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Settling into their new digs in San Francisco is about to become problematic for the X-Men. If the return of Madelyne Pryor (Cyclops' evil ex-wife) wasn't enough to contend with, Emma Frost's is about to have an offer from Norman Osborn she really should refuse...
[HOUSE OF M - The mutant population is decimated by the Scarlet WItch]
[MANIFEST DESTINY - The X-Men move to San Francisco]
[SECRET INVASION - Norman Osborn saves the planet]
  • Uncanny X-Men #504-505 (also see MANIFEST DESTINY)
  • Secret Invasion: Dark Reign #1 (tie-in) (also see SECRET INVASION & DARK REIGN)
  • Uncanny X-Men #506-507 (also see MANIFEST DESTINY)
  • Uncanny X-Men Annual #2 (also see DARK REIGN)
Uncanny X-Men #504
Madelyne Pryor is back from the dead, operating as the 'Red Queen' and recruiting Spiral and Lady Deathstrike to the ranks of her Sisterhood of Mutants. While struggling to get over losing Shadowcat in space (during UNSTOPPABLE), Colossus runs into a Tattooed Man he remembers crossing paths with while growing up Russia. Beast and Angel recruit Nazi-hunting super-scientist Doctor Nemesis as the first member of a special new squad, hoping into saving the dwindling mutant population. Cyclops opens his mind up to Emma Frost, allowing her to investigate his recent change in behaviour after the clash with the Hellfire Cult (during MANIFEST DESTINY). She's surprised to find every fantasy he's had about every woman he's ever met - which is almost every female member of the X-Men - and a box locked so tight, not even her incredible psychic abilities will let her into it. He admits that's where he keeps secrets even she can't know about. Footage of the massacre in Cooperstown, Alaska (during MESSIAH COMPLEX) has been released that strongly implies mutants were to blame for all the carnage, making the birth of the first mutant since M-Day public knowledge...

Uncanny X-Men #505
The recently resurrected Simon Trask makes a televised announcement that he plans to protect humanity with his Humanity Now! coalition. The X-Men apologise to Mayor Sadie Sinclair for bringing trouble to San Francisco, but she announces SF as a safe haven for mutants. Years ago, the Tattooed Man threatened young Colossus' parents for payment in return for keeping his mutant nature a secret. In the present, the Tattooed Man offers Colossus a job. Beast, Angel and Doctor Nemesis recruit Madison Jeffries, who's clearly gone or is going insane over the guilt of creating the mutant-killing Neverland mutant murder factories. Cyclops explains to Emma Frost that the secrets he keeps from her are vital for the survival of the mutant species. Because or in spite of that, Emma decides to accept an offer to join a very select group of individuals...

Secret Invasion: Dark Reign #1 (tie-in)
Emma Frost accepts Norman Osborn's summons to Avengers Tower, only to find Doctor Doom already waiting. They're joined by Namor the Sub-Mariner, the Hood and Loki. Doom warns Frost off reading his mind, Frost uses her powers to turn the hood's own guns back on him and Namor denies having met Emma Frost before. Osborn emerges and offers Doom and Namor their lost kingdoms back, the Hood the chance to spearhead the Fifty-State Initiative, assistance to Loki to force Asgard off the Earth and back to the heavens and Emma Frost will get all the help he can give in saving the dwindling mutant race. If they choose to betray him or each other, they'll have to face Norman's "friend" - someone even an Asgardian god like Loki is powerful enough to fear. Emma leaves and only Namor and Doom remain, agreeing to side with each other against Osborn when they time's right. Or when he loses his mind, which he inevitably will. Osborn returns to Thunderbolts Mountain where he's confronted by Swordsman who feels betrayed. Osborn loses his temper and a little of his sanity, brutally stabbing Swordsman with his own sword and throwing his body out of a window. Emma Frost appears to sense the horror in Osborn's mind all the way over in San Francisco. Has she just made a terrible mistake...?

Uncanny X-Men #506
Having infiltrated the Tattooed Man's gang, Colossus blows his cover as soon as he learns he's rumbled a human trafficking operation and turns against the rest of the gang. He offers the women (actually depowered Russian mutants) safe haven at the X-Men's Graymalkin Industries complex. Needing to vent some frustration, Emma Frost agrees to go with Colossus to confront the Tattooed Man. Beast enlists Dr Yuriko Takiguchi who once led the Green Team assigned to take down the Leviathan (aka Godzilla). Initially believing the Beast's team to be invading Russians, Takiguchi unleashes Leviathan on them...

Uncanny X-Men #507
Angel has no choice but to reveal his ability to transform into Archangel in order to kill Leviathan and save Beast's freshly-formed X-Club. Beast fails to convince Angel to talk about this change in him (kept secret by X-Force since DIVIDED WE STAND). Colossus and Emma Frost take down the Tattooed Man. Colossus begins to come to terms with the loss of Shadowcat. Sadie Sinclair warns Cyclops that it's beginning to look like he's forming his own militia. He admits he's forming a mutant army. Following her special mission with Namor to apprehend Sebastian Shaw (see below), Emma Frost confronts Shaw in his power-dampening cell below Graymalkin Industries. As punishment for having a hand in the creation of the mutant-hunting Sentinels in the past and the lives lost on Genosha, Frost erases Shaw's memory. Aboard the High Evolutionary's space station, Magneto risks his own life to let the Evolutionary give the Master of Magnetism his powers back...

Uncanny X-Men Annual #2
Years ago, after Sebastian Shaw took over as Black King of the Hellfire Club, he began searching for a White King to round out the Club's Inner Circle. Passing over the drunken Tony Stark and the manic Norman Osborn, Shaw assigned his White Queen, Emma Frost, to convince Namor the Sub-Mariner to join their group after he initially rejects their offer. Emma spent two weeks in Namor's bed in his undersea kingdom of Atlantis where she convinced Namor to help her kill Shaw and depose him as leader of the Hellfire Club. Shaw ordered his White Rook (Donald Pierce) to send Sentinels to Atlantis and kill Emma and Namor. Instead, the track the Sentinels to their point of origin - Shaw and Pierce. The Black Queen (allegedly Selene - though this contradicts continuity) erased Emma's memory of these events and warned Namor that his telepaths would do the same to him if he attacked again.

Days ago, Norman Osborn frees Namor from SHIELD's Black Box prison so that he can take part in the Cabal's first gathering. During the meeting, Namor denied having met Emma before, telepathically claiming after the meeting that he was protecting her. Now, Emma Frost meets Namor in a limo in San Francisco without telling Cyclops. She offers Namor Sebastian Shaw's head in exchange for his loyalty against Osborn when the time comes. Namor agrees to be loyal to her and mutantkind. Frost sets up a meeting and decapitates Shaw with a sword, winning Namor's favour. When Namor leaves, Emma Frost drops he telepathic illusion and 'arrests' Shaw for his crimes against humanity - namely for having a hand in the creation of the Sentinels that have killed so many mutants over the years...

MCG Note: The fallout from the main chapters are all featured in colour. Fallout from the tie-in is featured in grey.

Dark Reign: The Cabal #1 (2009) 
Immediately after the Cabal's first meeting, Namor and Doctor Doom continue to plot; an insight into Doom's mind reveals his plans to betray Namor, too, during DARK REIGN.

Uncanny X-Men #508 (2009) 
Madelyne Pryor recruits Lady Mastermind (Regan Wyngarde) and resurrects Kwannon in her original body (the one that was previously being used by Psylocke), making them the final members of the Sisterhood of Mutants; Dr Kavita Rao joins the X-Club.

Dark Avengers #1 (2009) 
Norman Osborn's plans for the Avengers are revealed when he publicly announces the formation of his own Avengers (referred to editorially as the Dark Avengers); it's revealed that Morgana le Fey was watching the Cabal's first meeting during DARK REIGN.

New Avengers #50 (2009) 

The Hood's Army occupy the outlaw New Avengers as per Norman Osborn's orders during DARK REIGN.

Dark Avengers #2-4 (2009)
As promised, Doctor Doom is returned to Latveria as its ruler during

Invincible Iron Man #11-13 (2009) 

Norman Osborn sends Namor and the Hood's minions to recapture the fugitive Tony Stark for him during DARK REIGN.

Thunderbolts #128 (2009) 

Norman Osborn starts up a new version of the Thunderbolts during DARK REIGN.

Thor #600 (2009) 
Norman Osborn's Dark Avengers attack the exiled Thor on behalf of Loki during FULL CIRCLE.

Avengers: The Initiative #25 (2009) 
The Hood gets full control of the Initiative during DARK REIGN.

Uncanny X-Men #509-512 (2009) 
Simon Trask's anti-mutant agenda continues with him pushing for Proposition X - a bill that will stop those with the X-gene from "breeding"; Madelyne Pryor's Sisterhood of Mutants attack the X-Men; Pryor is revealed to be a 'psychic ghost' in need of a host body and tries to resurrect Jean Grey; the Sisterhood are defeated by the X-Men and Pryor discorporates; Psylocke regains Kwannon's body, is freed from Pryor's control and rejoins the X-Men; Psylocke joins the X-Club.

New Avengers #54 (2009) 
Loki offers the Hood new Asgardian powers when he loses control of Dormammu during DARK REIGN.

Black Panther #1 (2009) 
Namor tries to recruit the Black Panther into the Cabal during DARK REIGN.

Dark X-Men: The Confession #1 (2009) 
Emma Frost and Cyclops finally share their secrets; Emma reveals to Cyclops that she slept Namor; she also slept with Tony Stark when she first met him during UTOPIA.

Uncanny X-Men #513 (2009)
Emma Frost and Namor join Norman Osborn's Dark X-Men during NATION X.

Dark Avengers #8 (2009) 
Simon Trask's true agenda is revealed and he's apprehended by the Dark X-Men; Emma Frost and Namor betray Osborn; Emma rejoins the X-Men; Namor joins the X-Men for the first time during UTOPIA.

Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men: Exodus #1 (2009)
Emma Frost and Namor avoid Norman Osborn's powerful "friend' by defeating the Sentry using the 'white room' Emma created to contain his dark side; Emma inadvertently leaves a sliver of the Void inside her mind, forcing her to stay in diamond form to contain it during UTOPIA.

Dark Reign - The List: X-Men #1 (2009) 
Norman Osborn sends Namor's deceased wife's mutated form after him for his betrayal; Cyclops helps Namor start to restore his kingdom during DARK REIGN - THE LIST / NATION X.

Uncanny X-Men #515 (2009) 
Dr Yuriko Takiguchi dies of natural causes during NATION X.

Uncanny X-Men #517 (2010) 
Magneto rejoins the X-Men during NATION X.

Uncanny X-Men #519 (2010) 
Beast leaves the X-Men and X-Club when he learns of the existence of X-Force during NATION X.

Uncanny X-Men #522 (2010) 
Magneto almost kills himself by using his recently-restored powers to retrieve the giant bullet containing Shadowcat back to Earth and reuniting her with Colossus during NATION X.

Siege Prologue (Digital Comic) #1 (2010) 
Loki returns to his original form and manipulates Norman Osborn into agreeing to attack Asgard during SIEGE.

Siege: The Cabal #1 (2010) 
Doctor Doom finally betrays Norman Osborn; a Doombot stand-in is destroyed by Osborn's "friend" during SIEGE.

Avengers: The Initiative #31 (2010) 
Norman Osborn invites the Taskmaster into the Cabal during SIEGE.

Siege #3 (2009) 
Norman Osborn's secret weapon is revealed to be the Sentry/Void during SIEGE.

Siege #4 (2010) 
Norman Osborn completely loses his mind on national TV, ending his tenure as head of HAMMER, his role as leader of the Avengers and the need for the Cabal; Asgard is destroyed by the VoidLoki is killed by the Void; the Void/Sentry is killed by Thor; Asgard is left in ruins after Osborn's attack during SIEGE.

Dark Avengers #16 (2010) 
Norman Osborn is apprehended during SIEGE.

New Avengers Finale #1 (2010) 
The Hood is apprehended during SIEGE.

X-Men: Second Coming #1 (2010) 
The mutant baby, Hope Summers, returns to the present day as a teenager with Cable during SECOND COMING.

Uncanny X-Men #523 (2010) 
X-Force's existence becomes common knowledge among the X-Men during SECOND COMING.

Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: A-Z Update #4 (2010) 
Doctor Nemesis' history is rewritten to explain away the time he worked for the Nazis, make him a repentant Nazi hunter following World War II.

Uncanny X-Men #532-534 (2011) 
Sebastian Shaw is revealed to have regained his memories; Shaw is thrown out of EVA while flying over China after Emma Frost completely erases his memory completely.

Uncanny X-Men #1 (2012) 
Danger joins the X-Club during REGENESIS.

Generation Next #15 (2012) 
Hope Summers lets the mind-wiped Sebastian Show join her Lights team against the wishes of Cyclops and Emma Frost during REGENESIS.

Avengers vs X-Men #11 (2012) 
The X-Club disbands during AVX: AVENGERS VS X-MEN.

X-Men #7 (2014) 
Lady Deathstrike forms a new Sisterhood during ALL-NEW MARVEL NOW!

X-Men #12 (2014) 
Madelyne Pryor is resurrected in the body of Ana Cortes and vows to create another new Sisterhood during ALL-NEW MARVEL NOW!

Thor #1 (2014) 
Asgardia (the rebuilt Asgard) finally leaves Earth and relocates to space during AVENGERS NOW!

New Avengers #23 (2014) 
Namor forms a new Cabal alongside Thanos, Proxima Midnight, Corvus Glaive, Maximus, Black Swan and an alternate Terrax in order to destroy alternate Earths to save Earth-616 during TIME RUNS OUT.

Illuminati #2 (2016) 
Andreas von Strucker (the former Swordsman) is revealed to have survived Norman Osborn's vicious attack, explaining that his father "took care of it".

Uncanny X-Men #6 (2016) 
Sebastian Shaw regains his memories again and rejoins the Hellfire Club during APOCALYPSE WARS.
Uncanny X-Men by Matt Fraction: The Complete Collection vol.1
Uncanny X-Men: Lovelorn
Include Uncanny X-Men #504-507 and Uncanny X-Men Annual #2.

Dark Reign: Accept Change
Includes Secret Invasion: Dark Reign #1 and Uncanny X-Men Annual #2.

New Avengers vol.10: Power
New Avengers HC vol.6
New Avengers by Brian Michael Bendis: The Complete Collection vol.4
Include Secret Invasion: Dark Reign #1.

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