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TIME WARS (1988-1989)

Earth-120185 has been causing damage to the fabric of space and time, starting with Galvatron's initial journey from his future to our present (during TARGET: 2006) to escaping the wrath of Rodimus Prime by becoming a permanent resident here (during WANTED: GALVATRON, DEAD OR ALIVE). But it was Cyclonus and Scourge's journey back, circumventing the timestream's act of sending two similar-sized beings to Limbo to 'right' itself (during THE LEGACY OF UNICRON) that began to rip time-space wide open.

Megatron - the robot who will one day become Galvatron - recently lost his mind following the death of Optimus Prime, and seemingly blew himself up. He emerged again, though physically and mentally damaged (during TRANSFORMERS VS ACTION FORCE). Since then, Optimus has returned in a new Powermaster body, and Megatron has become a pawn of Shockwave. Learning that Cyclonus and Scourge kill him in the future, Shockwave sent Megatron to kill them both. Scourge escaped the former Decepticon leaders rampage, but Cyclonus was destroyed. This was the final straw for the cosmos as the tear in space-time became a rift that began to consume all reality.

Multiple storylines come to a head in Marvel UK's Transformers series. Will the Autobots and Decepticons save existence by setting things right or will the fateful meeting of Megatron and his future self, Galvatron, be the final nail in reality's coffin?
[TARGET: 2006 - Galvatron first travels to the present day]
[WANTED: GALVATRON, DEAD OR ALIVE - Galvatron returns to the present]
[G.I.JOE VS THE TRANSFORMERS - Megatron goes insane]
[TRANSFORMERS VS ACTION FORCE - 'Megatron' re-emerges on Earth]
[THE LEGACY OF UNICRON - Cyclonus & Scourge return to the present]
[HEADMASTERS - Cyclonus & Scourge ally with Skorponok]

  • Transformers Annual 1989[2/5]
  • Transformers Annual 1989[4/5]
  • Transformers #199[1/2]
  • Transformers #200[1/2]
  • Transformers #201[1/2]
  • Transformers #202[1/2]
  • Transformers #203[1/2]
  • Transformers #204[1/2]
  • Transformers #205[1/2]
Transformers Annual 1989[2/5]
Megatron confronts Galvatron, having been sent to destroy him by Shockwave. Initially, Megatron vehemently and violently denies the possibility that Galvatron is his future self. Galavtron can't kill Megatron as he'll be killing himself. He disables him by dropping a building on him, hinting at what he ultimately did to Starscream for betraying him in the events that led to Megatron's future transformation. Intrigued and amused, Megatron suddenly sees Galvatron as an ally...

Transformers Annual 1989[4/5]
Highbrow is led into a trap by Skorponok who, with his fellow Decepticons, subdue the Autobot. Mindwipe hypnotises Highbrow into believing he's a Decepticon, too, only his Headmaster companion, Gort, is unaffected. Gort takes control of Highbrow's body and rips Skoronok's head off without giving it the chance to disengage correctly, leaving his body in a state of shock. Highbrow wanders back to the Autobots while carrying Skorponk's head, uncertain that Mindwipe's hypnosis hasn't done lasting damage...

Transformers #199[1/2]
The fabric of space-time is unravelling and the end of the universe is nigh. In the future, the Autobots learn the source of all of this is the death of Cyclonus and Galavtron's activities in the past. Following a mission to destroy a Decepticon laser bore, Rodimus Prime leads a team back in time. Soundwave and the Terrorcons follow Rodimus back through the trans-time portal to the present, looking for revenge over the destruction of the laser bore...

Transformers #200[1/2]
Optimus Prime decides it's time to do something about Galvatron, realising his presence is likely the cause of the disruption in time and space. Highbrow returns to the Ark with Skorponok's head, pursued by the Decepticons. Optimus and others come to his aid, only to be sent to Limbo when Rodimus and his team arrive in the present. Elsewhere, Ravage and Scourge ally themselves with Galvatron...

Transformers #201[1/2]
Fortress Maximus leads the other remaining Autobots against Rodimus Prime, beliveing them to have disintegrated Optimus and the others. While the Autobots of two eras fight each other, Skorponok is reunited with his head. A number of his Decepticon crew are replaced by Soundwave and the Terrorcons, arriving from the future. Nearby, the Autobot Wreckers form an uneasy partnership with the Decepticon Mayhem Attack Squad in an effort to stop Galvatron, only to discover his partnership with Megatron. Back at the Ark, Ultra Magnus convinces Rodimus Prime to unleash the Matrix, allowing Optimus Prime to contact the Autobots from Limbo and plea with them to work together...

Transformers #202[1/2]
The Wreckers and the Mayhem Attack Squad quickly realise they're horrifically outmatched by Megatron and Galvatron. Springer convinces Carnivac to retreat, but not before both sides suffer devastating losses. Back at the Ark, Autobots and Decepticons of two eras form an unlikely alliance in the hope of saving reality, just as the rift threatens to tear planet Earth apart...

Transformers #203[1/2]
Having turned his back on Galvatron in the hope of saving reality, Scourge flies to the present day Decepticon base where he confronts Shockwave. The mentally broken Decepticon has hung Cyclonus's dismembered body as a trophy. Shockwave shoots his other future killer down, leaving Scourge's body in a heap. The combined forces of the Autobots and Decepticons come to the aid of the Wreckers and Mayhem Attack Squad. Roadbuster uses an experimental cannon on Megatron that blows off half his face, but explodes and kills Roadbuster...

Transformers #204[1/2]
Galvatron and Megatron tear through both teams of Autobots. Soundwave decides to risk returning to his own time, while Skorponok joins the fray only for Ultra Magnus to accidentally shoot him. As the Decepticons attack Magnus for his 'betrayal', Rodimus Prime confronts Galvatron who begins to lose his mind as he recalls events playing out very differently in his own past. Optimus Prime risks speeding up the death of everything by returning from Limbo to confront Galvatron while Rodimus still fights in the present...

Transformers #205[1/2]
Ravage convinces Shockwave to give up Cyclonus' body. Megatron abandons Galvatron, believing him to be insane. Optimus Prime's brutal fight with Galvatron is interrupted when the rift tears the mad Decepticon to shreds and sucks him in, followed by Scourge who sacrifices himself to it. Shockwave throws the remnants of Cyclonus in the rift and space-time is healed. Rodimus Prime promises to destroy the Autobots time machines when he returns to the future and Optimus Prime praises Shockwave, then promises to treat him as a sworn enemy next time they meet.

Transformers #47-50 (US, 1988)
Both the Autobots and Decepticons suffer further heavy losses at the hands of the Underbase-powered Starscream.

Transformers #219-222 (UK, 1989)
After the final battle with Galvatron, a handful of surviving Wreckers join forces with the remaining members of the Mayhem Attack Squad to become the Survivors.

Transformers #224 (UK, 1989)
In the year 2356 (in a possible future timeline), Rodimus Prime recalls how fixing the time-rift altered events so Galvatron remained in the future timeline where he took over Cybertron; Galvatron's actions reawaken Unicron.

Transformers #227 (UK, 1989)
In the year 2356, the aged Rodimus Prime recalls how Unicron returned in 2010, only for Rodimus to suck Unicron's spirit into the Creation Matrix.

Transformers #57 (1989)
Megatron is revealed wandering Cybertron with no memory of who he is.

Transformers #58 (1989)
Ratchet restores Goldbug to his Bumblebee form when he turns him into a Pretender.

Transformers #243-244 (Marvel UK, 1989)
The 'Megatron' who allied with Galvatron is revealed to be a clone body created by Lord Straxus to house his own personality; Straxus tries to claim the clone Megatron's mind, but it's own 'Megatron' persona commits suicide to kill Straxus by blowing its own head off.

Transformers #66-67 (US, 1990)
Another Galvatron from an alternate timeline is revealed to have taken over Earth in that reality's future.

Transformers #69-79 (US, 1990-1991)
In the present day, Unicron emerges and plans his attack on Cybertron; Unicron rips the alternate future Galvatron from his timeline to act as his herald; Galvatron is defeated by Fortress Maximus while Unicron is destroyed by the combined might of the Autobots and Decepticons.

Transformers: Best of UK Omnibus (IDW)
Transformers: Best of UK: Time Wars (IDW)
Transformers: The Definitive G1 Collection vol.15 - Time Wars (Hachete)
Transformers: Time Wars (Titan)

Include Transformers #199-205 and Transformers Annual 1989.

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