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What to read before SECRET WARS (1984-1985)

In a new regular feature, I'll be taking a look back at every major Marvel Universe event and picking out all the comics you need to read beforehand, along with optional stories you may want to check out if you really want to get into the detail.

First off, I'll be look at 1984's SECRET WARS - the series that pulled me into the Marvel Universe and introduced me to all the major players at that time - and the stories you might want to dig into first. Maybe you've read it before and want to relive it or you've never gone that far back into Marvel history and want to read the story that had such a huge amount of fallout for years to come, including the line-up shake-up in the Fantastic Four, the Hulk's transformation back into a savage beast or the birth of Venom!

Again, this 'Recommended Reading' list is entirely optional. The 12-issue Secret Wars maxi-series stands just fine on its own and barely even needs the issues that immediately precede it to make sense. But if you want to know more about how Klaw ended up on Galactus' home ship, the origin of Doctor Doom's scarred face or the mental state of the Molecule Man, these are the issues to check out first! I won't be covering background reading on the tie-in issues.

As always, I'd like to thank the guys who work on the Marvel Chronology Project which I use as a basis and then work out my own version of the Marvel Universe continuity. Those guys have done all the heavy lifting for me.

Over to you! Let me know what you think! What other major Marvel events would you like to see me cover in the future?
MCG Note:
  • Issues in blue relate to the main 'Secret Wars' series and help flesh out the back story.
  • Issues in grey relate to the tie-in issues that lead in and lead back out of the main 'Secret Wars ' maxi-series.
Fantastic Four #20 (1963)
First appearance and origin of the Molecule Man.

Fantastic Four Annual #2[4/4] (1964)
Following his latest defeat at the hands of the Fantastic Four, Doctor Doom is rescued from deep space by the time-travelling Rama-Tut (who goes on to become Kang); Doom somehow surmises Rama-Tut could well be a future version of himself.

Fantastic Four Annual #2[1/4] (1964)
Doctor Doom's origin is revealed, including his attempt to sabotage one of Reed Richards' experiments which literally blew up in his face.

Journey into Mystery #113 (1965)
Loki magically grants the Absorbing Man his powers, enabling him to use his wrecking ball to escape prison.

Fantastic Four #48-50 (1966)
First appearance of Galactus and his Worldship home, Taa; the Fantastic Four first defend the Earth from the threat of Galactus.

Fantastic Four King-Size Special #6 (1968)
Mister Fantastic and the Invisible Girl's first child, Franklin Richards, is born; due to the nature of the parents' cosmic powers, Franklin's birth comes with complications during

Fantastic Four #102-104 (1970)
The Fantastic Four first clash with Magneto.

Savage She-Hulk #1 (1980)
Bruce Banner gives his cousin, Jennifer Walters, a blood transfusion when she's shot by a gang member; Jen becomes the She-Hulk.

Marvel Two-in-One #63 (1980)

First mention of the all-powerful Beyonders.

Avengers Annual #10 (1981)
As a member of Mystique's Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Rogue attacks the Avengers during

Uncanny X-Men #150 (1981)
Magneto is branded a murderer when he destroys a Russian sub during AND THE DEAD SHALL BURY THE LIVING.
Dazzler #9-11 (1981)
Dazzler accidentally uses her mutant powers to absorb Klaw; Dazzler uses the sound energy from Klaw against Galactus when he tried to recruit her to retrieve Terrax during BEHOLD... GALACTUS!

Avengers #215-216 (1982)
The Molecule Man defeats the Avengers and almost destroys the Earth until Tigra talks him into seeing a therapist.
Fantastic Four #242-244 (1982)
Believing Galactus to be one of the fundamental forces of the universe, Mister Fantastic saves the world devourer's life during BEHOLD... GALACTUS!

Fantastic Four #245 (1982)
Mister Fantastic hypothesises that the Thing may be unable to change back to human form due to his subconscious belief that Alicia Masters would no longer love him; he chooses not to share this revelation with the Thing.

Dazzler #18-19 (1982)
Dazzler and Black Bolt defeat the Absorbing Man, leading to his incarceration.

Incredible Hulk #269-272 (1982)
Bruce Banner gains control of the Hulk after further exposure to gamma rays, displaying the intelligence and control he has in his human form and able to transform into the Hulk at will.

Marvel Two-in-One #92-93 (1982)
Machine Man and the Thing destroy Ultron in retaliation for killing Jocasta.

Uncanny X-Men #167 (1983)
Professor X's mind is transferred to a new, cloned body when his original form is infected with a Brood Queen egg; in his new body, Professor X begins to learn to walk again during

Uncanny X-Men #168 (1983)
Kitty Pryde adopts an alien dragon who followed the X-Men back to Earth after they defeated the Brood; Kitty names the dragon Lockheed; Cyclops leaves the X-Men and Storm replaces him as leader during

Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #78-79 (1983)
Doctor Octopus's last defeat is at the hands of Spider-Man during THE LONG GOODBYE.

Incredible Hulk #287 (1983)
First appearance of Bruce Banner's love-interest, Kate Waynesboro.

Iron Man #170 (1983)
James Rhodes takes on the Iron Man identity when Tony Stark gives in to his alcoholism during ARMOR CHASE.

Marvel Graphic Novel #5: X-Men - God Loves, Man Kills (1983)
Following the defeat of Rev William Stryker, the X-Men and Magneto come close to an alliance.

Avengers #231 (1983)
On behalf of Tony Stark/Iron Man, James Rhodes quits the Avengers during

Uncanny X-Men #171 (1983)
Desperate for help in controlling her powers, Rogue defects to the X-Men during

Fantastic Four #257 (1983)
The Invisible Girl is revealed to be pregnant for the second time; Mister Fantastic and the Invisible Girl decide to move to the suburbs in an effort to give their son and their unborn child a 'normal' life during ANNIHILATION GAMBIT /

Fantastic Four #258-260 (1983)
Doctor Doom's body is destroyed by the energy emanating from a clash between the Silver Surfer and Tyros during THE TRIAL OF REED RICHARDS.

Uncanny X-Men #173 (1983)
Rogue earns Wolverine's trust when she helps him defeat Viper and the Silver Samurai during

Uncanny X-Men #176 (1983)
Cyclops begins his honeymoon with his new wife, Madelyne Pryor-Summers.

Captain America #292(pp.1-13) (1984)
Captain America comes under attack from the Black Crow during SECRET WARS.
Incredible Hulk #292-293 (1984)
Before clashing with the Dragon Man, Bruce Banner observes a gamma ray event in space; Banner and Mister Fantastic study the gamma event and a surge destroy most of Reed's equipment in his Baxter Building lab; Bruce Banner begins to show signs that he's losing control of his Hulk persona.

Amazing Spider-Man #249-250(pp.1-10) (1984)
During a clash with the Hobgoblin, Spider-Man's spider-sense alerts him to a wave scanning the Earth; the Hobgoblin reveals to Harry Osborn that his father was the Green Goblin; Hobgoblin tries to kill Harry Osborn and J Jonah Jameson during THE HATRED OF THE HOBGOBLIN.
Uncanny X-Men #177-179 (1984)
Professor X senses psychic waves probing the Earth; Colossus almost dies in a battle against the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants; the long-running flirtation between Kitty Pryde and Colossus hits a bump when Kitty agrees to marry Caliban, with Colossus not realising it's to save his life; the wedding doesn't go through, but the unwitting Colossus begins to question Kitty's affection.

New Mutants #13 (1984)
Professor X experiences a massive psychic attack from an unknown force.
Amazing Spider-Man #250(pp.11-16) (1984)
Spider-Man senses another scanning wave during THE HATRED OF THE HOBGOBLIN.

Marvel Team-Up #140(pp.1-18) (1984)
Spider-Man, Daredevil and the Black Widow investigate a shooting during SECRET WARS.

Fantastic Four #263-264 (1984)
Mister Fantastic continues to study the space anomalies while the rest of the Fantastic Four deal with Alden Maas.

Amazing Spider-Man #250(pp.17-22)-251(pp.1-16) (1984)
Spider-Man clashes with the Hobgoblin, resulting in his apparent demise during SECRET WARS / THE HATRED OF THE HOBGOBLIN.

Iron Man #181 (1984)
Iron Man (James Rhodes) investigates strange energy emanating from Central Park during SECRET WARS.

Captain America #292(pp.9-12) (1984)
The Black Crow attacks Steve Rogers while he's on a date with Bernie Rosenthal during SECRET WARS.
Avengers #240-241 (1984)
While the Avengers are busy trying to save Spider-Woman's life in San Fransisco, the Vision senses the Earth being probed.

Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #89(pp.1-20) (1984)
The Black Cat turns to the Avengers among others in an effort to gain super-powers during SECRET WARS.

Captain America #292(pp.13-22) (1984)
Captain America has his final confrontation with the Black Crow during SECRET WARS.

Uncanny X-Men #180 (1984)
The X-Men head to Central Park to investigate the source of the probes Professor X has been sensing during SECRET WARS / AWAY GAME.

Thor #341(pp.1-2) (1984)
Thor returns to Avengers Mansion during SECRET WARS.

Avengers #242 / Captain America #292(p.23) (1984)
Hawkeye returns in time to investigate the energy source in Central Park during SECRET WARS.

Amazing Spider-Man #251(pp.17-18) (1984)
Spider-Man senses another wave while catching up with Harry Osborn during SECRET WARS / THE HATRED OF THE HOBGOBLIN.

Incredible Hulk #294 (1984)
Hulk chases after Boomerang when he kidnaps Kate Waynesboro, only to be drawn to Central Park during SECRET WARS.

Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #89(pp.20-21) / Marvel Team-Up #140(pp.19-20) / Amazing Spider-Man #251(pp.18-21) (1984)
Spider-Man heads to Central Park to investigate the source of the scanning waves during SECRET WARS.

Thing #10 (1984)
The Thing's heart-to-heart with Alicia Masters is cut short when the Fantastic Four investigate a disturbance in Central Park during SECRET WARS.

Secret Wars #1 (1984)
The war between the greatest heroes and villains of the Marvel Universe begins during SECRET WARS.

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