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MODOK READING ORDER: George Tarleton (1967-2011)

One of my all-time Marvel villains is the Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing, aka MODOK. I was planning on running a MODOK Reading Order very soon, but moved it along to coincide with the announcement that the maniacal leader of AIM will soon be receiving his own animated series. While we'll see a very different version of the character, you can read his actual history right here!

Due to that outlandish Jack Kirby design and some of the weird and wild stories that have featured the gigantic-headed sociopath, it's hard not to love this oddball bad guy. He's since been replaced by his own clone, MODOK Superior, who I plan on covering at some point in the future - possibly with all of the other spin-off and alternate universe MODOKs we've seen over the years. 

For now, you'll find all of the main MODOK's appearances in chronological order; including his clashes with the Hulk, Fantastic Four, Captain America, Iron Man and more. As always, I'd like to thank the guys over at the Marvel Chronology Project which I use as a basis and work out my own continuity.

MCG Note:

  • Issues in blue are worth reading, are major chapters in MODOK's history or may play a key part in the great Marvel tapestry.
  • Issues in grey are part of MODOK's chronology, stories of note that aren't essential or are no longer considered 'required reading'.
Ms Marvel #17 (2007)
Flashback: Young George Tarleton has an affair with Linda Madigan, but abandons her when he learns she's pregnant with his child; George joins AIM.

Super-Villain Team-Up: MODOK's 11 #1(p.1) (2007)
Flashback: George Tarleton tries and fails to convince AIM co-worker Monica Rappachini to go out with him again after they drunkenly sleep together to celebrate the completion of Project: Adaptoid.

Captain America #133 (1971)
Flashback: The AIM Scientist Supreme forces George Tarleton to become the test subject for an AIM project that will fuse man and machine to make the ultimate super-computer; Tarleton is mutated and gains mental powers.

Captain America Annual #7(pp.15) (1983)
Flashback: Initially, the mutated George Tarleton becomes MODOC (Mental Organism Designed Only for Computation); MODOC helps AIM create a hole in space-time - a grey hole - which leads to them creating the first Cosmic Cube.

Super-Villain Team-Up #17 (1980)
Flashback: MODOC slowly goes mad in the presence of the Cosmic Cube.

Captain America Annual #7(p.16) (1983)
Flashback: The strain of creating and maintaining the Cosmic Cube warps MODOC's mind; instead he becomes MODOK (Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing).
Tales of Suspense #93[2/2]-94[2/2] (1967)
First appearance of MODOK (initially in shadow); on a mission for SHIELDCaptain America rescues Agent 13 (Sharon Carter) after she becomes a prisoner of AIM (Advanced Idea Mechanics); Sharon and Cap come face to face with AIM's 'Master Supreme', MODOK, who is betrayed by the agents of AIM who want to be free of his control; with his Doomsday Chair destroyed and his minions against him, MODOK blows up the AIM sub, making it seem as though he has perished.

Captain America #117 (1969)
First appearance of Falcon (Sam Wilson) and Redwing; AIM agents report the return of the Cosmic Cube to MODOK.

Captain America #119-120 (1969)
MODOK recalls how he survived the destruction of the AIM submarine; MODOK sends AIM agents to kidnap Professor Paul Fosgrave, only for him to be saved by Captain America.

Captain America #124 (1970)
MODOK transforms an AIM agent into a cyborg and tests him by getting him to rob a bank, then against Captain America; Cap defeats the Cyborg who reveals MODOK is watching him.

Captain America #132-133 (1970-1971)
Captain America believes Bucky Barnes is back from the dead, only to learn he's actually an android created by MODOK; the android 'Bucky' is programmed too well and his loyalty to Cap prevents him from killing his 'friend'; flashbacks reveal how AIM agent George Tarleton was transformed into MODOK (Mental Organism Designed Only For Killing); MODOK sends another android called Bulldozer to destroy Harlem and draw out Captain America and the Falcon; MODOK is buried under debris caused by the Bulldozer.

Fantastic Four: The World's Greatest Comic Magazine #4 (2001)
MODOK's latest plans are scuppered by the Thing of the Fantastic Four.

Sub-Mariner #47-49 (1972)
Doctor Doom coerces Namor the Sub-Mariner into stealing the Cosmic Cube from AIM, leading to a direct conflict with MODOK; Doom also faces MODOK, though only briefly, before Namor sets events in motion that cause the destruction of AIM's base and the Cube along with it.

ClanDestine #1 (1994)
First appearance of Adam Destine and Lenz; flashbacks reveal how MODOK and AIM lost control of the Lenz.
Incredible Hulk #167-169 (1973)
First appearance of Betty Ross as the Harpy; MODOK transfers to a giant, robot body and takes on the Hulk directly in the hope of using his gamma radiation to create monstrous agents of AIM; MODOK transforms Betty Ross into the gamma-spawned Harpy; when Betty transforms back, the alien Bi-Beast into attacks the Hulk, only for it to lead to the seeming destruction of Sky-Island; MODOK escapes.

Iron Man #74-75 (1975)
MODOK gets drawn into the 'War of the Super-Villains' when the Mad Thinker takes control of Iron Man's armour and fires him in MODOK's direction; MODOK casts Iron Man aside and destroys an android duplicate of the Thinker; MODOK's giant amour is, in turn, ripped to shreds by the Yellow Claw, apparently costing MODOK his life.

Avengers #17 (1999)
A flashback sequence reveals how MODOK and his rogue faction of AIM agents bonded the Destructor (Kerwin Korman) with the Doomsday Man.

Marvel Vault: Gambit Featuring the Champions #1 (2011)
Gambit and the Champions join forces to stop MODOK and Rampage from stealing the Scroll of Vishota.
Ms Marvel #5 (1977)
Iron Man Annual #4[1/2] (1977)
Ms Marvel #7, 9-10 (1977)
First appearance of Deathbird; MODOK forms his own branch of AIM and manipulates Ms Marvel, VisionIron Man and the Champions while attempting to amplify his own powers; his attempt to brainwash Ms Marvel into falling in love with him fails; MODOK and his rogue AIM faction attack the true AIM base with help from Deathbird, but his attempt to take control of an AIM satellite base are ruined by Ms Marvel during THE DOOMSDAY CONNECTION.

Marvel Team-Up #104 (1981)
MODOK's plot to steal dinosaurs from the Savage Land are halted by Ka-Zar and the Hulk.

Marvel Two-in-One #81-82 (1981)
The Sub-Mariner and the Thing stop MODOK from unleashing Virus X on innocent people, but the virus ends up mutating the Thing; the Thing retrieves the cure from MODOK with help from Captain America and Giant-Man (Bill Foster).

Marvel Two-in-One #96 (1983)
MODOK is among the villains who try to attack the Thing while he recovers in hospital during CHAMPION OF THE UNIVERSE.

Incredible Hulk #287-290 (1983-1984)
First appearance of Bereet and Kate Waynesboro; MODOK builds an alliance with General Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross in order to retrieve the Abomination and send him to destroy the Hulk, who is now fully controlled by Bruce Banner; having reclaimed the prime version of AIM, MODOK is opposed by the new rogue AIM faction; the Abomination fails to defeat the Hulk; MODOK transforms SHIELD agent Kate Waynesboro into Ms MODOK to make her his bride; MODOK disintegrates the Abomination; Kate is transformed back to human form; MODOK ultimately faces defeat after his alliance with Ross is exposed.

Fall of the Hulks: Alpha #1(pp.13-16) (2010)
The Leader brings MODOK into the secret cabal of super-geniuses called the Intelligencia; do not read until FALL OF THE HULKS.

1985 #3, 6 (2008)
MODOK is among the numerous villains who try to jump over to Earth-1219.
Captain America #313, 315 (1986)
Iron Man #205 (1986)
The Serpent Society are hired by AIM to kill MODOK; Captain America is too late to stop Death Adder from killing MODOK; AIM scientist Yorgon Tykkio operates MODOK's body as an unliving weapon against Iron Man during MISSION: MURDER M.O.D.O.K.

Captain America #440 (1995)
Avengers #387 (1995)
Captain America #441 (1995)
Avengers #388 (1995)
AIM use a Cosmic Cube and MODAM's form to resurrect MODOK; the Avengers and the Super-Adaptoid close a breach in reality caused by the Cube after MODOK crosses the breach during TAKING A.I.M. 

Savage Hulk #1 (1996)
MODOK cameo; MODOK is revealed to have returned to Earth-616 when he's among the villains who attack the Hulk in court.

Iron Man #1 (1998)
MODOK cameo; MODOK is one of many villains plotting against Tony Stark upon hearing of his return during HEROES RETURN.

Iron Man & Captain America Annual (1998)
MODOK mentally manipulates the citizens of Zenith City into attacking Captain America and Iron Man.

Wolverine #142-143 (1999)
MODOK utilises his newest AIM agent, Garrison Kane, against Wolverine (actually a disguised Skrull) and Alpha Flight.

X-51 #11-12 (2000)
XERO take over AIM; Machine Man helps free AIM from XERO, despite the benefit to MODOK.

Citizen V #1-2 (2001)
MODOK clashes with the V-Battalion during LIFE SENTENCES.

Iron Man #44-45 (2001)
Iron Man investigates a series of bombings and their connection to the Advanced Corporation, discovering MODOK and his new recruit, the Ghost, are behind it all.
Defenders #9-10 (2001)
The Headmen take over the world with help from MODOK and AIM, utilising their control over the alien Orrgo; the Defenders defeat MODOK, the Headmen and Orrgo.

Captain America #50[6/8] (2002)
MODOK reacts to news of the misreported death of Captain America.

She-Hulk #1 (2004)
MODOK cameo; the Avengers stop MODOK's plot to freeze the Earth.

Captain America and the Falcon #7 (2004)
MODOK cameo; MODOK swaps minds with Damocles Rivas during AVENGERS DISASSEMBLED.

Captain America and the Falcon #8-12 (2004-2005)
MODOK is revealed to have been captured by US Naval Intelligence and used to tap spy satellites; MODOK breaks free and murders every AIM agent involved in his creation until he's trapped in stasis by Captain America, the Falcon and the rogue Naval super-sailor, the Anti-Cap.

Captain America #31 (2004)
MODOK cameo; MODOK is revealed to have broken free of custody during AVENGERS DISASSEMBLED.

Cable & Deadpool #11 (2005)
Deadpool makes a deal with MODOK in his mission to save Cable's life.
Marvel Holiday Special #1[1/4] (2006)
The Hulk interrupts AIM's work Christmas party.

GLX-Mas Special #1[1/6] (2006)
SHIELD hire Squirrel Girl to stop MODOK from stealing Maelstrom's advanced technology; Squirrel Girl's squirrel, Tippy-Toe, easily defeats MODOK.

Fall of the Hulks: Alpha #1(pp.23-28) (2010)
MODOK explores the library of Atlantis while the Intelligencia wait for the Hulk to return; do not read until FALL OF THE HULKS.

Ms Marvel #14-17 (2007)
MODOK's body begins to break down while he also has to deal with another separate AIM faction led by Monica Rappacchini wanting to destroy him; Rappacchini employs MODOK's son, Head Case (Sean Madigan), who turns MODOK into a living bomb and attempt to use him in a populated area; Ms Marvel takes MODOK into space where he explodes, while AIM splits into more factions without his leadership during THE INITIATIVE.
Fantastic Four in ¡Ataque Del MODOK! #1 (2010)
Mister Fantastic and the Invisible Woman discover MODOK is alive in Puerto Rico and is using an army of genetically-enhanced monkeys.

Fall of the Hulks: Alpha #1(pp.28-31) (2010)
MODOK locates the broken Leader and reveals his plan to create a Red Hulk; do not read until FALL OF THE HULKS.

Hulk #23(pp.21-23) (2010)Flashback: MODOK and the Leader approach Thunderbolt Ross to make a dea; do not read until WORLD WAR HULKS.

X-Men #200[2/2] (2007)
Uncanny X-Men #488[2/2] (2007)
MODOK is among those contacted by the X-Men's Beast in his desperate search for a way to restore the mutants' lost powers during ENDANGERED SPECIES.

Fall of the Hulks: Red Hulk #3 (2010)
Flashback: MODOK and the Leader capture Rick Jones; do not read until FALL OF THE HULKS.

Super-Villain Team-Up: MODOK's 11 #1-5 (2007-2008)
MODOK gathers a team of eleven villains to pull off the heist of the century to help him regain control of AIM; while he doesn;t gain ultimate power and his team of villains is infiltrated by an agent of Monica Rappacchini, MODOK still manages to gain an army of AIM minions again.

Hulk #40 (2011)
Flashback: The Leader and MODOK explain to Thunderbolt Ross why they chose him.

Hulk #23(pp.26-28) (2010)
Flashback: Bruce Banner is imprisoned in Gammabase following his rampaging return to Earth with the Warbound; MODOK and the Leader secretly run Gammabase, using the promised resurrection of Betty Banner as a bartering chip to manipulate Thunderbolt Ross; MODOK and the Leader transform Thunderbolt Ross into the Red Hulk; do not read until WORLD WAR HULKS
Incredible Hulk #600[1/4] (2009)
She-Hulk, Spider-Man and Ben Urich discover MODOK is somehow connected to the Red Hulk; Doc Samson is revealed to be under MODOK's control and betrays She-Hulk; Red Hulk drains Bruce Banner of the gamma radiation that allows him to turn into the Hulk during HULK NO MORE.

Fall of the Hulks: Savage She-Hulk #2 (2010)
Flashback: MODOK takes She-Hulk captive; do not read until FALL OF THE HULKS.

Incredible Hulks #610 (2010)
Flashback: MODOK and the Leader resurrect Betty Banner and transform her into Red She-Hulk; do not read until WORLD WAR HULKS.

World War Hulks #1[4/6] (2010)
Flashback: Doc Samson nominates soldier Bill Davis for MODOK and the Leader's experiments to create a gamma-spawned super-soldier; do not read until WORLD WAR HULKS.

Hulk #18 (2010)
MODOK decides Doc Samson is ready for the next stage of his grand plan.
Fall of the Hulks: Gamma #1 (2010)
Fall of the Hulks: Savage She-Hulks #2 (2010)
Fall of the Hulks: Red Hulk #1 (2010)
Incredible Hulk #606 (2010)
Hulk #19 (2010)
Incredible Hulk #607(pp.1-18) (2010)
Hulk #20 (2010)
Incredible Hulk #607(pp.19-23) (2010)
Hulk #21(pp.4-17) (2010)
Incredible Hulk #608 (2010)
Hulk #21(p.24) (2010)
MODOK and the Leader put their plan into action as they begin their plan to eliminate the eight smartest men in the world; the Red Hulk is revealed to have been created by the Intelligencia; MODOK's AIM soldiers are transformed into an army of Red Hulks by the Cathexis Ray Generator, which also transforms a number of heroes into 'Hulked-Out' versions of themselves during FALL OF THE HULKS.

Hulk #22(pp.1-17) (2010)
Incredible Hulk #609 (2010)
Hulk #22(pp.17-22) (2010)
Incredible Hulk #610 (2010)
Bruce Banner, Red Hulk, Skaar and more gamma-spawned heroes go to war against the army of Red Hulks; Amadeus Cho transforms MODOK back into the human form of George Tarleton, ending the threat of MODOK during WORLD WAR HULKS.

Hulk #28 (2011)
George Tarleton is revealed to be in therapy, unaware that his cloned brain is about to give birth to his replacement, MODOK Superior, during SCORCHED EARTH.
MODOK: Head Trips
Includes Captain America #133, Fantastic Four in Ataque del MODOK #1, Incredible Hulk #287-290, Iron Man Annual #4, Super-Villain Team-Up: MODOK's 11 #1-5 and Tales of Suspense #93-94.

Captain America Epic Collection vol.3: Bucky Reborn
Includes Captain America #132-133.

From The Marvel Vault
Includes Marvel Vault: Gambit Featuring The Champions #1.

Ms Marvel Epic Collection vol.1: This Woman, This Warrior
Includes Ms Marvel #5, 7, 9-10.

Captain America Epic Collection vol.12: Society of Serpents
Includes Captain America #313, 315.

Captain America and the Falcon by Christopher Priest: The Complete Collection
Includes Captain America and the Falcon #7-12.

Captain Marvel: Carol Danvers - The Ms Marvel Years vol.1
Includes Ms Marvel #14-17.

Hulk by Jeph Loeb: The Complete Collection vol.1
Includes Incredible Hulk #600.

Hulk by Jeph Loeb: The Complete Collection vol.2
Includes Hulk #18-22.

Incredible Hulks: Fall of the Hulks
Includes Fall of the Hulks: Alpha #1 and Incredible Hulk #606-608.

Incredible Hulks: World War Hulks
Includes Fall of the Hulks: Savage She-Hulks #2 and Incredible Hulk #609-610.

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