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TOTAL WAR! (1984)

The epic build-up to WRAITH WAR! Rom discovers the origin of the repulsive Dire Wraiths. A long-standing ally falls. The Wraiths make the most of the disappearance of Earth's heroes (thanks to the SECRET WARS) and new alliances are forged when the Wraith infestation becomes public knowledge. Nick Fury, the Avengers, the Hulk, Alpha Flight and Ant-Man join the fight as the Dire Wraiths' final plans for Earth move to endgame...
  • Rom #50 (tie-in)
  • Rom #51-53
  • Avengers #243 (also see SECRET WARS)
  • Incredible Hulk #296
  • Rom #54-55
  • Avengers #244-245
  • Rom #56-59
Rom #50 (tie-in)
On the day Torpedo (Brock Jones) decides to retire from super-heroing, he's killed and replaced by a Dire Wraith. A band of Skrulls come to Earth, kill the fake 'Torpedo' and attack the other Dire Wraiths who've been hiding in Clairton. Rom and Starshine (Brandy Clarke - a human-turned-Spaceknight) escape the Shadow-Realm in time to witness the deaths of the Wraiths who have replaced Brandy's family. Before leaving Earth, the Skrulls explain to Rom that the Dire Wraiths are an offshoot of the Skrulls and were cast out long ago. With her family dead, Starshine gives in to rage and revenge...

Rom #51
Starshine begins to lose her humanity as she kills her way through Dire Wraiths all across West Virginia. The funeral of the victims of the Wraiths' massacre at Clairton, generates huge media interest and prompts Rom to alert the people of the world to the threat of the Dire Wraith invasion and stirring them into standing up and fighting. Witnessing this, the Wraiths decide to up their game...

Rom #52
The Dire Wraiths openly attack Maryland, killing men, women and children indiscriminately. Rom sides with the US Army and meets General Merriweather Locklin who's desperately trying to quell the attacks. Rom uses Locklin's holographic map to sho, only to discover some of Locklin's men are also Wraiths. When the carnage is over and the Wraiths lie dead int he war room, Locklin declares total war on the Dire Wraiths...

Rom #53
Days after the SHIELD Helicarrier comes under attack from Dire Wraiths, Nick Fury, Rom and Starshine stand before the President where they plea to unite the nations of Earth and work together against the Wraiths. Many of the Earth's greatest heroes are currently missing (due to the events of SECRET WARS), leaving Rom as Earth's greatest hope...

Avengers #243
The Vision publicly announces himself as leader of the remaining Avengers, but the public don't warm to him. A structure appears in Central Park and the missing Avengers and the new Iron Man emerge from it. Wasp officially hands the role of Chairman to the Vision who makes a couple of announcements. He plans to form a team of West Coast Avengers led by Hawkeye. Earth will need all the Avengers it can get if it has a chance of tackling the threat of the Dire Wraiths.

Incredible Hulk #296
While Bruce Banner was on Battleworld (during the SECRET WARS), crime boss Max Hammer used his gamma experiments to turn himself into an able-bodied green gamma monster. Despite being able to control himself in Hulk form, Banner struggles to hold his own against Hammer and has to give in to his rage to even stand a chance and almost ends up killing him. Rom journeys across America tracking energies signatures in his search for the Dire Wraiths and discovers the gamma-irradiated recipients of Banner's experimental process. Rom stops the Hulk from drowning Hammer and, using his Neutraliser, cures Hammer and all the other gamma-infused individuals. He attempts to cure the Hulk the same way, but Banner's genes have been irradiated for too long now. The Hulk persona takes over and the behemoth attacks Rom, injuring Kate Waynesboro in the process. When Banner regains control fo the Hulk along with his senses, he leaps away in shame.

Rom #54
Rom, Starshine and the US-backed Wraith-Hunter Rangers discover a Dire Wraith infestation in Atlanta. Doctor Strange casts a protective spell over the SHIELD ESPer agents who are tracking the Wraiths. Serial sidekick Rick Jones heads to Mercy Hospital where tests reveal he has cancer. Elsewhere in the hospital, the Dire Wraiths infuse the blood banks with their dark magicks...

Rom #55
Anyone who receives a blood transfusion at Mercy Hospital suddenly finds themselves transformed into a hideous creature. Rick Jones barely avoids getting his transfusion and sides with Rom and Starshine against the monster horde. Rom tries to subdue the mutated victims of the Dire Wraiths, but Starshine's more intent on killing them. After almost being killed by one particularly aggressive creature, Rom destroys all the spoiled blood. Despite winning, Rom begins to struggle with the dark path this war is leading him down... 
Avengers #244
The Avengers head to the John F Kennedy Space Centre where they suspect a series of sabotage attempts have been caused by the Dire Wraiths. The base soon comes under attack from the jet-pack-wearing criminals, the Rocketeers. Under the VIsion's leadership, the Avengers face an embarrassing defeat. The Rocketeers turn out to be Dire Wraiths, having clearly stolen the original Rocketeers' forms. To top it off, one Wraith successfully steals the base's experimental ion drive rocket with the Wasp aboard...

Avengers #245

Vision, Captain Marvel and Starfox board the rocket and struggle with the Wraith until he accidentally opens the airlock and gets sucked out into space. On Earth, Captain America discovers General William Bridges is just one of a number of Dire Wraiths at the base. Cap and the Scarlet Witch defeat the Wraiths, freeing the base. Nick Fury arrives to thank thank the Avengers for their efforts, upsetting the Vision's plans to lead the war against the Wraiths himself. Elsewhere, Quicksilver nurses Bova after seemingly being attacked by Magneto. And Hawkeye begins his search for a HQ for the West Coast Avengers.

Rom #56
Rom and Starshine head to Ontario where a motley band of Dire Wraiths have mutated batches of salmon eggs to create humanoid salmon monster which rampage through the town. Marrina, Snowbird, Sasquatch and Shaman of Alpha Flight join forces with Rom to end the salmon creatures' threat. But the Dire Wraiths create more monsters, sending them to break the dam and flood the town below...

Rom #57
Not even the combined powers of Rom, Starshine and Alpha Flight can stop the water unleashed by the shattered dam. They manage to save a few people, but most are killed by the flood. And the water tainted by the Wraiths' magic seeps into the soil, spreading its evil into the earth itself...

Rom #58
Ant-Man arrives in Ontario to find Alpha Flight among those receiving medical treatment after the Dire Wraith attack. Having been sent by the Avengers to assist, Ant-Man shrinks himself, Rom and Starshine to allow them to travel into the earth to put an end to the Wraiths' taint before it effects the food chain and spreads their evil through all living things. The group fight their way through mutated bugs until Rom convinces Ant-Man to shrink them down to the molecular level to combat the threat at its source. Ant-Man heads for the surface to be with his daughter when the world ends, only to find mutated bugs biting humans and spreading their disease... 

Rom #59
While the Wraith-Hunter Rangers and Ant-Man battle evil bugs on the surface, Rom and Starshine get smaller and smaller until they can neutralise the Wraith-Taint at the molecular level. Rom is thanked by the ants as the duo return to full size, giving Starshine a reason to realise she's been losing her humanity as the war has gone on. But can she reclaim it?

Incredible Hulk #297-300 (1984)
Kate Waynesboro returns to SHIELD to find a way to stop the Hulk; Bruce Banner completely loses control over his Hulk persona (largely due to the machinations of Nightmare) and is banished to another dimension by Doctor Strange.

Uncanny X-Men #184 (1984)
The US Government employ the mutant Forge to build them a Neutraliser when Rom refuses to share the specs on his during WRAITH WAR.

Avengers #247 (1984)
Quicksilver takes Bova to Attilan where she makes a full recovery.

West Coast Avengers #1 (1984)
Hawkeye finally forms the West Coast Avengers; James Rhodes joins the team as Iron Man during WEST COAST AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!

Rom #60 (1984)
Rom's war with the Dire Wraiths continues during WRAITH WAR.

Avengers #250 (1984)
The second source of suspicious energy detected by the Vision is revealed to be from Maelstrom; the bi-coastal Avengers join forces to defeat him during WEST COAST AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!

Rom Annual #3 (1984) 
Hybrid separates Brandy Clark from her Starshine armour, literally restoring her humanity during WRAITH WAR.

Avengers #252-254 (1985)
The Vision's long-term plan to take over the world's computers is revealed; the Avengers put a stop to the Vision's insane plan.

Avengers #255 (1985)
The Wasp reclaims her role as Avengers Chairman during THE LEGACY OF THANOS

Rom #61-66 (1984-1985)
All of Earth's heroes join the war against the Dire Wraiths; Rom allows Forge to build a device powered by his Neutraliser that will send all the Dire Wraiths to Limbo; Rom ends their threat as a hero, but decides to leave Earth when Brandy Clark appears to become involved with Rick Jones during WRAITH WAR.

Rom #73 (1985)
The all-powerful Beyonder cures Rick Jones' cancer and transports Brady Clark to Galador to be reunited with Rom during SECRET WARS II / THE SEARCH FOR GALADOR.

Vision and the Scarlet Witch #6 (1986)
When Quicksilver next meets Magneto, he completely fails to address the attack on Bova.

Incredible Hulk #319 (1986)
Rick Jones is reunited with Bruce Banner.

Incredible Hulk #325 (1986)
Rick Jones is transformed into a Hulk himself (though he's later cured by the Leader) during THE NEW HULK!

New Warriors #28 (1992)
After discovering Brock Jones' Torpedo costume, Michael Jeffries and Michiko Musashi wear it while sharing the new identity of Turbo.

Nova #17 (1995)
The Dire Wraith queen Volx returns to Earth to claim the Torpedo armour during NOVA OMEGA.

New Warriors #60 (1995)
Turbo (Michiko Musashi) accepts full membership into the New Warriors, bringing her and them into conflict with the Wraith queen Volx during NOVA OMEGA.

New Warriors #73-75 (1996)
Volx adopts the identity of Brock Jones' son, Danny Jones (suggesting she may have killed him) in order to kills Michael Jeffries; the New Warriors put a stop to Volx's plan to remove all super-human powers from Earth; Volx is killed by Night Thrasher.

Avengers Forever #12 (2001)
Rick Jones is bonded via Nega-Bands to Genis-Vell, the son of the original Captain Marvel who takes up his father's mantle during THE DESTINY WAR.

Spaceknights #1-5 (2000-2001)
Rom is revealed to have died after living a happy life on Galador with Brandy Clark; Rom and Brandy's sons, Tristan and Balin, become Spaceknights (Liberator and Terminator) along with a new Starshine when the Dire Wraiths return with their own Wraithknights.

Annihilators #2-4 (2011)
Volx returns again; Wraithworld is moved to the opposite end of the universe from Galador; Volx is killed in the conflict.
Avengers: West Coast Avengers Assemble
Avengers: West Coast Avengers Omnibus vol.1
Include Avengers #243.

Avengers: Absolute Vision
Includes Avengers #243-245.

Yet to be collected:
Incredible Hulk #296
Rom #50-59

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