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When Captain America leaves Earth's Mightiest Heroes, the Avengers start to come apart at the seams. If that wasn't enough, two former-members of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants - Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch - are about to leave the Avengers in favour of rejoining their old boss, Magneto. Will there even be a team left? Perhaps they could consider a new member like Dane Whitman - a guy who can't make up his mind if he's a forward-thinking or an old-school Black Knight

Magneto has plan to keep an eye on the shipping news and raid boats that pass his mid-Atlantic island base to help finish off his machine that will turn humanity into his mindless slaves. Will the Avengers and the X-Men be too busy fighting each other to thwart this bizarre scheme?
[CLAWS OF THE PANTHER - Cap recommends T'Challa for Avengers membership]
  • Avengers #47-49
  • X-Men #43[1/2]
  • X-Men #44[1/2]
  • X-Men #45[1/2]
  • Avengers #53
Avengers #47
In this hope of restoring the damage to his family's honour by the villainous Black Knight (Nathan Garrett), scientist Dane Whitman invents a magnetic machine to contact aliens in the furthest reaches of space. His lab partner, Norris, assaults  as part of a plan to take all the credit for Whitman's work. To escape imprisonment by the Stranger, Magneto and the Toad rides the magnetic beams back to Whitman's lab in Garret Castle. At Avengers Mansion, Captain America announces his decision to leave the Avengers now that the Wasp and Goliath have returned. The Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are then summoned to Garrett Castle to defeat a metal gladiator. Magneto reveals himself to be the one who controlled it and declares them worthy of rejoining his Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. He doesn't take their rejection well and knocks them both out...

Avengers #48
Held in medieval stocks, Quicksilver frees a hand and summons the Avengers with  microphone, but he fails to mention where he and the Scarlet Witch are being held. Elsewhere in the castle, Dane Whitman escapes his cell while recalling how his uncle dragged himself to Dane's place and died repenting, begging Dane to use his research for good. Dane started by giving horse wings, now he dons all-new Black Knight armour! He flies his horse to Avengers Mansion, only to initially be mistaken for the original Black Knight. When he proves himself by rescuing Goliath mid-battle, Black Knight leads the Avengers to Garrett Castle. Realising they still don't trust him, he flies away...

Avengers #49
In Olympus, Typhon reveals to Hercules that he's responsible for the disappearance of the entire Olympian Pantheon having extinguished the Promethean Flame. Typhon transports Hercules to a gloomy dimension to prevent him from saving the gods to end his banishment. Magneto reveals that the Brotherhood's old island base is now powered by magnetically-induced perpetual motion and has been transformed into a home for any mutant wanting to escape persecution. His plea to the United Nations to ask world leaders to acknowledge the island as a separate nation ends in rejection and he tries to kill a representative with a microphone. The Avengers arrive in time to save him, but Magneto makes the security guards guns fire, clipping the Witch's head with a bullet. Quicksilver goes into his overprotective mode and attacks the Avengers. He picks up the unconscious Scarlet Witch and leaves with Magneto. It's a devastating and very public defeat for the Avengers and it could spell the end for the team, once again...

X-Men #43[1/2]
Magneto observes Professor X's funeral, wishing he'd been the one to kill his nemesis. A video message to the X-Men reveals that he was dying anyway, so Grotesk's actions only sped things along. Aside from secretly teaching Marvel Girl to use telepathy, hewarns them that Magneto has returned. On the Brotherhood's island base, Magneto claims he's building a machine that will restore the Scarlet Witch's lost powers and is doing so by raiding passing ships. Although, the next ship isn't carrying the components he needs. instead it's carrying the X-Men who are quickly laid low by the island's defence system...
X-Men #44[1/2]
Each member of the X-Men finds themselves caged, but Angel manages to escape and makes his way across the Atlantic Ocean. He decides to rest on a random rock poking out from the ocean to avoid a storm, but it turns out to be the tip of the once-floating home of the Bird People. Angel enters the submerged Aerie and meets World War II hero Red Raven who was raised by the Bird People. He gassed them all into suspended animation when he discovered they had plans to attack America. Red Raven renders Angel unconscious and sticks him on a raft while he sends the island back below the waves again to prevent the invasion.

X-Men #45[1/2]
Angel wakes up on a raft, unsure  if he'll make it to Avengers Mansion before it's too late. Back on the Brotherhood's island base, Cyclops manages to break free. Quicksilver blocks his path and tries to convince him that Magneto is on the level, this time. All he wants to do is create a country for mutants to live in and save his sister, the Scarlet Witch. Cyclops refuses to join the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants and blasts him unconscious. The Avengers arrive with Angel, believing Cyclops to be a villain...

Avengers #53
Magneto allowed Angel to escape and bring the Avengers back to the island, though they seem to be more focused on fighting each other. Magneto uses a device on the X-Men they makes them want to kill the Avengers who defeat them and join forces with the them as they pursue Magneto together. Toad purposely fails to detonate the section of the island the heroes are on in an act of rebellion and, instead, sets the charges for the whole island. Magneto tries to hop aboard the escape ship, but Toad stamps on his fingers, leaving Magneto to fall on the rocks below and explode. The X-Men and Avengers escape in an aero-car, watching Magneto's empty helmet bobbing on the ocean waves...

Tales of Suspense #95 (1967) 
Steve Rogers announces his plan to retire as Captain America.

Avengers: Domination Factor #1.2 (1999) 
The future Scarlet Witch travels back in time and inhabits her younger body in the battle of the United Nations Building during DOMINATION FACTOR.

Avengers #50 (1968) 
Typhon attacks Earth; Zeus sends Hercules to aid the Avengers and defeat Typhon; Hercules restores the gods and leaves the Avengers in favour of staying in Olympus.

Tales of Suspense #96 (1967) 
Nick Fury and SHIELD trick Steve Rogers into becoming Captain America again.

Avengers #51 (1968) 
Captain America asks the Avengers to accept the Black Panther as his replacement; Goliath almost dies fixing his size-changing powers during THE CLAWS OF THE PANTHER.X-Men #46 (1968) 
Agent Fred Duncan disbands the X-Men for their own safety. 

Avengers #54 (1968) 
Black Knight returns; his winged horse is named Aragorn; Wasp's chauffeur is revealed to be Whirlwind); Black Knight joins Whirlwind as a member of the Masters of Evil with the intention of infiltrating them.

Avengers #56 (1968) 
Captain America briefly allies himself with the Avengers again during DEATH BE NOT PROUD.

X-Men #49 (1968) 
The X-Men reform when Angel gathers the team back together.

Avengers #57 (1968) 
Natasha Romanoff returns to her Black Widow identity.

Marvel Super-Heroes #17 (1968) 
The Black Knight gains the Ebony Blade.

Amazing Spider-Man #71 (1969) 
The three former-members of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants (Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch and Toad) try to exonerate themselves from their recent association with Magneto by capturing the outlaw Spider-Man.

Avengers #71 (1969) 
The Black Knight becomes a fully-fledged member of the Avengers during ENDGAME.

X-Men #58 (1969) 

Banshee returns to the lives of the X-Men for the first time since Professor X's death.

X-Men #62-63 (1969) 
In the Savage Land, the X-Men meet the 'Creator' who soon reveals himself to be Magneto; Magneto reveals to the X-Men that he escaped the explosion on his island by burrowing into the Earth, ending up in the Savage Land.

X-Men #65 (1970) 
The real Professor X returns, revealing that he let the mutant Changeling stand in for him while he prepared himself to combat an invasion by the alien Z'Nox; only Marvel Girl knew that it wasn't the real Professor X who had been killed by Grotesk (explaining her behaviour while watching the video).

Avengers #75-76 (1970) 

Quicksilver comes looking for the Avengers help in saving the Scarlet Witch from Arkon; the Scarlet Witch's powers are restored; Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver rejoin the Avengers; the Black Widow ends her rocky relationship with Hawkeye.

Ka-Zar #1 (1970) 

Hercules returns to Earth during FEAR IS THE HUNTER.

Sub-Mariner #26 (1970) 
Red Raven returns; the Aerie is discovered by humans and Red Raven is revived, only to learn his people all died while in suspended animation; out of pure rage, Red Raven sinks the floating island again, apparently killing himself.

Avengers #93 (1971) 

Captain America returns to the Avengers; Hank Pym fully adopts his Ant-Man identity again during THE KREE-SKRULL WAR.

Avengers #110 (1973) 
Magneto next faces the combined might of the X-Men and Avengers during AND NOW, MAGNETO.

Avengers #111 (1973) 

The Black Widow finally gains official Avengers membership.

Avengers #115 (1973) 
The Black Knight becomes the focal point in a war between the Avengers and Defenders during AVENGERS/DEFENDERS WAR.

Avengers #138 (1975) 

Toad attacks the Avengers while disguised as the Stranger as payback for the Scarlet Witch never returning his advances; this marks the Toad's return to being an enemy of Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch.

Nova #2 (1976) 

The first members of the Bird-People who avoided suspended animation are introduced, starting with Condor, a renegade Avian scientist.

Ms Marvel #6 (1977) 

Grotesk is revealed to have survived his battle with the X-Men.

Avengers #173 (1978) 

Hercules rejoins the Avengers during THE KORVAC SAGA.

Vision and the Scarlet Witch #4 (1983) 
Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are revealed to be Magneto's children.

Thor Annual #12 (1984) 
The Bird-People are revealed to be an offshoot of the Inhumans.

Avengers #259 (1985) 
The Black Knight adopts the Atomic Steed during THE WAR TO END ALL SKRULLS.

Avengers Annual #16 (1987) 
Dane Whitman fights the evil Black Knight (a facsimile of his uncle, Nathan Garrett) when he appears among the Legion of the Unliving during FREEDOM.

Uncanny X-Men Annual #13 (1989) 
Ghaur uses the remains of Magneto's island base as the place to build his Serpent Crown during ATLANTIS ATTACKS.

Marvel Super-Heroes Winter Special #8 (1990) 
The Red Raven's daughter, Dania, emerges from the wreckage of the Aerie, believing Namor the Sub-Mariner to be responsible for the death of her people; Diablo animates the corpses of Red Raven and the Bird-People; all are defeated by Dania (as the new Red Raven) and Namor.

X-Force #5 (1991) 
Toad forms his own Brotherhood of Evil Mutants with himself as leader.

Sensational She-Hulk #35-36 (1992) 
Changeling's corpse is briefly reanimated by the Black Talon as part of his X-Humed team.

Fantastic Four #405 (1995) 
It's revealed that Red Raven was plucked from time just before his meeting with Angel to fight as one of Zarrko the Tomorrow Man's time-displaced warriors during STRANGE DAYS.

X-Men #87 (1999) 
The UN grant the island nation of Genosha to Magneto to act as a haven for mutants during THE MAGNETO WAR.

Nova #4 (1999) 
The Red Raven emerges again, calling into question whether or not the one Angel met was a duplicate; he also shows the Bird-People to be a peaceful race who didn't die in suspended animation.

Domination Factor: Avengers #1.2-2.4 (1999) 
The Scarlet Witch's consciousness is sent back in time to inhabit her younger body in the middle of the confrontation between the X-Men and Avengers on Magneto's island during DOMINATION FACTOR.

Incredible Hercules #141 (2010) 
Hercules finally kills Typhon during ASSAULT ON OLYMPUS.

Avengers Academy #22 (2012) 
Hawkeye thinks Magneto is trying to control the students at Avengers Academy like he did with the X-Men during SHATTERED HEROES / REGENESIS.

Axis #7 (2015) 
The Scarlet Witch's magic reveals that she and Quicksilver are not Magneto's children and aren't even related to him during AXIS.

Uncanny Avengers #4 (2015) 
It's revealed that the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver gained their powers from experiments performed by the High Evolutionary (the Evolutionary covered his tracks so that any scans would classify the twins as mutants) during AVENGERS NOW!

Amazing Spider-Man Special #1 (2015) 
The Bird-People attack the Inhumans after the release of the Terrigen Mists across the planet causes them to mutate during INHUMAN ERROR.

Scarlet Witch #3 (2016)
The Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver's mother is revealed to be Natalya Maximoff during ALL-NEW, ALL-DIFFERENT MARVEL.
Avengers Epic Collection vol.3: Masters of Evil
Avengers Omnibus vol.2
Include Avengers #47-49, 53 and X-Men #45.

Marvel Masterworks: The X-Men vol.5
X-Men: Children of the Atom Box Set Slipcase - The Torch is Passed
X-Men Epic Collection vol.2: Lonely Are The Hunted
X-Men Omnibus vol.2
Include Avengers #53 and X-Men #43-45.

Marvel Masterworks: The Avengers vol.5
Includes Avengers #47-49.

Marvel Masterworks: The Avengers vol.6
Includes Avengers #53 and X-Men #45.

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