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Black Tom Cassidy has been holding a bunch of hostages at the World Trade Centre and opened a portal to another dimension to bring his old buddy, the Juggernaut, back to Earth (during A FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH). Whatever his long-tern plan was, it's been interrupted by Cable's new paramilitary mutant unit, X-Force. Rather than allow himself to be taken alive, Black Tom sets off an explosion that takes out the upper levels of one of the Twin Towers. Spider-Man swings by in time to witness the blast, but is he too late to save anyone inside?
[A FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH - X-Force vs the Juggernaut begins]
  • Spider-Man #16 (also see MUTANT GENESIS)
  • X-Force #4 (also see MUTANT GENESIS)
Spider-Man #16
Avoiding the debris from the explosion at the top of the World Trade Centre, Spider-Man joins Warpath, Shatterstar, Feral and Cannonball as they confront the Juggernaut down on the streets below. Spidey convinces them that force and stabbing him in the eyes won't work. They manage to slow him down, but Juggernaut knocks one of the towers down on our heroes. Inside the other tower, Cable's out of patience and goes hunting for Black Tom Cassidy to make him pay for what he's done with his life...
X-Force #4
Cable finds Black Tom and shoots him, knocking him down a lift-shaft where he shoots him again to make him fall to the bottom. Deadpool sneaks in to find Tom's unconscious, messed up body. Domino rejoins the members of X-Force on the street as they and Spider-Man face the impossible task of stopping the Juggernaut. Shatterstar cuts away at his helmet and Siryn rips it from his shoulders. Cable emerges from the wreckage of the World Trade Centre to find the Juggernaut almost defeated. He's about to kill the oversized villain when Deadpool teleports him away. GW Bridge's SHIELD team show up to arrest Cable who teleport away, leaving Spider-Man to talk his way out of trouble.
X-Force #5 (1991)
Siryn officially agrees to join X-Force; Deadpool takes the Juggernaut and Black Tom Cassidy to Mr Tolliver; Tolliver promises to get Black Tom Cassidy a very expensive doctor, in exchange for serving him.

Daredevil #300 (1992)
The Twin Towers are revealed to have been repaired/restored (this is likely to have been carried out by Damage Control) during THE FALL OF THE KINGPIN.

Deadpool: The Circle Chase #1-2 (1993)
Black Tom Cassidy is revealed to have a a wood-like substance grafted into his body, saving his life and allowing him to channel his mutant powers without carrying a cane; Black Tom and the Juggernaut clash with Deadpool when both parties search for the weapon promised in Tolliver's will during ASSAULT ON GRAYMALKIN.

X-Force #31 (1994)
Siryn justifies betraying her uncle, Black Tom Cassidy, cutting off all ties with him.

Venom: The Madness #1-2 (1993)
Juggernaut begins searching for a way to restore Black Tom Cassidy to 'normal'. 

Cable #6-8 (1994)
'Mr Tolliver' is revealed to be Tyler Dayspring, Cable's son.

Amazing Spider-Man #36 (2001)
The World Trade Centre is destroyed (reflecting real-life events); Spider-Man witnesses the fallout of such the horrific event.

X-Men #162-164 (2004-2005)
Black Tom Cassidy is revealed to have fully transformed into a tree-like being.

New Excalibur #6-7 (2006)
Black Tom Cassidy is revealed to have been restored to human form after losing his powers on M-Day.

Deadpool #59 (2012)
Black Tom Cassidy is revealed to have regained his powers, somehow.
Spider-Man by Todd McFarlane Omnibus
Spider-Man: Masques
X-Force Epic Collection vol.1: Under The Gun

X-Force: A Force To Be Reckoned With
X-Force Omnibus vol.1
X-Force and Spider-Man: Sabotage
Include Spider-Man #16 and X-Force #4.

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