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CARNAGE READING ORDER: Cletus Kasady (1991-2015)

You asked for a Carnage reading order, you got one! Presenting every appearance of Cletus Kasady from his earliest appearances in 1991 to role as one of Marvel's major villains before SECRET WARS in 2015. As usual, I've thrown in some of the character's key appearances after SECRET WARS, but it's unfamiliar territory for me.

When Spider-Man lost his alien costume to Eddie Brock, turning him into Venom, the story was far from over. It turns out Symbiotes spawn and Carnage was the first and most violent offspring we'd get to see!

As always, I'd like to thank the guys over at the Marvel Chronology Project. I've used their work as a basis and then worked out my own version of the Marvel Universe continuity from there.
[VENOM READING ORDER: Eddie Brock (1988-2004)]
MCG Note:
  • Issues in blue are worth reading, are major chapters in Carnage's life or may play a key part in the great Marvel tapestry.
  • Issues in grey are part of Carnage's chronology, stories of note that aren't essential or are no longer considered 'required reading'.
Amazing Spider-Man #344-345 (1991)
Cletus Kasady first appears, sharing a cell with Eddie Brock at Riker's Island Prison Complex; though his appearances are only brief, Cletus is revealed to be a serial killer who plots to murder his cellmate until the Symbiote breaks Brock out of prison, becoming Venom once again and leaving a small drop of Symbiote ooze behind.

Amazing Spider-Man #359-360 (1992)
Cletus Kasady breaks out of prison using what appears to be living blood; the first appearance of Carnage in a murderous cameo role, though his connection to Cletus Kasady isn't directly revealed just yet...
Amazing Spider-Man #361-363 (1992)
Cletus Kasady's first full appearance as Carnage; with a Symbiote powering him up, Kasady goes on a murdererous rampage as Carnage and it takes the combined might of Spider-Man and Venom to put him down.

Spider-Man Unlimited #1 (1993)
Web of Spider-Man #101 (1993)
Amazing Spider-Man #378 (1993)
Spider-Man #35 (1993)
Spectacular Spider-Man #201 (1993)
Web of Spider-Man #102 (1993)
Amazing Spider-Man #379 (1993)
Spider-Man #36 (1993)
Spectacular Spider-Man #202 (1993)
Web of Spider-Man #103 (1993)
Amazing Spider-Man #380 (1993)
Spider-Man #37 (1993)
Spectacular Spider-Man #203 (1993)
Spider-Man Unlimited #2[1/2] (1993)
I'm not a fan of the story, but you can't really read the major Carnage stories and not read this one; Carnage allies himself with Shriek, the Demogoblin, the Spider-Man Doppelgänger and Carrion and goes on an even bigger murder spree across New York City; Spider-Man teams up with Venom, Captain America, Firestar, Deathlok, Morbius, Iron Fist and others to put an end to the insanity during MAXIMUM CARNAGE.
Amazing Spider-Man Annual #28[1/4] (1994) 
Parts of Cletus Kasady's childhood are revealed when Carnage escapes incarceration; 

Web of Spider-Man #117[1/2] (1994)
Amazing Spider-Man #394[1/2] (1994)
Spectacular Spider-Man #217[1/2] (1994)
Carnage is among the villains who run riot in the Ravencroft Institute and sent to battle Spider-Man and his clone, Ben Reilly; Carnage is returned to his cell by Judas Traveller during POWER AND RESPONSIBILITY.

Venom: Carnage Unleashed #1-4 (1995)
Carnage escapes the Ravencroft Institute to murder the creators of a video game based on his New York killing spree; Venom fights Carnage in the internet and puts a stop to his plan to kill online players, returning him to the Ravencroft Institute in a comatose state during PLANET OF THE SYMBIOTES / THE BRIDE OF VENOM.

Spectacular Spider-Man #223 (1995)

Carnage cameo; Carnage threatens to kill the Jackal during AFTERSHOCKS.

Amazing Spider-Man #403 (1995)

Kaine holds a mock trial at the Ravencroft Institute to discern Spider-Man is the cause of the inmates' insanity; Carnage learns Spider-Man is Peter Parker in the course of the trial, but the memory is removed by Judas Traveller during THE TRIAL OF PETER PARKER.

Amazing Spider-Man Super-Special #1[1/3] (1995)

Spider-Man Super Special #1[1/3] (1995)
Venom Super Special #1[1/3] (1995)
Spectacular Spider-Man Super Special #1[1/3] (1995)
Web of Spider-Man Super Special #1[1/3] (1995)
Cletus Kasady breaks out of confinement and merges with the invading Symbiote Imperium, forming a giant-size Carnage; Carnage and the Symbiotes are blown up by Spider-Man, Venom and the Scarlet Spider during

X-Men and Spider-Man #3 (2009)

Mister Sinister's alliance with Carnage is interrupted by Spider-Man (Ben Reilly) and the X-Men; Carnage is defeated and incarcerated again, but Sinister obtains a sample of his Symbiote for a special project.
Carnage: Mind Bomb #1 (1996)
Psychologist Matthew Kurtz efforts to rehabilitate Cletus Kasady backfire dramatically, causing mayhem and murder at the Ravencroft Institute.

Sensational Spider-Man #3 (1996)
Amazing Spider-Man #410 (1996)
Spider-Man #67 (1996)
Spectacular Spider-Man #233 (1996)
Free from Cletus Kasady, the Carnage Symbiote murders his way through the citizen of New York City; Spider-Man (Ben Reilly) tries to contain it, only to find himself merged with the Symbiote as Spider-Carnage; the Carnage Symbiote forces Spider-Man to reunite it with Cletus Kasady, who becomes Carnage again but remains at Ravencroft Institute during WEB OF CARNAGE.
Carnage: It's a Wonderful Life #1 (1996)
When Dr Ashley Kafka and John Jameson are fired from the Ravencroft Institute due to the numerous break-outs, break-ins and failure to rehabilitate any of its patients, Jameson tries to end the threat of Carnage himself with disastrous results.

Venom on Trial #2-3 (1997)
Cletus Kasady is called as a witness at the trial of Eddie Brock, but uses the opportunity to unleash the Carnage Symbiote and attempt an escape; Brock becomes Venom and defeats Carnage during LICENSE TO KILL.

Amazing Spider-Man #430-431 (1998)
The Carnage Symbiote abandons Cletus Kasady in favour the Silver Surfer, turning Norrin Radd into Carnage Cosmic; Spider-Man frees the Surfer from the Symbiote's control and Carnage is imprisoned once again.

Peter Parker, Spider-Man #10 (1999)
Venom makes his way into the correctional facility where Cletus Kasady is held and consumes his Carnage Symbiote.
Peter Parker, Spider-Man #13 (2000)
Webspinners: Tales of Spider-Man #13-14 (2000)
First appearance of the second Carnage Symbiote; Cletus Kasady escapes prison and paints himself red to convince himself he's still Carnage; Spider-Man ends his latest round of serial killings and returns him to jail; Kasady soon escapes prison again and ends up travelling through a portal to the Negative Zone with Spider-Man; Kasady bonds with a new Symbiote in the Zone, becoming Carnage again when it merges with the remnants of the original Carnage Symbiote in Kasady's system; Carnage allies with Blastaar against Spider-Man and Dusk; Carnage returns to Earth with the new Symbiote; this isn;t a great story, but it does introduce the second Symbiote and essentially marks a new chapter in Carnage's saga during LIVING IN OBLIVION.

Venom/Carnage #1-4 (2004)
Venom and Carnage clash once again; Carnage spawns the Toxin Symbiote which bonds to police officer Pat Mulligan, becoming Toxin; Carnage battles Venom and Toxin while Spider-Man and the Black Cat try to contain the violence.

New Avengers #2 (2005)
When Electro causes a breakout at the Raft super-prison, Carnage threatens to kill Foggy Nelson, but gets flown up into space by the Sentry and torn in half at waist during NEW AVENGERS.

Carnage #1-5 (2010-2011)
First appearance of Dr Tanis Nieves and Scorn; the Carnage Symbiote is revealed to have put Cletus Kasady in a dormant state before being retrieved by inventor Michael Hall who used it to create prosthetic limbs; Tanis Nieves gains a symbiotic prosthetic arm, but it bonds with the Carnage Symbiote turning her into the new Carnage; the Carnage Symbiote abandons Nieves in favour of reuniting with the Cletus Kasady, reawakening him as Carnage (now with cybernetic legs); Nieves discovers her arm is now the offspring of the Carnage Symbiote, Scorn; Carnage discovers he can make new Symbiotes which allow him to control their hosts, merging with him to become Mass Carnage; Mass Carnage is defeated by Spider-Man, Iron Man, Nieves and Shriek, but Carnage escapes.
Carnage USA #1-5 (2012)
Carnage uses his new ability to take possession of people via Symbiote offspring to control the entire town of Doverton as well as the Avengers; Spider-Man, Scorn and Venom (Flash Thompson) free the town; Scorn retrieves the Carnage Symbiote while the Avengers take Kasady into custody.

Minimum Carnage: Alpha #1 (2012)
Scarlet Spider #10 (2012)
Venom #26 (2012)
Scarlet Spider #11 (2013)
Venom #27 (2013)
Minimum Carnage: Omega #1 (2013)
Cletus Kasady escapes custody at Thunderbolts Mountain by making a deal with beings from the Microverse who intend using his regenerated Carnage Symbiote to create an unstoppable army; he's pursued into the Microverse by Venom (Flash Thompson) and the Scarlet Spider (Kaine) and left comatose, giving the Carnage Symbiote full control, despite being apprehended during MINIMUM CARNAGE

Superior Carnage #1-5 (2013-2014)
Superior Carnage Annual #1 (2014)
The Wizard frees Carnage and transfuses Cletus Kasady's blood to Dr Karl Malus, turning him into the new Carnage and inducting him into the Frightful Four; the Symbiote goes on to bond with the Wizard and is separated from him by Spider-Man (Otto Octavius) who uses Kasady's comatose body as bait; Kasady is reawakened, but separated from the Symbiote once again; Kasady's psychiatrist, DrJenner, becomes the new Carnage when she merges with the Symbiote, but it soon rebonds with Kasady and helps him escape incarceration during SUPERIOR CARNAGE.

Deadpool vs Carnage #1-4 (2014)
Deadpool tricks Carnage into believing his supposedly random acts of violence are controlled by an outside force; Carnage surrenders to the authorities until he can be sure.

AXIS #2 (2015)
Magneto #11 (2015)
AXIS #3 (2015)
Deadpool #36 (2015)
Magneto #12 (2015)
AXIS #4 (2015)
AXIS: Carnage #1-3 ()
Nova #24 (2015)
AXIS #6 (2015)
AXIS #7-8 (2015)
Loki: Agent of Asgard #9 (2015)
Nova #25 (2015)
Magneto recruits Carnage to help him save the world from Red Onslaught; an inversion spell is cast in an effort to change Red Onslaught's agenda which ends up switching the motivations of heroes and villains present; Carnage becomes a hero and joins the Astonishing Avengers, sacrificing himself to stop a gene bomb planted by the inverted X-Men during AXIS.

Nova #26-27 (2015)
Carnage is revealed to have survived and returned to his evil state, having lost his legs again in the explosion; he tries to get the attention of Nova (Sam Alexander) by killing the people in his home town and threatening to share his secret identity; Nova apprehends Carnage and sends him to Ryker's Island.

Deadpool #45 (2015)
Carnage cameo.
MCG Note:
Other key stories in Carnage's more recent history. Unlike the list above, this list doesn't include every appearance and the reading order may not be exact. I've kept these entries vague to avoid spoilers.
All-New, All-Different Marvel: Point One #1 (2015)
Carnage #1-5 (2016)
The FBI pursue Carnage while the Darkholders attempt to use him as a sacrifice to resurrect Chthon during ALL NEW, ALL-DIFFERENT MARVEL / THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY.

Carnage #5-16 (2016-2017)
Carnage spawns a new Symbiote called Raze; the Darkholders plan to bring Chthon to the Earthly plain are disrupted and Carnage is apprehended by the FBI.
Amazing Spider-Man #794[1/2] (2018)
Norman Osborn strips Cletus Kasady of his Carnage Symbiote during MARVEL LEGACY.

Amazing Spider-Man #800[1-6/8] (2018)
Norman Osborn uses the Carnage Symbiote to become the Red Goblin; Osborn rejects the Symbiote when he realises Carnage will take all the credit if he uses the Symbiote to kill Spider-Man; the Symbiote adds a copy of Cletus Kasady's mind to Osborn's, giving him another split personality.
Venomized #1-5 (2018)
Cletus Kasady is bonded to a new Poison Symbiote, becoming Poison Carnage during VENOMIZED.

Venom #8 (2018)
Web of Venom: Carnage Born #1 (2019)
Web of Venom: Venom Unleashed #1 (2019)
Web of Venom: Cult of Carnage #1 (2019)
Web of Venom: Funeral Pyre #1 (2019)
Cletus Kasady returns to Earth and is bonded to a Grendel Symbiote by Scorn, altering it to match the Carnage Symbiote; Carnage starts absorbing Symbiote codices in preparation for the arrival of Knull during WEB OF VENOM.
Venom #15[2/2] (2019)
Amazing Spider-Man #24[2/2] (2019)
Fantastic Four #11[2/2] (2019)
Black Cat #2[2/2] (2019)
Carnage sends his minions to hunt for Symbiote codices during EVERYONE IS A TARGET.

Absolute Carnage #1-5 (2019)
Carnage hunts everyone who's ever hosted a Symbiote during ABSOLUTE CARNAGE.

Spider-Man vs Venom Omnibus
Includes Amazing Spider-Man #361-363, 378-380, Spectacular Spider-Man #201-203, Spider-Man #35-37, Spider-Man Unlimited #1-2 and Web of Spider-Man #101-103.

Carnage Classic
Collects Amazing Spider-Man #361-363, 410, 430-431, Amazing Spider-Man Annual #28, Carnage: It's a Wonderful Life #1, Carnage: Mind Bomb #1, Peter Parker: Spider-Man #13, Sensational Spider-Man #3, Spectacular Spider-Man #233, Spider-Man #67, Venom: Carnage Unleashed #1-4 and Webspinners: Tales of Spider-Man #13-14.

Spider-Man: Maximum Carnage

Collects Amazing Spider-Man #378-380, Spectacular Spider-Man #201-203, Spider-Man #35-37, Spider-Man Unlimited #1-2 and Web of Spider-Man #101-103.

Spider-Man: The Many Hosts of Carnage
Collects Amazing Spider-Man #361, 410, 431, 798-800, Carnage #3, Carnage USA #1-5, Spectacular Spider-Man #233, Spider-Man #67, Superior Carnage #3-5 and Superior Carnage Annual #1.

Carnage Omnibus
Collects All-New, All-Different Marvel: Point One #1, Axis: Carnage #1-3, Carnage #1-5, Carnage #1-16, Carnage USA #15, Deadpool vs Carnage #1-4, Minimum Carnage: Alpha #1, Minimum Carnage: Omega #1, Nova #26-27, Scarlet Spider #10-11, Superior Carnage #1-5, Superior Carnage Annual #1, Venom #26-27 and Venom/Carnage #1-4

Venom vs Carnage
Collects Venom/Carnage #1-4.

Carnage: Family Feud
Collects Carnage #1-5.

Carnage USA
Collects Carnage USA #1-5.

Nova vol.5: Axis
Includes Nova #24-27.

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