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PIT-FALL (1986-1987)

On Earth-91274, the G.I.Joe team's most recent battle with Cobra backfired. Badly. Even though they managed to destroy most of the Cobra-controlled town, the newly created master strategist Serpentor manipulated events so that the Joes wouldn't locate any evidence that Cobra were ever there! The specialist military unit now find themselves under investigation for attacking an innocent American town.

As if that wasn't enough, the Dreadnoks have learned the location of the Joe's secret headquarters, the Pit, beneath the unassuming Fort Wadsworth on Staten Island. Hawk knows that Cobra could retaliate against them for the attack on Springfield at any time...
  • G.I.Joe #52-56
  • G.I.Joe Yearbook #3[1/4]
G.I.Joe #52
Serpentor leads the remaining Cobra troops and citizens from Springfield to Cobra Island and avoids Cobra Commander's attempt to assassinate him while winning favour with the citizens. Zartan and the Dreadnoks reveal to Cobra Commander that they know the location of the Pit before making another failed attempt on Serpentor. Serpentor tries to cement his alliance with Cobra Commander by planning an attack on G.I.Joe's headquarters. Storm Shadow reveals his presence in the Pit, easily defeats Quick Kick and reveals to Snake-Eyes how the process Doctor Mindbender used to create Serpentor also healed him after he was shot by the Baroness. Snake-Eyes gives him the keys to his cabin in the High Sierras to lay low. Hawk announces to the Joes that they've been shut down over their action in Springfield...

G.I.Joe #53
A special committee of generals investigate the Joes' operations in the Pit, wanting evidence that Cobra really exist, only for Cobra to sneak into Fort Wadsworth and send armies of BATs (Battle Android Troopers) into the Pit. To gain some glory over Serpentor, Cobra Commander and Destro lead a platoon of Cobra Troopers down to the lower levels. Flint alerts the Joes above ground to the assault, forcing Serpentor, the Dreadnoks and Cobra troops to flee. Hawk and one of the generals escape to the surface, while two give their lives to save them and the Pit is blown up with Destro and Cobra Commander unable to escape...

G.I.Joe #54
A week passes as the Joes recover from the loss of the Pit, Serpentor starts selling Cobra Terror-Dromes to anti-American governments and Cobra Commander and Destro struggle to survive in the rubble beneath Fort Wadsworth. New G.I.Joe pilot Slip-Stream drops Flint behind enemy lines in Sierra Gordo to infiltrate the country's new Terror-Drome. Tomax and Xamot take the captured Flint to Doctor Mindbender who uses the brainwave scanner to probe his mind.

G.I.Joe #55
Cobra Commander find a tunnelling machine that surfaces in a mall where they unmask in front of each other and disguise themselves as beatniks. Cobra Commander is pulled over by a cop who recognises him as the father of Billy Kessler, the boy who tried to assassinate him. Destro leaves Cobra Commander to reunite with his seriously injured son in hospital. In Sierra Gordo, Doctor Mindbender unmasks 'Flint' and sees Snake-Eyes' severely scarred face. A band of Joes led by Stalker storm the base and free Snake-Eyes, only for Stalker to be shot and Snake-Eyes to cover for the Joes as they make their escape...

G.I.Joe #56
Scarlet leads a team of Joes on a mission to rescue Snake-Eyes, but Cobra whisk him away. The team claim the abandoned Terror-Drome before Tomax and Xamot can blow it up. Despite the win, Scarlet won't stop ntil they have Snake-Eyes back. Destro catches a flight to Scotland.

G.I.Joe Yearbook #3[1/4]
Snake-Eyes is taken to the new Cobra Consulate Building in New York by Baroness and Doctor Mindbender. The brainwave scanner reveals to Mindbender that Storm Shadow is alive. Scarlet and Storm Shadow infiltrate the building while Snake-Eyes overloads the scanner and frees himself. Snake-Eyes and Storm Shadow fight their way through troops and ninja, until Baroness escorts them outside, revealing her to be a disguised Scarlet.

G.I.Joe and the Transformers #1-4 (1987)
In the absence of Cobra Commander (though he does appear in error), Serpentor strikes up an alliance with the alien Decepticons during G.I.JOE VS THE TRANSFORMERS.

G.I.Joe #57 (1987)
Destro returns to Scotland to find an imposter posing as him; G.I.Joe help Destro unmask the imposter as Major Bludd.

G.I.Joe #58 (1987)
Crimson Guardsman Fred VII builds Billy a prosthetic leg and a new suit of battle armour for Cobra Commander.

G.I.Joe #61 (1987)
Billy rejects Cobra Commander's efforts to be a better father; Fred VII shoots Cobra Commander in the back and takes his place in the armour; Stalker returns to active duty.

G.I.Joe #62 (1987)
Despite leaving G.I.Joe, Grunt offers to help free Stalker's team when they're captured in Borovia, but Roadblock turns him down.

G.I.Joe #64 (1987)
Fred VII returns to Cobra Island as Cobra Commander; Baroness realises Fred VII is an imposter but decides to use him to her own advantage.

G.I.Joe #67-69 (1988)
It's revealed that the Terror-Dromes can emit Cobra-controlled paranoia waves.

G.I.Joe #74-76 (1988)
Zartan kills Serpentor by shooting an arrow into his eye, ending the Cobra Civil War.

G.I.Joe #78 (1988)
Roadblock ends up calling on Grunt and his girlfriend, Lola, to help save captured Joes after the Cobra Civil War.

G.I.Joe #98-100 (1990)
Cobra Commander returns and buries Fred VII, Billy, Doctor Mindbender, Zartan and others who betrayed him inside a live volcano.

G.I.Joe #114 (1991)
Zartan and Billy are revealed to be the only ones who escaped the volcano alive.

G.I.Joe #138-142 (1993)
Storm Shadow returns, joining Snake-Eye's Ninja Force team and fighting against Cobra during WAR WITHOUT END.

G.I.Joe #145 (1994)
Hawk discourages Grunt from rejoining, despite the other Joes asking him to.

G.I.Joe #150 (1994)
Storm Shadow, Billy Kessler and Baroness are brainwashed into working for Cobra Commander again. 
Classic G.I.Joe vol.6 (IDW)
Includes G.I.Joe #52-56 and G.I.Joe Yearbook #3.

G.I.Joe: The Complete Collection vol.5 (IDW)
Includes G.I.Joe #52-53.

G.I.Joe: The Complete Collection vol.6 (IDW)
Includes G.I.Joe #54-56 and G.I.Joe Yearbook #3.

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