during DAYDREAMERS.

Heroes Reborn: The Return #2 (1997) 
Hercules fights a Banner-free Hulk again until the Green Goliath sent to Counter-Earth by Franklin Richards during HEROES RETURN.

Thor #5 (1998)
Jane Foster is revealed to have retrained as a doctor.

Thor: Blood Oath #3-4 (2005-2006)
An untold tale reveals a clash between Thor and Hercules right before Herc's modern day return.

Annihilation: Ronan #4 (2006)
Tana Nile is believed to be among those killed by the Annihilation Wave during ANNIHILATION.

Mighty Avengers #1 (2007)
Ares joins Iron Man and Ms Marvel's Mighty Avengers during THE INITIATIVE / THE ULTRON INITIATIVE.

Incredible Hulk #107 (2007)
Hulk attacks Hercules, believing him to be another hero standing against him when he returns to Earth from his banishment on Sakaar; Hercules manages to stop the fight when he convinces the Hulk they're allies during WORLD WAR HULK.

Thor #8 (2008)

After years of marriage, Jane Foster and Keith Kincaid are revealed to have divorced, leaving him with custody of their son, Jimmy Kincaid.

Incredible Hercules #121 (2008)
Hippolyta is murdered by her daughter, Artume.

Fearless Defenders #2-3 (2013)
Hippolyta is resurrected by Hela as Warrior Woman and becomes a member of the Fearless Defenders during MARVEL NOW!

X-Factor #252 (2013)
Pluto is killed by Tier Sinclair when the Hell Lords fight for supremacy in the Hell on Earth War.

Thor: God of Thunder #12 (2013)
Jane Foster is revealed to have been diagnosed with breast cancer during MARVEL NOW!

Thor: God of Thunder #25 (2013)
A new female Thor emerges who is later revealed to be Jane Foster during THE GODDESS OF THUNDER.

Thor #704 (2018)
Keith and Jimmy Kincaid are revealed to have been killed in a car accident during THE DEATH OF THE MIGHTY THOR / MARVEL LEGACY.

Thor #706 (2018)

Jane Foster's tenure as Thor comes to an end; without her Asgardian powers, Jane returns to chemotherapy during THE DEATH OF THE MIGHTY THOR.
Essential Thor vol.2
Mighty Thor Omnibus vol.1
Thor Epic Collection vol.2: When Titans Clash
Include Journey Into Mystery #124[1/2]-125[1/2], Journey Into Mystery Annual #1[1/5] and Thor #126[1/2]-130[1/2]

Essential Hulk vol.1
Hulk vs. Hercules: When Titans Collide
Incredible Hulk Epic Collection vol.2: The Hulk Must Die!
Incredible Hulk Omnibus vol.1
Marvel Masterworks: Incredible Hulk vol.2
Include Tales to Astonish #79[2/2]

Marvel Masterworks: The Mighty Thor vol.4
Includes Journey Into Mystery #124[1/2]-125[1/2] and Thor #126[1/2]-130[1/2]

Thor vs Hercules
Includes Journey Into Mystery Annual #1[1/5] and Thor #126[1/2]

Civil War II: Gods of War
Marvel Masterworks: The Mighty Thor vol.3
Includes Journey Into Mystery Annual #1[1/5]

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