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From inauspicious beginnings, Captain Marvel's impact on the Marvel Universe still lasts to this day. Even though he's long dead. The Kree alien arrives on Earth to... well, his mission's a little unclear, but his loyalties will one-day change and turn him into a hero. 

Mar-Vell's legacy is probably greater than any of the stories he'll go on to appear in. A number of other heroes have risen up over the decades, including Monica Rambeau, Genis-Vell and Carol Danvers, who also makes her debut in this story. We also meet the Supreme Intelligence and Ronan the Accuser for the very first time.

As for this tale, it all begins when the Fantastic Four learn of the existence of the Kree race, then Mar-Vell and his crew arrive on Earth to convince the humans that they're a credible threat. Mar-Vell steals the identity of a dead man, infiltrates an army base and fights his own robot. Weird way to warn off an alien race...
  • Fantastic Four #64-65 (tie-in)
  • Thor #146[2/2] (tie-in)
  • Thor #147[2/2] (tie-in)
  • Marvel Super-Heroes #12[1/6]
  • Marvel Super-Heroes #13[1/6]
  • Captain Marvel #1
Fantastic Four #64 (tie-in)
An intrepid scientist uncovers the existence of a defunct Kree station on an uncharted island, accidentally reactivating the robotic Sentry #459. Mister Fantastic, the Invisible Girl and the Thing decide to take a holiday on the same uncharted island not five minutes later. Lockjaw teleports the Human Torch to the island in time to rescue his team mates and teleport them off the island before the Sentry activates the station's self-destruct mechanism.

Fantastic Four #65 (tie-in)
Some time later, the Kree Supreme Intelligence gives the FF nightmares and sends Ronan the Accuser to judge and execute them for interfering in Kree affairs. Despite being completely overwhelmed by Ronan's power, the team force him to fall on his Universal Weapon just as he activates it, seemingly obliterating him...

Thor #146[2/2] (tie-in)
Thirteen thousand years ago, humanity began to emerge as the dominant species on Earth. However, a highly advanced race of beings existed alongside them, living in the technology-rich city of Attilan. Their leader, Randac, dicovered the Terrigen Mists and was willing to use them on himself to advance their race further still...

Thor #147[2/2] (tie-in)
The Kree sent Sentry #459 to Earth to see how the Terrigen Mists have effected Randac. It reveals to the Inhumans that they were originally humans who were experimented on and advanced by the Kree. Randac repells the Sentry with his new powers. The Sentry departs, dubbing the beings 'Inhumans' and warning them that the Supreme Kree will come for them some day...
Marvel Super-Heroes #12[1/6]
A small band of Kree soldiers travel to Earth to warn the world's inhabitants not to cross the Kree. Colonel Yon-Rogg sends Captain Mar-Vell to complete his mission alone, hoping he'll die so he can claim Mar-Vell's love, Una, for himself. Una's potion only allows Mar-Vell to breathe the Earth's atmosphere for 60 minutes, but the less-dense atmosphere gives him enhanced strength and agility. Imperial Minister Zarek contacts Mar-Vell directly from the Kree home planet, telling him to complete his mission or die.
Marvel Super-Heroes #13[1/6]
Captain Mar-Vell tries to return to the Kree ship only for Yon-Rogg to try to obliterate him with the ship's weapons. Mar-Vell is saved when the blast hits an aeroplane carrying scientist Walter Lawson, killing him. Mar-Vell takes Lawson's identity and his new job at the US Army missile base. A week later, 'Lawson' is trusted enough by Head of Security, Carol Danvers, to see base's secret project: the unearthed Kree Sentry #459. From his ship, Yon-Rogg reactivates the Sentry and sends it on a rampage.

Captain Marvel #1
Using his wrist-mounted uni-beam and flight belt, Captain Mar-Vell saves Carol Danvers and the troops at the Cape from the murderous Sentry until it's too damaged to continue. Having imprisoned Una, Yon-Rogg plots his next move against his nemesis who is hailed as the heroic Captain Marvel.

Fantastic Four #66-67 (1967) 
Alicia Masters is revealed to have been taken by Jerome Hamilton, a member of the Enclave; Hamilton is killed by a rockslide.

Thor #146-147 (1967-1968) 
The Inhumans are revealed to have been the result of Kree experimentation. 

Captain Marvel #2 (1968) 
The increased Kree activity on Earth attracts the attention of their age-old enemies, the Skrulls, who send the Super-Skrull to investigate; this is the first hint of the long-running 'Kree-Skrull War'; Captain Marvel erases all of Jeremy Logan's memories of their interactions.

Captain Marvel #8-10 (1968-1969) 
The real Walter Lawson is revealed to have been part of a criminal organisation called the Organisation.; Captain Marvel destroy's Lawson's robot, Cyberex, and the Organisation's Florida base.

Captain Marvel #11 (1969) 
Una is killed by a stray shot during an altercation between Ronan the Accuser, Yon-Rogg and Captain Marvel.

Captain Marvel #16-18 (1969) 
Zarek's efforts to seize control fo the Kree Empire are thwarted by the Supreme Intelligence and Captain Marvel; Captain Marvel gains a new costume and is bonded to Rick Jones via the Nega-Bands as they alternately exist between Earth and the Negative ZoneYon-Rogg dies in battle against Captain Marvel; radiation from the Kree Psyche-Magnitron irradiates Carol Danvers, giving her a half-Kree physiology during THE MAN BEHIND THE MASK.

Avengers #89-97 (1971-1972) 
Captain Marvel and the Avengers get caught up in the war between the Kree and the Skrulls when Earth gets caught in the middle during THE KREE-SKRULL WAR.

Fantastic Four #118 (1972) 
Crystal and the Human Torch break up.

Captain Marvel #25-33 (1973-1974) 
Captain Marvel becomes Protector of the Universe, gains Cosmic Awareness and becomes instrumental in the war against Thanos during THE THANOS WAR

Avengers #133 (1975) 
The Avengers learn the origin of the Kree-Skrull War during THE CELESTIAL MADONNA SAGA.

Captain Marvel #40 (1975) 
Una is briefly resurrected by a parasitic space leech; Captain Marvel is forced to kill her.

Ms Marvel #1 (1977) 
Carol Danvers realises she has super-human powers due to exposure to the Psyche-Magnitron and becomes Ms Marvel.

Captain Marvel #47 (1976) 
Kree Sentry #459 resurfaces when two Kree agents fail to recapture it and send it on a rampage in Mexico City; the Sentry is defeated by Captain Marvel.

Captain Marvel #50 (1977) 
Captain Marvel and Rick Jones' bond is broken.

What If? #17 (1979) 
Uatu the Watcher reveals an alternate universe (Earth-79102) in which Captain Marvel remains loyal to the Kree Empire.

Marvel Graphic Novel #1: The Death of Captain Marvel (1982) 
Captain Marvel is revealed to have entered into a relationship with the artificial construct Elysius; Captain Marvel succumbs to cancer and dies.

Amazing Spider-Man Annual #16 (1982) 
Monica Rambeau becomes the second Captain Marvel (but isn't even aware of Mar-Vell when she takes the name) during CALL HER... CAPTAIN MARVEL!

Marvel Fanfare (1986) #24[2/2]
After becoming the cosmic-powered Binary, Carol Danvers learns of Mar-Vell's death from Monica Rambeau; since Rogue stole her ability to feel emotion, Carol feels nothing, despite the relationship she shared with Mar-Vell.

What If? #14 (1990) 
Uatu the Watcher reveals an alternate universe (Earth-906) in which Captain Marvel didn't die.

Avengers #347 (1992) 
The Supreme Intelligence is assassinated by a band of rogue Avengers during OPERATION: GALACTIC STORM.

Silver Surfer Annual #6 (1993) 
Elysius is revealed to have used some of Mar-Vell's genes to create and artificially age a child, the son of Captain Marvel, Genis-Vell, aka Legacy.

Blackwulf #10 (1995) 
Kree Sentry #459 is finally destroyed by Ronan the Accuser.

Captain Marvel #4 (1996) 
Genis-Vell becomes the third Captain Marvel during THE LEGACY OF CAPTAIN MARVEL.

Untold Legend of Captain Marvel #1-3 (1997) 
The Supreme Intelligence's real reasons for selecting Mar-Vell for the mission to Earth are revealed to be to advance its psionic abilities, destroy Earth and gain greater control over the pink Kree.

Inhumans #1-4 (2000)
The Inhumans try to claim the Inhumans as weapons against those who threaten their empire; Black Bolt and the Inhuman Royal Family repel their efforts.

Maximum Security #1-3 (2000-2001) 
The Kree are revealed to be at an evolutionary dead end, but forcibly evolve into the Ruul and try to turn Earth into a prison planet during MAXIMUM SECURITY.

Captain Marvel #16 (2004) 
Phyla-Vell is revealed to be the second rapidly-aged offspring cloned by Elysius using Mar-Vell's genetic material.

Captain Marvel #19 (2004) 
Phyla-Vell becomes the fourth Captain Marvel.

Young Avengers #9-12 (2005-2006) 
Hulkling (Teddy Altman) is revealed to be the offspring of Mar-Vell and the Skrull princess Anelle.

Civil War: The Return #1 (2007) 
A Skrull posing as Captain Marvel emerges during CIVIL WAR.

Secret Invasion: War of Kings #1 (2009)
Black Bolt launches Attilan into space and usurps Ronan the Accuser as ruler of the Kree during SECRET INVASION / WAR OF KINGS.

Dark Avengers #1 (2009) 
Noh-Varr (occasionally referred to as Marvel Boy) of Earth-20080 briefly takes on the Captain Marvel name when he joins Norman Osborn's Avengers during DARK REIGN / DARK AVENGERS ASSEMBLE.

Ms Marvel #48-50 (2010) 
Another Skrull with Captain Marvel's appearance emerges, revealing there to be 97 Skrull sleepers created in his likeness.

Chaos War: Dead Avengers #1-3 (2011) 
Mar-Vell is briefly resurrected during CHAOS WAR.

Secret Avengers #26-28 (2012)
The Kree use the M'Kraan Crystal and the Phoenix Force to resurrect Mar-Vell again; Mar-Vell sacrifices himself to save Hala from the Phoenix Force during AVX: AVENGERS VS X-MEN.

Captain Marvel #1 (2012) 
Carol Danvers becomes the fifth Captain Marvel during EARTH'S MIGHTIEST HERO.

Captain Marvel #5-6 (2012) 
Carol Danvers goes back in time and alters the moment when she gains her powers, accidentally saving Yon-Rogg's life during EARTH'S MIGHTIEST HERO.

Avengers Assemble #16 (2013) 
Yon-Rogg emerges alive in the present day with the new identity, Magnitron, during MARVEL NOW! / THE ENEMY WITHIN.

Inhumanity #1 (2014)
It's revealed that Randac continued to explore the capabilities of the Terrigen Mists, despite the knowledge that it would potentially make the Inhumans an enemy of the Kree race during INHUMANITY.

Uncanny Inhumans #4 (2016)
Kang travels back in time to asks Randac's help in exposing Black Bolt's son, Ahura, to the Terrigen Mists; Randac helps free Ahura from Kang's manipulations and return him to his own time.
Essential Fantastic Four vol.4
Fantastic Four Omnibus vol.3
Inhumans: The Origin of the Inhumans
Marvel Masterworks: The Fantastic Four vol.7
Include Fantastic Four #64-65

Essential Captain Marvel vol.1
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel vol.1
Include Captain Marvel #1 and Marvel Super-Heroes #12[1/6]-13[1/6]

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