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The X-Men's Marvel Girl (Jean Grey) gained the power of Phoenix after a mission in space, but Jean lost control of her new abilities, went insane, destroyed a planet and allowed herself to be killed. Cyclops struggled with the loss of his beloved Jean until he met and married Madelyne Pryor, a woman who looked just like Jean (during FROM THE ASHES) and they had a son, prompting Cyclops to finally leave the X-Men (during THE TRIAL OF MAGNETO) and retire from life as a costumed adventurer.

While all of this was taking place, anti-mutant hysteria has risen, especially since the Dazzler was revealed to be a mutant (during DAZZLER: THE MOVIE), initiating a call for a Mutant Registration Act (during SECRET WARS). Three of the original X-Men have formed a new team of Defenders (during ASHES, ASHES...). The X-Men and their nemesis Magneto appear to be working together (most prominently during SECRET WARS II). And the X-Men's founder, Professor X, has left Earth (during THE TRIAL OF MAGNETO).

It's time for old faces to return, including one we thought was gone forever...

MCG Note: For completeness, I've included tie-in issues, but these are completely optional. The final issues of the Defenders' series explain why Beast, Iceman and Angel are at loose ends. But the reason I've included Dazzler's final issue is because it was originally intended to lead to her joining X-Factor. The decision was made to have Jean return, instead, but it's interesting to think about how it all could've played out so differently!
[SECOND GENESIS - introducing the all-new, all-different X-Men]
[FROM THE ASHES - Cyclops meets and marries Maddie Pryor]
[THE TRIAL OF MAGNETO - Cyclops has a son, loses his bid for X-Men leadership]
  • Avengers #263
  • Fantastic Four #286
  • New Defenders #151 (tie-in)
  • New Defenders #152 (tie-in) (also see SECRET WARS II)
  • X-Factor #1
  • Dazzler #42 (tie-in)
Avengers #263
The Enclave crash their private jet into Jamaica Bay. Captain Marvel investigates the eruption it causes and discovers a strange cocoon. The Avengers believe the Enclave are creating another artificial being, similar to Adam Warlock and Her, but it seems the cocoon has nothing to do with the Enclave at all. The team struggle against it until the Wasp calms it down enough to allow them to take it back to Avengers Mansion. When they leave the room, the cocoon clears to reveal Jean Grey is inside it. Elsewhere, the Scourge of the Underworld kills Melter.

Fantastic Four #286
Mister Fantastic finds a way to release Marvel Girl (Jean Grey) from her cocoon. The stunned Jean learns Professor X has left planet Earth and Magneto now works with the X-Men (as seen during THE TRIAL OF MAGNETO). The Invisible Woman has experienced recent changes herself (during MALICE TOWARDS ALL) and convinces the Fantastic Four to take Jean back home. There, Jean finds a holempathic matrix crystal (last used by Rachel Summers during THE TRIAL OF MAGNETO) that reveals how the Phoenix Force took her place and put her in a cocoon. It was Jean Grey's overwhelming goodness that 'convinced' the Phoenix to commit suicide rather than destroy the universe. Mister Fantastic decides to make some calls...

New Defenders #151 (tie-in)
Some time ago, Odin ordered Valkyrie to take Moondragon to Earth as her guardian and to guide her back to a righteous path (during ASHES, ASHES...). Now, she's coming to kill the Defenders for not trusting her. But first, Manslaughter turns the Defenders' headquarters into deathtrap and destroys most of it to try and coerce them into letting him join the team. The Interloper emerges, apologises for his protege's behaviour and warns them that Moondragon has arrived...

New Defenders #152 (tie-in)
The Defenders battle Moondragon and the Dragon of the Moon in the ruins of their home. Manslaughter messes with Moondragon's mind by kissing her, but the Beyonder arrives and decides to grant her additional power if she agrees to act as his disciple. He disapears again and Moondragon uses her new powers to transform Gargoyle's body into a creature capable of killing the Defenders. She restores Angel's' lost sight and sets him, Beast and Iceman up to choose between saving loved ones or stopping her. Interloper combines his power with Valkyrie, Manslaughter and Andromeda and they all sacrifice themselves to kill Moondragon and Gargoyle, turning their bodies to ash.

X-Factor #1
Scott Summers has retired as Cyclops following his wedding with Madelyne Pryor (during FROM THE ASHES), the birth of his son and his failed attempt to retake leadership of the X-Men from Storm (during THE TRIAL OF MAGNETO). Against his wife's wishes, he answers the call when Angel learns Jean Grey is alive. Over the next few weeks, Angel, Marvel Girl and Cyclops reunite with Iceman and the Beast to form a new team. Anti-mutant sentiment is rising along with a call for a Mutant Registration Act. Under advice from their public liaison, Cameron Hodge, the five original X-Men pretend to be mutant-hunters as X-Factor, then save the mutants they're called to apprehend as the X-Terminators. Their first mission - rescuing flame-powered naval cadet Rusty Collins from his hateful boss - is a success. But Cyclops hasn't told Jean he's married or seen his wife in weeks...

Dazzler #42 (tie-in)
Dazzler's has been more complicated since she was outed as a mutant (during DAZZLER: THE MOVIE). Silence has Dazzler and her mother, Barbara London, captive and plans to use her powers to create an army of super-beings under her control, the New Wave. Then she intends killing Dazzler for her role in the death of her husband, Dust. Dazzler uses her powers to project sound instead of light, killing Silence. Beast arrives with bounty hunter O.Z. Chase and help Dazzler escape as the New Wave lose their powers. Beast offers Dazzler membership in X-Factor...
MCG Note: The fallout from the main chapters are all featured in colour.
Fallout from the optional tie-ins are featured in grey.

Fantastic Four #289 (1986)
Basilisk is the Scourge's next victim; the Fantastic Four move into their new headquarters, Four Freedoms Plaza.

Avengers #270 (1986)
Namor the Sub-Mariner leaves the Avengers following angry protests regarding his membership during ASSAULT ON ATLANTIS.

New Mutants #42 (1986)
Dazzler is revealed to have joined Lila Cheney's band, rather than join X-Factor.

X-Factor #2-3 (1986)
Dr Carl Maddicks tries to cure the Beast's mutation, making him lose his fur and costing him his intellect, but not taking his original powers.

Captain America #318-320 (1986)
Captain America catches up with the Scourge of the Underworld, only for the Scourge to be shot dead by another Scourge during SCOURGE OF THE UNDERWORLD.

X-Factor #7 (1986)
Marvel Girl finds out Cyclops is married.

Uncanny X-Men #206 (1986)
A red-headed woman is admitted to a San Fransisco hospital with multiple gunshot wounds and listed as a 'Jane Doe'.

X-Factor #9 (1986)
X-Factor see Magneto associating with the Hellfire Club during MUTANT MASSACRE.

X-Factor #10-11 (1986)
Candy Southern mistakenly believes Angel and Marvel Girl are having an affair after he begins to distance himself from her; Boom Boom and Skids are among the mutants rescued by X-Factor; Angel's wings are permanently damaged by the Marauders during MUTANT MASSACRE.

Uncanny X-Men #214 (1988)
Dazzler ends up joining the X-Men during

Classic X-Men #8 (1987)
A previously untold tale reveal the complete conversation between Jean Grey and the Phoenix Force.

X-Factor #13-14 (1987)
Angel's wings are amputated to save his life; Cyclops learns his wife, Maddie Pryor-Summers, and his son are missing.

X-Factor #15 (1987)
Unable to deal with the loss of his wings and the end of his life as Angel, Warren Worthington III commits suicide by crashing his private jet; Rusty Collins and Skids begin to get close during THE RIGHT / THIS HALLOWED ARMOR.

Thor #377-378 (1987)
Iceman's powers are dramatically increased by Loki during THIS HALLOWED ARMOR / THE RIGHT.

X-Factor #17 (1987)

Uncanny X-Men #215 (1987)
The red-headed woman in the San Fransisco hospital wakes up, identifying herself as Maddie Pryor-Summers; flashbacks reveal an attempt on her life by the Marauders during UNFINISHED BUSINESS.

Strange Tales #5-7 (1987)
Doctor Strange briefly gained the ability to summon the souls of the Interloper, Andromeda, Valkyrie and Manslaughter; Strange allowed the Defenders to return to death after a battle with Nightmare.

X-Factor #19 (1987)
X-Factor and the X-Terminators are publicly revealed to be one and the same; Apocalypse's newest member of the Four Horsemen of ApocalypseDeath, makes his partial debut during THE RIGHT.

Uncanny X-Men #221-223 (1987)
Maddie Pryor is rescued from the Marauders by the X-Men and continues to stay with them; Maddie begins to get close to Cyclops' brother, Havok, during UNFINISHED BUSINESS.

X-Factor #21 (1987)
Cameron Hodge inherits Warren Worthington III's fortune; first full appearance of Death during THE RIGHT.

X-Factor #24-26 (1988)
Death is revealed to be Warren Worthington III, now with metal wings; Death turns against Apocalypse to come to X-Factor's aid during FALL OF THE MUTANTS.

Uncanny X-Men #228 (1988)
OZ Chase toasts Dazzler and the X-Men when he, like the rest of the world, believes they're sacrificed their lives to defeat the Adversary.

X-Factor #27 (1988)
Marvel Girl is reunited with her parents during FALL OF THE MUTANTS.

X-Factor #30-31 (1988)
Freedom Force try to apprehend Cyclops and Marvel Girl as they've failed to register their abilities as part of the Mutant Registration Act.

X-Factor #33 (1988)
The mutant Infectia restores Beast's blue-furred look and intellect.

X-Terminators #1 (1988)
Rusty Collins, Boom Boom, Skids and Rictor form a new team of X-Terminators during INFERNO.

Uncanny X-Men #239 (1988)
Baby Nathan Christopher Summers - son of Scott and Maddie - is revealed to be in Mister Sinister's care during INFERNO.

X-Factor #34 (1988)
Cameron Hodge murders Candy Southern to get back at Death (Warren Worthington III); Death decapitates Cameron Hodge during INFERNO.

Uncanny X-Men #240-241 (1989)
Madelyne Pryor is revealed to be a clone of Jean Grey created by Mister Sinister; it's revealed that a spark of the Phoenix Force jumped to her when the Dark Phoenix died; Maddie becomes the Goblin Queen during INFERNO.

X-Factor #36 (1989)
Swearing revenge against N'Astirh - the demon who allied with Cameron Hodge - Death (Warren Worthington III) becomes Dark Angel during INFERNO.

Uncanny X-Men #242 (1989)
X-Factor finally come face-to-face with the X-Men during INFERNO.

X-Factor #38 (1989)
Marvel Girl (Jean Grey) and the Goblin Queen (Madelyne Pryor) fight to the death; Marvel Girl wins and absorbs Maddie's part of the Phoenix Force along with her memories and personality traits; Dark Angel becomes Archangel during INFERNO.

X-Factor #40 (1989)
Cyclops gets his son back; the X-Terminators disband during DUST TO DUST.

New Mutants #76 (1989)
Rusty Collins, Boom Boom, Skids and Rictor join the New Mutants.

Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #3-4 (1989)
Interloper, Andromeda, Valkyrie and Manslaughter are resurrected by the Vishanti after a battle against the Dragon of the Moon.

Solo Avengers #16, 18, 20 (1989)
Moondragon and Gargoyle are resurrected with the help of Moondragon's cousin, Sundragon; Moondragon frees herself of the Dragon of the Moon's control and redeems herself.

New Mutants #78 (1989)
Rusty Collins and Skids are apprehended as unregistered mutants by Freedom Force.

New Mutants #87-88 (1990)
Rusty Collins and Skids are released from incarceration and inducted into the terrorist Mutant Liberation Front during HOME.

Fantastic Four #334-336 (1989-1990)
The Fantastic Four reject proposals to expand the Mutant Registration Act to become a Metahuman Registration Act during ACTS OF VENGEANCE.

X-Factor Annual #5 (1990)
Marvel Girl finally meets Rachel Summers (daughter of the Cyclops and Phoenix of Earth-811), the current host of the Phoenix Force during DAYS OF FUTURE PRESENT.

X-Factor #65-68 (1991)
Apocalypse infects Cyclops' son, Nathan Summers, with a techno-organic virus; a woman called Askani takes baby Nathan into the future to cure him, but can't promise his return.

Infinity Gauntlet #1 (1991)
Adam Warlock returns to life in a cocoon as described by Captain America during THE INFINITY GAUNTLET.

X-Men #1-3 (1991)
The five members of X-Factor - Archangel, Beast, Cyclops, Iceman and Marvel Girl - officially return to the ranks of the X-Men during MUTANT GENESIS.

Uncanny X-Men #291 (1992)
Stephen Lang is revealed to be out of his coma, but in a vegetative state.

Uncanny X-Men #294 (1992)
It's implied that Archangel's fortune has been restored to him during X-CUTIONER'S SONG.

X-Force #24-25 (1993)
Magneto recruits Rusty Collins and Skids into his Acolytes during FATAL ATTRACTIONS / ASSAULT ON GRAYMALKIN.

Uncanny X-Men #306 (1993)
Cameron Hodge and Candy Southern are both revealed to have been resurrected by the Phalanx as techno-organic beings; Candy dies once again; Hodge appears to die, but continues to operate as one of the Phalanx during FATAL ATTRACTIONS.

Cable #6-8 (1993-1994)
Following a number of heavy hints, the time-travelling mutant warrior Cable is revealed to be an aged Nathan Christopher Summers to both Cyclops and Phoenix.

Quasar #57 (1994)
The Enclave return and are back to their old tricks during STARBLAST.

X-Men #30 (1994)
Cyclops and Jean Grey marry; Rachel Summers gives the name Phoenix to Jean Grey during THE WEDDING OF CYCLOPS & PHOENIX.

Uncanny X-Men #313 (1994)
Stephen Lang is revealed to have been transformed into a techno-organic Phalanx being; Lang renews his war against the X-Men during PHALANX COVENANT.

X-Men #42 (1995)
Rusty Collins is killed during Holocaust's attack on Magneto's space-based mutant haven, Avalon, during THE FALL OF AVALON.

Avengers #4 (1998)
Derek Freeman's brother, Duane Freeman, becomes Avengers liaison during HEROES RETURN.

Defenders #1-4 (2001)
Valkyrie returns to the Defenders when the original line-up returns.

New X-Men #150 (2004)
Phoenix (Jean Grey) gives her life again, this time to save Earth from 'Magneto'.

Civil War #1-2 (2006)
Following a disaster involving the super-powered New Warriors, the US Government initiates the Superhuman Registration Act during CIVIL WAR.

Civil War: X-Men #1-4 (2006)
The X-Men refuse to challenge the Superhuman Registration Act like many of their fellow costumed adventurers as no one stood up for them during the introduction of the Mutant Registration Act which is still in effect during CIVIL WAR.

Dark Reign: Young Avengers #1-5 (2009)
A new Melter (Christopher Colchiss) emerges during DARK REIGN.

Siege #4 (2010)
As the new head of SHIELD, Steve Rogers convinces the US Government to repeal the Superhuman Registration Act following Norman Osborn's attack on Asgard; there's no mention of the Mutant Registration Act following suit during SIEGE.

Avengers vs X-Men #1-12 (2012)
The Avengers and the X-Men clash over how to deal with the Phoenix Force's return to Earth during AVX: AVENGERS VS X-MEN.
Essential X-Factor vol.1
Fantastic Four Visionaries: John Byrne vol.7
X-Factor Epic Collection vol.1: Genesis & Apocalypse
X-Men: Phoenix Rising

Include Avengers #263, Fantastic Four #286 and X-Factor #1.

Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars: Battleworld Box Set
Secret Wars II Omnibus
Include New Defenders #152.

Essential Dazzler vol.2
Includes Dazzler #42.

Avengers: The Once and Future Kang
Includes Avengers #263.

Fantastic Four by John Byrne Omnibus vol.2
Includes Fantastic Four #286.

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