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SKRULLS READING ORDER: Fall of the Skrulls (1978-1994)

The Skrulls reading order continues! Here's part two of three posts that'll take you right up to the event that had their biggest impact on the Marvel Universe... SECRET INVASION!

This time around, we witness the destruction of the Skrulls' throneworld, the loss of their shape-shifting powers, the ending and reigniting of the Kree-Skrull War, and the introduction of the War-Skrulls and Talos the Tamed

As always, I'd like to thank the guys over at the Marvel Chronology Project which I use as a basis and then work out my own version of the Marvel Universe continuity. Those guys have done all the heavy lifting for me!

MCG Note:
  • Issues in blue are worth reading, are major chapters in Skrull history or may play a key part in the great Marvel tapestry.
  • Issues in grey are part of the Skrulls' chronology, stories of note that aren't essential or are no longer considered 'required reading'.
[SKRULLS READING ORDER: Rise of the Skrulls (1962-1977)]
Avengers Annual #8 (1978) 
Yellowjacket restores Krimonn the Power Prism (a Skrull stuck in a prism form) as a present for the Wasp; Krimonn takes control of the Wasp, turning her against the Avengers; Billy Roberts helps remove Krimonn from the Wasp in an effort to regain it for himself, but it instead possesses Thor by attaching itself to his hammer; with the Avengers defeated by Thor, he is no longer worthy enough to hold Mjolnir, so he drops it and it soon transforms back into Donald Blake's cane; with no prism to house his consciousness, Krimonn ceases to exist.

Marvel Two-in-One #45 (1978) 
Boss Barker of the Kralians of Kral (Skrull gangsters on a planet that looks like 1930s Earth) comes looking for revenge on the Thing; Boss Barker is shot dead by the decapitated head of Torgo.

Fantastic Four #204-209 (1979) 
Emperor Dorrek is finally named; first appearance of Empress R'Klll, Hagar the High Judicator and Jaketch the Apprentice Executioner; the Skrulls attempt to destroy the Fantastic Four while they desperately struggle to save Xandar; the Champions of Xandar destroy the Skrull armada and free the FF, allowing them to get on with stopping Galactus and the Sphinx during IN SEARCH OF GALACTUS.

Rom #1 (1979)
First appearance of the Dire Wraiths (but what have they got to do with the Skrulls? All will be revealed...!)
X-Men #137 (1980) 
First appearance of Raksor; Empress R'Klll sends Raksor to observe Phoenix during her trial by combat for her actions as 'Dark Phoenix'; Raksor attempts to interfere with the trial and is saved from Wolverine's claws by Colonel Bel-Dann of the Kree; Raksor turns his anger towards Bel-Dann and their fight goes on long after everyone else has left.
    Fantastic Four Annual #15 (1980) 
    First appearance of the Prime Ten who try to steal Mister Fantastic's prototype energy transmitter; the Prime Ten are defeated by the Fantastic Four and Captain Marvel.

    Avengers #209 (1981) 
    A Skrull known only as the 'Resurrection Stone Seeker' blackmails the Avengers into finding a stone that can bring back the dead; the Avengers destroy the stone and defeat the Skrull. 

    Marvel Graphic Novel #1: The Death of Captain Marvel (1982) 
    First appearance of Bartak and Zedrao; Zedrao is sent by the Skrulls to award the dying Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell of the Kree) with the Skrull Medal of Valour (it's later revealed that the 'Silver Surfer' here is actually a Skrull spy called Bartak).

    Incredible Hulk #267 (1982) 
    Hulk has another run-in with the Shaper of Worlds.
    Fantastic Four #249-250 (1982-1983) 
    A group of X-Men Impostors attack the Fantastic Four; the Skrull X-Men are defeated by the real FF and Gladiator.

    Captain America Annual #7 (1983) 
    The Shaper of Worlds is revealed to have started life as a Cosmic Cube created by the Skrulls.

    Fantastic Four #257 (1983) 
    Princess Anelle and Empress R'Klll are among the casualties when Galactus consumes the Skrull Throneworld, Tarnax IV, during ANNIHILATION GAMBIT / THE TRIAL OF REED RICHARDS.
    Fantastic Four Annual #17 (1983) 
    'Milk' from the Skrull cows gives the townsfolk of King's Crossing shapeshifting powers; Mister Fantastic develops an antidote.

    Fantastic Four #261-262 (1983) 
    Karant Kiar testifies against Mister Fantastic for saving the life of Galactus before the Devourer of Worlds went on to destroy Tarnax IV during THE TRIAL OF REED RICHARDS
    Rom #50 (1984) 
    Rom learns the origin of the Dire Wraiths; the Wraiths are revealed to be an offshoot of the Skrulls during TOTAL WAR!

    Fantastic Four #265 (1984) 
    First appearance of Lyja (but you wouldn't know it to look at her); she appears here disguised as Alicia Masters after the FF return home from Battleworld during SECRET WARS.

    Alpha Flight #9-10 (1984) 
    Sasquatch and a group of fellow scientists accidentally rescue the Super-Skrull from the Van Allen belt, at first believing him to be the Thing; the radiation from the Super-Skrull's time in space has given him cancer; Sasquatch tricks the Skrull and sends him back into deep space.
    Fantastic Four Annual #18 (1984)
    The fight between Raskor and Bell-Dan is brought to a close with them agreeing not to kill each other, spiritually representing the end of the Kree-Skrull War.

    Power Man and Iron Fist #111-113 (1984-1985) 
    Power Man and Iron Fist meet 'Captain Hero', whose secret identity is actually that of a small boy whose radiation-based powers have given him cancer.
    Fantastic Four #276 (1985) 
    The Human Torch is revealed to be having a relationship with 'Alicia Masters', the Thing's ex-girlfriend during TO ALL THINGS AN ENDING.

    Fantastic Four #277 (1985)
    The Thing returns from Battleworld to discover the Human Torch with 'Alicia Masters', ruining his relationship with the Fantastic Four during TO ALL THINGS AN ENDING / WRAITH WAR.

    Rom #66 (1985) 
    Rom banishes the Dire Wraiths to Limbo during WRAITH WAR.

    Avengers #259 (1985) 
    First appearance of Gorth; Gorth hires Nebula to help him become the new Skrull Emperor, but she betrays and kills him;. Zedrao, who refuses to take sides in the civil war among the Skrull survivors, allies himself with the Avengers to oppose Nebula during THE LEGACY OF THANOS.
    Avengers #260 (1985) 
    Zedrao and the Avengers defeat Nebula during THE LEGACY OF THANOS / SECRET WARS II

    New Avengers #43 (2008)
    A flashback sequence reveals how a Skrull Captain America is 'captured' around the time of the Skrull Civil War; but don't read this now, wait until

    Fantastic Four Annual #19
    Avengers Annual #14 
    First appearance of Prince Dezan, Zabyk and Myrn; the Fantastic Four also get caught up in the Skrull Civil War as it escalates with one side freeing the rightful heir to the throne - the peace-loving Prince Dezan; the extremist Zabyk unleashed the Hyperwave Bomb on the Skrulls, removing their shape-shifting powers including his own, despite his efforts to the contrary during THE WAR TO END ALL SKRULLS.

    Power Man and Iron Fist #121 (1986) 
    'Captain Hero' finds out he only has a few months to live during SECRET WARS II.
    Power Man and Iron Fist #125 (1986) 
    'Captain Hero' murders 'Iron Fist', leaving Power Man to take the blame and go on the run. 

    Fantastic Four #300 (1987) 
    The Human Torch marries 'Alicia Masters'.

    Silver Surfer #2 (1987) 
    First appearance of Kylor, one of the major competitors in the race to become the new Skrull Emperor; Kylor tries to establish trade with Zenn-La, but is refused by Shalla-Bal during FREEDOM.

    Uncanny X-Men Annual #11 (1987) 
    It's revealed that, at some point, a member of the Skrull race tried to obtain the crystal at the centre of the Citadel of Light and Shadow, but must've given in to its power; the penalty for succumbing to temptation is that your entire race are genetically frozen in place and can no longer evolve.

    Silver Surfer #4-5 (1987) 
    First appearance of the Contemplator imposter; the Kree learn of the Skrulls' inability to shape-change, reigniting the Kree-Skrull War;. Jemiah the Analyzer of the Celestials lands on Kylor's planet; the 'Contemplator' takes part in a plot to assassinate Galactus during FREEDOM.
    Silver Surfer #6 (1987) 
    First appearance of Nenora - a Skrull spy trapped in the form of a Kree; first appearance of Yorak - Kylor's main opposition; Nenora helps Kylor by leading the Skrulls away from a Kree ambush during FREEDOM.

    Silver Surfer #7-10 (1988) 
    The 'Contemplator' and the real Elders of the Universe fail to kill Galactus. 'Contemplator' is one of the few who avoids being sucked into a black hole or consumed by the Devourer of Worlds; Nenora refuses to carry out Kylor's order to steal the Supreme Intelligence's Soul Gem during FREEDOM.
    Silver Surfer #11-12 (1988) 
    Nenora takes over the Kree Empire when the Silver Surfer removes the Supreme Intelligence's Soul Gem; another 'Silver Surfer' emerges during SILVER MIRRORS.

    Silver Surfer #13-14 (1988) 
    First appearance of S'Byll, a new competitor for the role of Skrull Empress; the 'Contemplator' is attacked by the space pirate Reptyl who eats his body and leaves the head floating in space; Nenora betrays Kylor, leading his fleet into a trap and destroying them; Kylor is among the dead; the Silver Surfer battles Bartak, the Skrull who took his form at Mar-Vell's funeral and went to great lengths to emulate his abilities and has sided with Karza; Bartak wins, but is killed by Ronan the Accuser during SILVER MIRRORS.
    Silver Surfer Annual #1 (1988) 
    S'Byll sends an agent to free the Super-Skrull from Earth and enlist him into her army during THE EVOLUTIONARY WAR / SILVER MIRRORS.

    Fantastic Four #319 (1988) 
    The Shaper of Worlds reveals some elements of the origin of the Beyonders; the Shaper stops Doctor Doom from stealing the Beyonder's power again; the Shaper helps the Beyonder and Molecule Man merge to form Kubik during SECRET WARS III.

    Silver Surfer #20 (1989) 
    The disembodied head of the 'Contemplator' prepares his revenge on Reptyl; Nenora negotiates with Shalla-Bal, but a plant seems to whisper the word 'Skrull'; Nenora's Kree forces consider turning against her.
    Silver Surfer #25-28(pp.1-11) (1987) 
    The Silver Surfer sides with the Skrulls as the Kree-Skrull War intensifies; 'Contemplator' persuades Reptyl's lacky to betray him to Nenora; S'Byll regains her shape-shifting powers with the Surfer's help, as well as the ability to restore other Skrulls' abilities with a touch and becomes the new Skrull Empress; Nenora captures Shall-Bal during KREE-SKRULL WAR II.

    Incredible Hulk #355-359 (1989) 
    The Shaper of Worlds returns to Earth to manipulate the Hulk.

    Silver Surfer (1987) #28(pp.12-22)-31 (1989) 
    Reptyl is almost killed by his lacky, tipping the scales in the Kree-Skrull War; Shalla-Bal gets word to the Surfer that Nenora is a Skrull, leading to a mission in which S'Byll and the Silver Surfer assault Kree-Lar and expose Nenora; a temporary truce is made between the Kree and the Skrulls; the 'Contemplator' tries to resurrect the Kree Supreme Intelligence under his control, but ultimately only succeeds in restoring him to power during KREE-SKRULL WAR II.

    Avengers Spotlight #25 (1989) 
    A Skrull called Kholdsor tries to steal Rick Jones' memoirs.

    New Mutants #92 (1990) 
    Wolfsbane recalls a recent encounter with the Skrull Slavers when they disguised themselves as a carnival in an attempt to capture the New Mutants.

    Fantastic Four Annual #24 (1991) 
    First appearance of Sl'gur't; the Super-Skrull kills Reptyl to defend his own honour, but is stripped of his rank by Empress S'Byll as punishment.

    Namor the Sub-Mariner #8, 10 (1990-1991) 
    Iron Fist seems to be back from the dead (though it's actually that dastardly Super-Skrull in disguise).

    Impossible Man Summer Vacation Spectacular #1 (1990) 
    The Impossible Man forces Empress S'Byll to sit through the slides of his holiday on Earth.
    Fantastic Four #347-349 (1990-1991) 
    First appearance of De'lila, a renegade Skrull who comes to Earth in search of an Inorganic Technotroid; she defeats the Fantastic Four and manipulates a New Fantastic Four (Hulk, Ghost Rider, Spider-Man and Wolverine) into searching for the Technotroid on her behalf; she's defeated and returned to Skrull custody.

    Incredible Hulk #373-375 (1990) 
    The Super-Skrull leads a team of Skrulls intent on kidnapping Rick Jones, only to run into the Hulk.
    Uncanny X-Men #275-277 (1991) 
    First appearance of the War-Skrulls; Lila Cheney transports the X-Men to Shi'ar space when Professor X seems to go rogue; it's revealed he's been replace by a War-Skrull - a breed of Skrulls who can mimic powers as well as shape; the X-Men defeat the War-Skrulls, wiping their breed from the galaxy.

    Namor the Sub-Mariner #14-18 (1991) 
    'Iron Fist' is finally revealed to be the Super-Skrull when Namor the Sub-Mariner confronts him in the Savage Land

    Infinity Gauntlet #1 (1991) 
    Empress S'Byll mistakenly believes the Kree to be responsible for the eradication of half the population of the universe, while the Kree blame the Skrulls (though it's actually caused by Thanos) during THE INFINITY GAUNTLET.

    Impossible Man Summer Vacation Spectacular #2 (1991) 
    Samuel J Skrull crash lands in the Savage Land, gets lonely and joins the Impossible Man's family. 

    Fantastic Four #357-358 (1991) 
    First appearance of Kalamari and Paibok the Power Skrull; the Human Torch's wife, 'Alicia Masters', is revealed to be a Skrull called Lyja; the Fantastic Four thwart Kalamari and Paibok's plans and rescue the real Alicia and destroy the Skrulls' War World; Lyja professes her love for the Human Torch as she dies from a wound suffered in battle. 
    Quasar #33
    Thor #446
    Avengers West Coast #82
    Quasar #34 
    Shi'ar 'Lord Chamberlain Araki' (actually a Skrull imposter) advises Lilandra to go to war against the Kree, but is revealed to be a Skrull by Living Lighting; the Super-Skrull defeats Her in order to detonate the Kree Nega-Bomb during OPERATION: GALACTIC STORM

    Fantastic Four #366, 369-370 (1992) 
    Paibok the Power Skrull allies himself with the Skrull-killer Devos the Devastator, putting aside their differences in favour of revenge on the Fantastic Four; Paibok is revealed to have kept Lyja alive and turn her into a living weapon during THE INFINITY WAR

    Fantastic Four #371-372, 374-375 (1992-1993) 
    Paibok and Devos attack the Human Torch at Empire State University, causing him to lose control of his powers and destroy the campus; disguised as a cop, Paibok tries to shoot the Torch; Lyja reluctantly assists the Fantastic Four against Doctor Doom, openly showing her contempt for Johnny who still cares about her (especially now that she's carrying his baby) during RISE OF DOOM!

    Quasar #47-48 (1993) 
    The disembodied 'Contemplator' returns, finally revealing himself to be a Skrull when he tries and fails to claim Quasar's Quantum Bands.

    Thor #465 (1993) 
    The Super-Skrull tries to break the Goddess' hold over the universe, but is easily defeated by her minion, Thor, during THE INFINITY CRUSADE.

    Fantastic Four #376-379 (1993) 
    Lyja finds herself in the custody of the NYPD; Paibok leads his Fearsome Foursome (made up of himself, Devos, Huntara and Klaw) against the Fantastic Four; the Fearsome Foursome are defeated with the help of the Avengers, Daredevil and Spider-Man during FOUR NO MORE!

    Fantastic Four #380-381 (1993) 
    Lyja assists the Fantastic Four against Doctor Doom again, this time witnessing the apparent deaths of both Doom and Mister Fantastic during FOUR NO MORE!

    Fantastic Four #382-384 (1993-1994) 
    The Fearsome Foursome transport what's left of the Fantastic Four to the Skrull throneworld, Satriani; Lyja sides with the FF and is considered a traitor to the Skrull race; the FF quickly make their escape, returning to Earth while the Fearsome Foursome's internal double-crossing causes their group to fall apart; features appearances by Empress S'Byll and General Kalamari during FOUR NO MORE!

    Fantastic Four #385 (1994) 
    Lyja assists the Fantastic Four against the Starblasters during STARBLAST.

    Secret Defenders #12-14 (1994) 
    The Super-Skrull is a member of a team specially selected by Thanos to retrieve the Oracle of Ancient Knowledge; Thanos betrays the group, leaving them to the rage of the Monks of H'aarg; the Silver Surfer and Captain Marvel rescue the villains and imprison them on Titan.

    Fantastic Four #386 (1994) 
    Lyja gives birth to an egg and loses her lazerfist powers during STARBLAST. 

    Silver Surfer #89-90 (1994) 
    First appearance of Raze and Vranx; the Skrull criminal Vranx killed his parents and was chased across the galaxy for many years by his brother, Raze, who was unable to shape-shift; Raze captures Vranx with help from the Silver Surfer, then kills him; Raze uses Genis-Vell's arrival to avoid being arrested by the Surfer. 

    Avengers #371 (1994) 
    Lord Tantalus first appears in shadow. 

    Thunderstrike #5-7 (1994) 
    First full appearance of Tantalus, a Deviant from the planet Armechadon created by the Dreaming Celestial who inspired the Deviant Skrulls to rise up against their 'normal' counterparts and become the only Skrulls in existence today; Tantalus' attempts to kidnap the earthly Deviant Pandara are thwarted by Blackwulf.

    Namor the Sub-Mariner #50 (1994) 
    Lyja continues to assist the Fantastic Four, despite having lost her additional abilities. 

    Fantastic Four #387(pp.1-16) (1994) 
    Lyja and the Human Torch discuss parenthood during NOBODY GETS OUT ALIVE! 

    Spider-Man Unlimited #5[1/3] (1994) 
    Lyja and the Human Torch team up with Spider-Man against the Fox

    Fantastic Four #387(pp.17-22) (1994)
    Lyja continues to manipulate the Human Torch during NOBODY GETS OUT ALIVE!

    Incredible Hulk #417-418 (1994) 
    Lyja attends Marlo Chandler's bachelorette party and wedding, also attend by a Skrull representatives during WE ARE GATHERED HERE.

    Incredible Hulk #419 (1994)
    First appearance of Talos the Tamed, the disgraced Skrull who refused to commit suicide after his capture during the Kree-Skrull War; having attended the Jones wedding, Talos tries to convince the Hulk to kill him to earn an honourable death; Hulk breaks down in tears to get rid of him during WE ARE GATHERED HERE.

    Blackwulf #1 (1994) 
    Tantalus kills Blackwulf; the mantle of Blackwulf is taken up by his son.

    Blackwulf #2-6 (1994) 
    First appearance of the Prime Skrull - the existence of the only surviving Skrull from the Deviant uprising is revealed; the new Blackwulf and his Underground Legion save the Prime Skrull from Tantalus. 

    Fantastic Four #389-392 (1994) 
    Lyja reveals that the egg she carries isn't a baby, but a weapon implanted in her by Paibok; Paibok was actually her former lover and the egg was the source of her lazerfist powers; the egg - containing a Sha'Barri monster - is stolen by Raphael Suarez who gains the lazerfist powers until he's brought down by the Fantastic Four; the Human Torch rejects Lyja for betraying him during NOBODY GETS OUT ALIVE!

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