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THE COSMIC SPIDEY SAGA makes up a fair chunk of the ACTS OF VENGEANCE crossover, which largely revolved around a plot to destroy the Avengers. But that didn't stop the Prime Movers - the lead bad guys - focusing some of that attention on Spider-Man. After all, he's disrupted the plans of more than one of them off, over the years. Just as it all gets going, Spider-Man finds himself exhibiting super-powers he'd never had before, making killing him a little more of a challenge. But where had these powers come from?

I've given THE COSMIC SPIDEY SAGA its own entry as it can easily be read on its own, without the other chapters of ACTS OF VENGEANCE to give it context. This entry also allows me to add a little-known pseudo-prequel and the tie-in with the Avengers' very own cosmic member, Quasar.
Web of Spider-Man Annual #5[2/5] (tie-in)
Empire State University science professor Dr Evan Swann finds himself the latest host of the Uni-Power, granting him the near-infinite abilities of Captain Universe. Once he's ended the threat of the Quantum Mechanic by returning the creature home, the Unipower leaves Dr Swann's body, returning him to normal.

Amazing Spider-Man #326
Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson-Parker's housewarming party is ruined by an extravagant gift from MJ's imprisoned stalker, Jonathan Caesar. At Empire State University, Dr Swann assigns Peter to assisting the arrogant Dr Max Lubisch on one of his experiments. Peter dons his Spider-Man costume when he notices Graviton has lifted the Daily Bugle building into the air. Falling for the ploy to lure him out, Graviton beats Spider-Man by hurling metal furniture at him and leaving him for dead. Later, Peter reunited with MJ and finds out she passed her audition for the role in 'Secret Hospital'.
Spectacular Spider-Man #158
Trapster almost succeeds in killing Spider-Man who barely breaks free of his paste trap. The 'lackey' invites the Kingpin into the Prime Movers, directing the Acts of Vengeance alongside Doctor Doom, Wizard and Magneto. Peter Parker is almost killed by a power surge during a dubious experiment with Professor Max Lubisch. The Trapster returns to make sure Spidey's dead and soon learns the wall-crawler has gained new abilities including enhanced senses, total control of his webbing and lasers firing from his finger-tips. He beats the Trapster by exploding the paste pellets attached to his costume.

Web of Spider-Man #59
Doctor Doom manipulates Titania into having a rematch with Spider-Man, amping up her rage with a secret device that also measures Spidey's new abilities. Titania attacks the Daily Bugle and Spider-Man leaps into action to save the Puma who she throws through a window. Spidey's fight with Titania ends up on the streets of New York where he blasts her with energy. Doom becomes obsessed with obtaining this power...

Amazing Spider-Man #327
Magneto strays from the Prime Movers' rules and confronts Spider-Man himself, believing the web-slinger's new abilities to be mutant powers kicking in. Spidey's varied abilities - including flight and transforming metal into glass - suggest to Magneto that he's not a mutant, so the Master of Magnetism leaves the scene. Mary Jane consoles Peter who accidentally put innocent lives in danger during the fight due to his lack of control over his new powers.

Spectacular Spider-Man #159
The Brothers Grimm, agree to kill Spider-Man for the Wizard in exchange for the death of their nemesis, Iron Man. Doctor Doom continues to monitor Spider-Man as he stresses over his new powers. J Jonah Jameson tries to recruit Peter Parker for his new publication which he hopes will rival the Daily Bugle. Spider-Man senses the Brothers Grimm's activities when they lift Madison Square Garden above the city. His new powers help it put it back where it belongs and, after being bombarded by killer pies and exploding silk scarves, Spidey drives the duo away when they realised they're drastically outmatched.
Web of Spider-Man #60
The cosmic-powered Spider-Man defeats the giant-sized Goliath, then heads over to see Aunt May so she can overreact to his hypothetical question about having the power of life and death. The Kingpin lures Spider-Man into a trap where Goliath - with powers amplified by Doctor Doom - has another shot at killing Spidey. Goliath grows with each cosmic blast Spider-Man fires at him until his heart gives way and he disappears into the water near Liberty Island. The sensors Doom covered Goliath with are overloaded and destroyed and Spider-Man now believes himself to be a murderer...

Amazing Spider-Man #328
In exchange for the Hellfire Club's promised destruction, Sebastian Shaw agrees to destroy Spider-Man. He pays the Hulk to drop into New York City and attract Spidey's attention, but immediately finds himself outclassed and quickly changes back to Bruce Banner when the sun rises. He attacks Spider-Man again the next night, only to be hurled into space by him. Spidey rescues him before the sun can come up and turn him back to Banner, so he departs promising not to try and kill him again. Shaw returns Banner to Nevada and begins to think Spider-Man may be a bigger threat than his nemesis, Magneto...
Quasar #7 (tie-in)
Quasar tracks an alien signature to its source and is surprised to find it's coming from Spider-Man. The web-slinger may be short-tempered since the public turned against him, but he's clearly not a threat to Quasar's boss, Eon, despite initially lashing out against the cosmic Avenger. The next day, Terminus re-emerges from beneath the Earth and Quasar calls on Spider-Man for help in defeating the alien behemoth. Together, they break Terminus' staff and launch him into space.

Spectacular Spider-Man #160
Public opinion of Spider-Man is worse than ever before, even when he manages to put an end to the Shocker and Hydro-Man's feud with the Rhino. Doom obtains and upgrades the super-soldier hunter robot TESS-One which absorbs Spider-Man's energies while it fights him. Spidey plays to the public's misconception of him and destroys TESS-One in a rage. The robot is destroyed, but Spidey is feared more than ever. Doom obtains TESS-One's head and gets ready to steal Spider-Man's powers. Elsewhere, Nick Katzenberg tries to steal Peter Parker's job as J Jonah Jameson's new photographer.
Web of Spider-Man #61
At his wit's end, Peter Parker decides to quit being Spider-Man, hurls his mask from the top of a building and flies home. The Wizard finds the mask and gives it to Dragon Man to track the sent and kill the web-slinger. Their clash ends up derailing a subway train, though Spider-Man saves the passengers and wins their affection. The Wizard has accidentally made Spidey popular again. Elsewhere, the lackey sabotages the head of TESS-One, foiling Doctor Doom's plan to steal Spider-Man's cosmic abilities. Later, Liz Osborn receives an unwanted call from a mystery man...

Amazing Spider-Man #329
Sebastian Shaw coerces Dr Max Lubisch into creating a mechanism that might negate Spider-Man's new powers. As a parting 'gift', Loki merges Shaw's three new Sentinels from Project: Nimrod into one Tri-Sentinel. After easily defeating Graviton again, Spider-Man gains full access to his abilities as Captain Universe! The Unipower manifested him to prevent widespread destruction by the Tri-Sentinel. The robot is destroyed, costing Shaw a fortune and allowing the Unipower to leave Spider-Man's body. Later, Peter and Mary Jane meet Flash Thompson's new girlfriend, Felicia Hardy.
Spectacular Spider-Man #161 (1990)
Joe 'Robbie' Robertson is pardoned and doesn't need to complete his prison sentence.

Web of Spider-Man #62 (1990)
The Molten Man is revealed to be the mystery man calling Liz Osborn.

Avengers: Death Trap - The Vault (1991)
Goliath is revealed to be alive and imprisoned in the Vault.

Web of Spider-Man Annual #6 (1990)
Toddler Eddie Price is the next host of the Uni-Power.

Amazing Spider-Man #336 (1990)
Nathan Lubensky's weak heart finally gives him out when the Vulture tries to use him as a hostage; Nathan dies in Aunt May's arms.

Amazing Spider-Man #339 (1990)
Jonathan Caesar is murdered by another of Mary Jane Watson-Parker's obsessive fans, ending his threat once and for all; MJ ends her career as a soap opera actress.

Thor Annual #15 (1990)
Terminus returns to Earth after clashing with Thor in space during THE TERMINUS FACTOR.

Web of Spider-Man #64-65 (1990)
The Chameleon summons the Brothers Grimm, Goliath, Graviton, Titania and Trapster and offers to pay them to destroy Spider-Man as the Spider-Man Revenge Squad; Spidey defeats all six villains without the Uni-Power; J Jonah Jameson launches his News Digest in competition with the Daily Bugle. 

Web of Spider-Man #69 (1990)
The Hulk has returned to his less intelligent green form by the time he next clashes with Spider-Man.

Spectacular Spider-Man #171 (1990)
The Puma sells the Daily Bugle back to J Jonah Jameson.

X-Factor #67 (1991)
Sebastian Shaw's apparent murder at the hands of his own son, Shinobi Shaw, spells the beginning of the end for Shaw's incarnation of the Hellfire Club. 

Quasar #23 (1991)
Quasar fails to protect Eon from his predicted murder; Eon is killed by Maelstrom.

What If #31 (1991)
Uatu the Watcher reveals an alternate universe (Earth-91110) in which Spider-Man keeps his Captain Universe powers and conceives a daughter who may or may not have been conceived while he held the Uni-Power.

Amazing Spider-Man #351-352 (1991-1992)
The Life Foundation rebuild the Tri-Sentinel, but Spider-Man and Nova destroy it by reactivating its failsafes.

Spectacular Spider-Man #187 (1992)
When the Vulture believes he's dying, he tries to make right by apologising to May Parker for the part he played in Nathan Lubensky's death; May slaps him ad swears never to forgive him.

Spectacular Spider-Man #209-210 (1994)
Despite initially getting together with Flash Thompson to get back at Peter Parker, Felicia Hardy (the Black Cat) falls in love with him and asks her to marry him; Flash rejects her proposal, revealing he always knew she was the Black Cat, but believed she'd one day return to her adventurous life during TABULA RASA.

Amazing Spider-Man #545 (2008)
Mary-Jane makes a pact with Mephisto that erases her marriage to Peter Parker from history in order to save May Parker's life during ONE MORE DAY.

Amazing Spider-Man #627-629 (2010) 
Spider-Man comes close to receiving the Captain Universe powers again; instead, the Uni-Power goes to William Nguyen who uses his abilities to have his revenge on the Juggernaut for costing him his job during THE GAUNTLET.

Amazing Spider-Man #638-641 (2010)
Mary Jane Watson reveals that she made a deal with Mephisto to leave Peter Parker alone at the cost of their marriage being erased from time; when history was altered, Peter and Mary Jane lived together but never married; Peter and Mary Jane become friends, but remain apart.

FF #1 (2011)
Spider-Man joins the Future Foundation alongside the intellectually augmented Dragon Man during FUTURE FOUNDATION.

X-23 #13-16 (2011-2012)
Spider-Man is among the previous hosts who are contacted by the Enigma Force when the Whirldemon escapes imprisonment in the Microverse and it needs someone to host the Uni-Power. 

Secret Avengers #8 (2013)
AIM obtain the remnants of TESS-One and give it a complete redesign during MARVEL NOW!

Amazing Spider-Man #9 (2015)
Spider-Man meets an alternate universe version of himself (from Earth-13) who kept the Captain Universe powers during SPIDER-VERSE.

Amazing Spider-Man #4-5 (2018)
Mendell Stromm recreates the Tri-Sentinel only for it to be utilised for good as the Spider-Bot by a duplicate Spider-Man; the Spider-Bot fights Stromm's Tri-Sentinel army before they all self-destruct.

Spider-Geddon #4-5 (2019)
The Uni-Power bonds with Miles Morales (originally the Spider-Man of Earth-1610), granting him the power of Captain Universe during SPIDER-GEDDON.
Acts of Vengeance Omnibus
Include Amazing Spider-Man #326-329, Quasar #7, Spectacular Spider-Man #158-160 and Web of Spider-Man #59-61.

Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection vol.20: Cosmic Adventures

Include Amazing Spider-Man #326-329, Spectacular Spider-Man #158-160 and Web of Spider-Man #59-61.

Spider-Man: The Cosmic Adventures
Includes Amazing Spider-Man #327-329, Spectacular Spider-Man #158-160 and Web of Spider-Man #59-61.

Quasar Classic vol.1

Includes Quasar #7.

Captain Universe: Power Unimaginable

Captain Universe: The Hero Who Could Be You
Include Web of Spider-Man Annual #5[2/5].

Amazing Spider-Man by David Michelinie & Todd MacFarlane Omnibus

Includes Amazing Spider-Man #326-329.

Spider-Man Omnibus by David Michelinie & Erik Larsen Omnibus
Includes Amazing Spider-Man #327 & 329.

Spider-Man Legends vol.1: Todd MacFarlane, Book 1
Includes Amazing Spider-Man #328.

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