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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 5, 2019


The version of the super-villain Klaw  ( Ulysses Klaw ) who featured in the Marvel Cinematic Universe ( Earth-199999 ) appeared to have a bit of a name change, appearing as Ulysses Klaue . This apparent adjustment actually relates back to the character's mainstream Marvel Universe appearances. Not long after Klaw's first appearance, a Nazi character with a similar-sounding name (and missing hand) appeared in Marvel's World War II-centric S gt Fury and his Howling Commandos   #39 . Colonel Fritz Klaue is later revealed to be Ulysses Klaw's father, who legally changed his name to Fritz Klaw after the war (see the ' Fallout ' section below). In the story SAVE A HOWLER , Colonel Klaue upgrades his metal hand for one with bionic elements. Giving the middle finger is pretty deadly when Klaue gives it to the Howling Commandos. Though his connection to Klaw wasn't established for some time, yet, he still made life difficult for Nick Fury on more than one occasi...


THE COSMIC SPIDEY SAGA makes up a fair chunk of the ACTS OF VENGEANCE crossover, which largely revolved around a plot to destroy the Avengers . But that didn't stop the Prime Movers - the lead bad guys - focusing some of that attention on Spider-Man . After all, he's disrupted the plans of more than one of them off, over the years. Just as it all gets going, Spider-Man finds himself exhibiting super-powers he'd never had before, making killing him a little more of a challenge. But where had these powers come from? I've given THE COSMIC SPIDEY SAGA its own entry as it can easily be read on its own, without the other chapters of ACTS OF VENGEANCE to give it context. This entry also allows me to add a little-known pseudo-prequel and the tie-in with the Avengers' very own cosmic member, Quasar . Web of Spider-Man Annual #5 [2/5]  (tie-in) Amazing Spider-Man #326  (tie-in)  (also see  ACTS OF VENGEANCE ) Spectacular Spider-Man #158  (also see  ACTS OF VENGE...

TIME WARS (1988-1989)

Earth-120185  has been causing damage to the fabric of space and time, starting with Galvatron 's initial journey from his future to our present (during TARGET: 2006 ) to escaping the wrath of Rodimus Prime by becoming a permanent resident here (during WANTED: GALVATRON, DEAD OR ALIVE ). But it was Cyclonus and Scourge 's journey back, circumventing the timestream's act of sending two similar-sized beings to Limbo to 'right' itself (during THE LEGACY OF UNICRON ) that began to rip time-space wide open. Megatron - the robot who will one day become Galvatron - recently lost his mind following the death of Optimus Prime , and seemingly blew himself up. He emerged again, though physically and mentally damaged (during TRANSFORMERS VS ACTION FORCE ). Since then, Optimus has returned in a new Powermaster body, and Megatron has become a pawn of Shockwave . Learning that Cyclonus and Scourge kill him in the future, Shockwave sent Megatron to kill them both. Scourge escap...

MARVEL UNIVERSE: 2004 READING ORDER - Recommended & Essential Reading

The  Marvel Universe  reading order continues: Highlighting all the key moments, first appearances, crossovers and events in the ideal reading order. This time around... 2004! As always, I'd like to thank the guys over at  which I use as a basis and work out my own continuity. Those guys have done all the heavy lifting for me! MCG Note:  These pages are subject to change and will be constantly updated and added to. If you feel a story has been missed or want to know where tale would sit in continuity, I'm more than happy to add these for you, though they may or may not be recommended by me. This guide is aimed more at fans who need help with continuity and the stories they need to read, rather than those already obsessed with it. Stories set between 2005 and 2010 are some of the most popular tales of the modern Marvel era, often redefining the characters we knew and loved for the new millennium. They also influenced a huge chunk of the...