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On M-Day, the mutant population was reduced from the millions to just a couple of hundred. Having gone from being considered the next step in human evolution, mutants are now an endangered species. The X-Men's resident scientist, Hank McCoy - better-known as Beast - decides to do something about the Scarlet Witch's mass-depowering of mutants (during HOUSE OF M) in an attempt to solve the unsolvable...
[AGE OF APOCALYPSE - first appearance of the Dark Beast]
[HOUSE OF M - the Scarlet Witch depowers the mutant population]
[DECIMATION - the immediate fallout from House of M]
  • X-Men: Endangered Species #1
  • X-Men #200[2/2]
  • Uncanny X-Men #488[2/2]
  • X-Factor #21[2/2]
  • New X-Men #40[2/2]
  • X-Men #201[2/2]
  • Uncanny X-Men #489[2/2]
  • X-Factor #22[2/2]
  • New X-Men #41[2/2]
  • X-Men #202[2/2]
  • Uncanny X-Men #490[2/2]
  • X-Factor #23[2/2]
  • New X-Men #42[2/2]
  • X-Men #203[2/2]
  • Uncanny X-Men #491[2/2]
  • X-Factor #24[2/2]
  • X-Men #204[2/2]
X-Men: Endangered Species #1
Having learned of the death of a mutant boy who was killed crossing the road, the X-Men, X-Factor Investigations and even Sebastian Shaw show up at his funeral. Despite coming from the future, Bishop denies any knowledge of this period of history as records in his time were sketchy. Sebastian Shaw wins a verbal sparring match with Professor X. And Cyclops and Wolverine agree to keep on fighting, despite things feeling hopeless. Despite Jamie Madrox's incredibly selfless offer to help repopulate the mutant gene-pool with the help of his doubles, the Beast (Hank McCoy) refuses to let his species go down without a fight...
X-Men #200[2/2]
After a period of desperate personal research, then turning to friends for help, Beast makes a last-ditch desperate plea by turning to some of the smartest criminal minds on (and off) the planet: Doctor Doom, High Evolutionary, Mister Sinister, MODOK, Pandemic, Dr Kavita Rao, Sugar Man and Arnim Zola.

Uncanny X-Men #488[2/2]
Having been turned down by every villain – each for their own reasons – Beast reads between the lines of the High Evolutionary's response that Hank's facing the problem from the wrong direction. Believing it's his enigmatic way of saying he'll help without showing weakness in front of the others, Hank travels to Mount Wundagore to meet with him directly. But first, he needs to get past the New Men, also known as the Knights of Wundagore.

X-Factor #21[2/2]
The High Evolutionary breaks up the fight between Beast and the super-evolved white tiger called Snow Queen and explains his lack of hidden meaning. The guy just likes talking in riddles. But it turns out someone else has already paid a visit to Wundagore on a similar path to Hank McCoy...

New X-Men #40[2/2]
Dejected, Beast pays a visit to Kavita Rao who offers all her mutant DNA samples to Hank, but reveals the X-gene has been wiped from every one of them. Hank begins to question his morality and decides where to continue his search...

X-Men #201[2/2]
Continuing to go it alone (despite the X-Men's offer of help), Hank pays a visit to the fabled Neverland where it was rumoured the rebuilt Weapon X project was holding mutants prisoner. He finds the place wiped clean, but discovers a hidden area with files that reveal the genocide that took place in the camps. When the camp was shut down, all the mutants held there were rounded up, shot and thrown in a mass grave. At this point, Hank's competitor reveals himself: his evil, alternate universe self referred to as Dark Beast.

Uncanny X-Men #489[2/2]
After a pretty heated debate, Beast reluctantly agrees to work with his counterpart from the Age of Apocalypse (Earth-295). Dark Beast agrees to follow Hank's orders in the hope that he, himself, won't stray too far from the light...

X-Factor #22[2/2]
To save time, Dark Beast encourages Hank to swallow a vial of liquid memory that allows him to absorb edited highlights of the memories of his evil, alternate self. This includes all the research he's completed to try to fix the power-loss as well as the experimentation he performed on mutants in his home reality for his master, Apocalypse. Then they arrive at their destination...

New X-Men #41[2/2]
The X-Jet lands at the abandoned government research facility in Alamogordo, New Mexico where a number of scientists experimented on early mutants many years ago. Among the staff were Professor X's father, step-father, Irene Adler (who eventually became Destiny), Amanda Mueller and Dr Nathan Milbury (a disguised Mister Sinister). The duo discover Project Black Womb and the records of the dark experiments that took place there, but the useful research has already been stolen by Mister Sinister himself, who beat them to it, killed the SHIELD agents stationed there and left a deadly SHIELD robot functioning in the hope it might kill the two Beasts. After defeating the machine, Dark Beast suggests another place they may be able to find samples of mutant DNA...

X-Men #202[2/2]
The Beasts pulls bodies from the rubble of Genosha, returning to Dark Beast's lab to dissect them for samples. But even the bodies of those who died before M-Day are X-gene free. The tension leads to a brutal battle between the two Beasts as Hank realises how low he's sinking by resorting to grave-robbing. But he gets the idea to turn to the dealers of the drug, MGH (Mutant Growth Hormone). And he knows who to ask to help him get it. Leaving Dark Beast to continue his research, Hank heads back to America...

Uncanny X-Men #490[2/2]
When he patrolled the streets of District X (aka Mutant Town), Bishop knew about all the various mutant-related criminal activity. Despite District X being a virtual ghost town since M-Day and Bishop now working for the US Government, he's still to go-to guy for help on tracking down MGH dealers. But the Beasts remain empty-handed when visit to Charlie Hustle reveals complete loss of MGH on the street. When Hustle offers to buy a sample of Hank's DNA, he flips and almost throws him through a window. When he calms down, he makes a realisation that could be the answer he's been missing...

X-Factor #23[2/2]
Bishop, Dark Beast, Sugar Man, Cable and Marvel Girl (Rachel Grey) all retained their powers after M-Day and all come from alternate Earths. With help from Forge, Hank tries to figure out if this is pure coincidence. But the machine created by Forge after a recent run-in with Nimrod that can scan alternate Earths (hey, you never know when you might need one of those, right?) shows the mutant gene is experiencing the same problem in other timelines, too. Hank hooks up with Dark Beast and the two of them figure they need to go back a step and find the most potent human X-gene carriers...

New X-Men #42[2/2]
Together again, the Beasts visit the Guthrie family farm in Kentucky and, while Hank asks for Lucinda Guthrie's help, Dark Beast sneaks off to talk to the wannabe-mutant Lewis Guthrie. Lucinda's had ten children and five have been mutants (Cannonball, Husk, Icarus, Aero and Jeb Guthrie). Hank asks her for a gene sample to help kickstart the mutant race again and she refuses after having lost children to the war mutants seem to be constantly engaged in. Meanwhile, Dark Beast gives Lewis a serum to try to bring on any dormant powers he may have. The effects are pretty unpleasant...

X-Men #203[2/2]
Lewis Guthrie appears comatose with grey skin, pustules on his arms and excessive drool. When Hank realises what Dark Beast has done, the two fight until Lucinda shoots Dark Beast with birdshot. Hank tries to save the boy's life, but it's unclear what the outcome is.

Uncanny X-Men #491[2/2]
Hank returns to the Xavier Institute where he finally accepts failure. Mojo sends Spiral to violently encourage him to keep trying as the X-Men are a recurring source of entertainment for him and his people in the Mojoverse. The only science Hank doesn't understand is magic and Doctor Strange is the expert. However, Strange's magics show that the Scarlet Witch effected reality on every level and to try to change things back could undo creation. And no one wants that...

X-Factor #24[2/2]
In order to save Hank some time, Strange shows him that the Beasts of alternate universes have been trying to save their own respective mutant populations through methods he either couldn't or wouldn't consider. So, that's it, then. Time to give up...

X-Men #204[2/2]
In one last ditch effort, Hank travels to Transia to see Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch herself (she was recently discovered there by the resurrected Hawkeye). He happens to run into her at a cafe, but she constantly dodges his questions and appears to have no memory of her life in America. Unable to get any sense out of Wanda, Hank finally relents and fully admits defeat. He returns to Neverland to give every single dead mutant there their own grave.

X-Men: Messiah Complex #1 (2007) 
The first mutant birth since M-Day triggers a war between several factions during MESSIAH COMPLEX.

X-Factor #25 (2008) 
Forge uses an upgraded version of his machine to send Jamie Madrox to two alternate futures (including Bishop's – Earth-1191) during MESSIAH COMPLEX.

Uncanny X-Men #494 (2008) 
Bishop reveals he remembers more about the future than he let on; Bishop turns against the X-Men in an effort to prevent his future coming to pass during MESSIAH COMPLEX.

X-Men: Divided We Stand #1 (2008)
Lewis Guthrie is revealed to have survived his encounter with Dark Beast during DIVIDED WE STAND.

X-Men Legacy #213-214 (2008) 
Sebastian Shaw and Professor X fight as allies; Shaw destroys Black Womb, killing Amanda Mueller during DIVIDED WE STAND.

Young Avengers Presents #3 (2008) 
Wanda Maximoff next appears.

X-Factor #39 (2009) 
Madrox's repopulation plan is proven not to be viable when a kid conceived between Siryn and one of his dupes ceases to exist.

Uncanny X-Men #507 (2009) 
Beast and Archangel officially form the X-Club - a team of scientists dedicated to restoring the lost powers of the mutant population - during MANIFEST DESTINY.

Uncanny X-Men #508 (2009) 
Dr Kavita Rao accepts membership in Beast's X-Club.

Uncanny X-Men #510-511 (2009) 
Someone resembling Jean Grey rescues Emma Frost from a trap set by Madelyne Pryor.

Dark X-Men: The Beginning #1 (2009) 
Dark Beast joins Norman Osborn's 'Dark' X-Men during UTOPIA.

X-Necrosha #1 (2009) 
Selene raises an army of undead mutants from Genosha, renaming the island Necrosha during NECROSHA.

Dark X-Men #1 (2010) 
Nate Grey is revealed to have been resurrected.

Avengers: The Children's Crusade #2 (2010) 
It's revealed that the Scarlet Witch who spoke to Beast may have been a Doombot; the real Scarlet Witch is revealed to be a prisoner of Doctor Doom during THE CHILDREN'S CRUSADE / THE HEROIC AGE.

Avengers: The Children's Crusade #5-6 (2011) 
The Scarlet Witch regains her powers and memories and begins repowering mutants one at a time during THE CHILDREN'S CRUSADE / THE HEROIC AGE.

X-Men #12 (2011) 
The Evolutionaries use the atrocities at Neverland to accuse Cyclops of failing to protect the mutant race during FIRST TO LAST.

Uncanny X-Force #11 (2011) 
Dark Beast returns to his home reality, Earth-295.

Avengers vs X-Men #12 (2012) 
The Scarlet Witch undoes the damage she did by restoring mutants' powers during AVX: AVENGERS VS X-MEN.

Uncanny Avengers #23 (2014) 
The Red Skull turns Genosha into a mutant concentration camp during ALL-NEW MARVEL NOW!

Phoenix Resurrection: The Return of Jean Grey #1 (2018)
Jean Grey returns during MARVEL LEGACY.
X-Men: Endangered Species
Collects Uncanny X-Men #488[2/2]-491[2/2], X-Factor #21[2/2]-24[2/2], New X-Men #40[2/2]-42[2/2], X-Men #200[2/2]-204[2/2] and X-Men: Endangered Species #1

X-Men: Age of Apocalypse Companion Omnibus
Includes part of X-Men: Endangered Species #1

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