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EVIL EVOLUTION (2009-2010)

We're back in the Marvel Apes universe again. You'll be forgiven for skipping it, especially as I wanted nothing more than to skip it while I was reading it. If you don't like infinitely repeated ape, simian and banana puns then this isn't the story for you.

At the end of MARVEL APES, the ape Speedball was trying to find his place while trapped on Earth-616, while the Marvel Apes' universe (Earth-8101) was still reeling from the discovery of a vampire cabal amongst the world's heroes. And this is meant to be a comedy...
[MARVEL APES - introducing the Marvel Apes Universe]
  • Marvel Apes: Speedball #1[1/2]
  • Marvel Apes: The Amazing Spider-Monkey #1[1/2]
  • Marvel Apes: Grunt Line #1[1/2]
  • Marvel Apes: Prime Eight (Digital Comic) #1-3
  • Marvel Zombies: Evil Evolution #1
Marvel Apes: Speedball #1[1/2]
Ape Speedball dreads the possibility of returning home from Earth-616 to the apes he betrayed in favour of humanity. But humanity doesn't want him, either, so he's kicked out of the Initiative (even the real Speedball isn't popular in America, right now). On a personal mission, he discovers the version of Ape X (Roy Reyna) of Earth-616 while also running headlong into the Red Ghost and his Super-Apes. Ape X is defeated by the Super-Apes, so Speedball bargains for his freedom by allowing the Red Ghost to transport them both to Earth-8101.

Marvel Apes: The Amazing Spider-Monkey #1[1/2]
On Earth-8101, Spider-Monkey has decided to be a better hero by not killing. He rebels against the Apevengers' efforts to use a portal bring Speedball back to Earth-8101 in order kill him. He escapes and becomes a fugitive while Speedball and the Red Ghost materialise on Earth-8101, anyway. But they're followed through the portal by the Marvel Zombies...

Marvel Apes: Grunt Line #1[1/2] 
Roy Reyna dons the mask that turns him into Ape X and telepathically befriends the Red Ghost's Super-Apes before they're all captured by Norman Osborn's HAMMER troops. Meanwhile, Front Line reporter Jane Potter teams up with the Gibbon and Gorilla Girl to investigate the imminent invasion of the Apevengers and frees the captive Ape X. Milton Horak, agent of HAMMER, tricks Ape X and his would-be rescuers into helping him open a portal, only to have it close behind them once they arrive on an alternate Earth where something creepy is shuffling towards them...

Marvel Apes: Prime Eight (Digital Comic) #1
Nicole Furry 2099 arrives on Earth-8101 from the future to recruit Iron Mandrill, the Hulk, the Silverback Surfer, Professor Xapier, Cleook and Black Bolt into the Prime Eight to save the Ape-verse from the zombie invasion. But who will be the eighth member?
Marvel Apes: Prime Eight (Digital Comic) #2
The ape version of Doctor Doom becomes the eighth member of Prime Eight, and the heroes have to protect him with their lives to save the future. The team confront the invading zombies and Iron Mandrill tackles his zombie/human Iron Man counterpart and the zombie Wasp, barely beating them back. In the furor, ape Doom is sliced by zombie Wolverine and the feasting on the saviour of the future begins...

Marvel Apes: Prime Eight (Digital Comic) #3
The successful attack on Doom turns out to be a mental illusion cast by Xapier, giving the Prime Eight a chance to open a portal and send the zombies back where they came from. Nicole Furry's real plan for someone to be bitten and keep her timeline alive comes to the fore. Iron Mandrill obliterates her to save his reality, but it turns out the zombie Wasp bit him earlier in the battle. Iron Mandrill rebuilds the portal to jump to another universe. This time, he plans to use zombie Triton's arm to open one to the zombie universe and become its master...
Marvel Zombies: Evil Evolution #1 
The zombies who invaded the Ape-verse return to Earth-2149, their home reality. Ape X, Gorilla Girl, Jane Potter, Gibbon and the Super-Apes also materialised on the Zombie Earth, rather than Earth-8101. The Apevengers kill Iron Mandrill and open a portal from the Ape-verse opens and all-out war between super-apes and super-zombies begins, with the zombies' bites infecting the apes! Ape X, ape Speedball and the others join forces with Magneto of Earth-2149. Zombie Mister Fantastic convinces Ape X, Speedball, the Red Ghost and the others to help him go back in time and undo all the events that led to the inter-reality zombie/ape war.

The heroes become infected and zombie Mister Fantastic betrays them, leaving Ape X to go through the time portal alone to undo the events of the last four days. Gorilla Girl takes Ape X's place, destroying the portal in the Ape-Verse and sacrificing herself to the Ape-vengers, creating a time paradox and erasing her from existence (and creating divergent timelines: Earth-21050 and Earth-95019). 
Ultimate Fantastic Four #21 (2005) 
Zombie Mister Fantastic, Human Torch, Invisible Woman and the Thing next (and first) appear; the odd timescales of the zombie/ape war set it before the zombie universe (Earth-2149) contacted the Ultimate Universe during MARVEL ZOMBIES.

Fall of the Hulks: Gamma #1 (2010) 
Red Ghost and the Super-Apes return during FALL OF THE HULKS.

Superior Spider-Man #32 (2014) 
Spider-Monkey next appears during EDGE OF SPIDER-VERSE.

Amazing Spider-Man #9 (2015) 
Spider-Monkey from Earth-TRN502 first appears during SPIDER-VERSE.

Amazing Spider-Man #11 (2015) 
Spider-Monkey (of Earth-8101) is killed by Jennix during SPIDER-VERSE.

Spider-Man/Deadpool #9 (2016) 
Gibbon next appears and joins a villain group called the Hateful Hexad; GIbbon is stabbed to death by Itsy Bitsy.
Marvel Apes: The Evolution Starts Here
Collects Marvel Apes: Grunt Line #1, Marvel Apes: Prime Eight #1-3, Marvel Apes: Speedball #1, Marvel Apes: The Amazing Spider-Monkey #1 and Marvel Zombies: Evil Evolution #1.

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