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Thanos' attempt to wipe out half the universe was undone and Adam Warlock took the Infinity Gauntlet (see THE INFINITY GAUNTLET). Eternity and the Living Tribunal decided the Infinity Gems should never again be used in unison, allowing Walock to divide the gems amongst his closest associates. But when a cosmic-level threat looms, could it be time to assemble the Gauntlet one last time?

If you've come here to find out how THE INFINITY WAR relates to the 'Avengers: Infinity War' film, you've come to the wrong place (for that, you need to head on over to THE INFINITY GAUNTLET).
MCG Note: Only want to read the essentials? Key issues are marked with an asterisk *. Read the story in its entirety, if you like, or just read the main series and add the issues featuring the characters who interest you the most.
  • Captain America #408[1/3]
  • Daredevil #310
  • Spider-Man #24 (also see GOBLIN KNIGHT)
  • Warlock and the Infinity Watch #7 (tie-in) *
  • Infinity War #1 *
  • Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #42 * (also see WAR OF THE SEVEN SPHERES)
  • Fantastic Four #366
  • Wonder Man #12 (tie-in)
  • Alpha Flight #109[2/2] (tie-in)
  • Deathlok #16
  • Nomad #7
  • Silver Surfer #67 * (also see WAR OF THE SEVEN SPHERES)
  • Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #43 (also see WAR OF THE SEVEN SPHERES)
  • Infinity War #2 *
  • Fantastic Four #367
  • Silver Surfer #68
  • Silver Surfer #69
  • Marvel Comics Presents #112[4/4] (tie-in) (also see GOBLIN KNIGHT)
  • Guardians of the Galaxy #27
  • Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #44 (also see WAR OF THE SEVEN SPHERES)
  • Infinity War #3 *
  • Alpha Flight #110
  • New Warriors #27
  • Silver Sable & the Wild Pack #4
  • Quasar #37 (tie-in)
  • Marvel Comics Presents #108[4/4] *
  • Marvel Comics Presents #109[4/4] *
  • Marvel Comics Presents #110[4/4] *
  • Marvel Comics Presents #111[4/4] *
  • Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #45 (also see WAR OF THE SEVEN SPHERES)
  • Wonder Man #13
  • Fantastic Four #368
  • Guardians of the Galaxy #28
  • Warlock and the Infinity Watch #8 *
  • Marc Spector: Moon Knight #41 (also see GOBLIN KNIGHT)
  • Marc Spector: Moon Knight #42 (also see GOBLIN KNIGHT)
  • Quasar #38 *
  • Alpha Flight #111
  • Infinity War #4 *
  • Silver Sable & the Wild Pack #5
  • Wonder Man #14
  • Marc Spector: Moon Knight #43 (also see GOBLIN KNIGHT)
  • Sleepwalker #17 (tie-in) (also see PORTALS OF POWER)
  • Quasar #39 *
  • Infinity War #5 *
  • Sleepwalker #18 *
  • Warlock and the Infinity Watch #9 *
  • Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #46 (also see WAR OF THE SEVEN SPHERES)
  • Fantastic Four #369
  • Quasar #40
  • Warlock and the Infinity Watch #10 *
  • Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #47 (also see WAR OF THE SEVEN SPHERES)
  • Infinity War #6 *
  • Wonder Man #15
  • Alpha Flight #112
  • Fantastic Four #370
  • Moon Knight #44 (also see GOBLIN KNIGHT)
Captain America #408[1/3]
With Dredmund the Druid's plans in ruins, Nightshade has reluctantly started administering the cure for the werewolf plague on Starkesboro. She's barely injected Captain America (currently in 'Capwolf' form) with the cure when an evil-looking Captain America Doppelgänger teleports in with the sole intention of trying to kill him. When Doctor Druid informs Cap that the doppelgänger isn't really alive, Cap impales the creature on its own spiked shield. Despite the confusion, the restored Captain America focuses on restoring the town. Elsewhere, the amnesiac Demolition Man isn't so lucky when he faces his own doppelgänger...

Daredevil #310
Yves Chapoteau breaks into Matt Murdock's office in the night to avoid his pursuers - the Haitian Cagoulars who want to burn him alive, Inspector Dunphy of the INS and Calypso. The Cagoulars get to him first and Matt comes to his aid as Daredevil, only to face the Nameless One who's under Calypso's control. When Calypso goes after Daredevil herself, she soon realises she's facing a Daredevil Doppelgänger. Calypso kills the Doppelgänger before it even gets a chance to replace the real DD, while Daredevil's battle with the Nameless One ends with the undead warrior's accidental 'death'. To save Yves Chapoteau, Daredevil must defeat Calypso...
Spider-Man #24
Spider-Man finds himself caught between the Hobgoblin and Demogoblin as they each try to become the one, true 'goblin by bumping the other off. A Spider-Man Doppelgänger attempts to assimilate Spidey, but the Hobgoblin blasts the Doppelgänger onto a railing, killing him. Spider-Man heads to Four Freedoms Plaza to find out what's going on, leaving the impaled four-armed corpse to be stolen by the Demogoblin...

Warlock and the Infinity Watch #7 (tie-in) *
Adam Warlock has freed the Infinity Watch from the clutches of the Man-Beast, only for them all to crash-land on Monster Isle in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Warlock passes out and has a nightmare featuring his dark, future self. When he wakes, he's greeted by the Mole Man who offers them the use of Monster Isle as a headquarters in return for the group's protection. Warlock agrees to the alliance, then encourages their visitor out of the shadows. Thanos has dropped by to ask the Infinity Watch for their aid...
Infinity War #1 *
Tracking strange energy readings across the galaxy, Thanos finds Eternity catatonic before he realises he's being followed by himself. Galactus conducts his own investigation and, learning of Eternity's state, he seeks the help of a mystical specialist. Some of Earth's heroes are attacked by evil Doppelgängers of themselves. Wolverine and Spider-Man defeat their dark Doppelgängers. Iron Man isn't so lucky and he's absorbed and replaced by his. Mister Fantastic (Reed Richards) of the Fantastic Four is also beset by a darker version of himself, but appears to overcome it. 

Reed summons the Avengers, X-Men, New Warriors, X-Factor, Alpha Flight and others to Four Freedoms Plaza where he promises to reveal a deadly threat to the universe. In space, Thanos discovers a construct with cosmic containment unit. Adam Warlock's dark future self, the Magus, is revealed to have returned. He reveals a Thanos Doppelgänger and teleports Thanos back to his own dimension. Thanos heads to Monster Isle on Earth and asks Adam Warlock and the Infinity Watch for help in defeating the Magus. Elsewhere on Earth, Doctor Doom and Kang the Conquerer go in search of the power the've sensed...
Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #42 *
Galactus appears outside Doctor Strange's house, ordering him to help investigate Eternity's comatose state. Strange refuses, intending to conduct his own investigation, angering Galactus and initiating a conflict which ends with Strange knocking Galactus down by catching him off guard. For the good of his neighbourhood, Strange relents and agrees to join him, but their path is blocked by the Silver Surfer. Despite the obvious peril her husband is in, Clea decides against rescuing him in favour of returning to the Dark Dimension to free her home from the tyranny of Umar and Baron Mordo...

Fantastic Four #366
Mister Fantastic starts work on an Encephalizer which monitors brain patterns to make sure no one's controlling the minds of the Fantastic Four. At that moment, he's attacked by the Mister Fantastic Doppelgänger which defeats and replaces him. The Thing gets a surprise visit from Sharon Ventura. Franklin Richards continues to show signs that his powers are returning. And Paibok the Power Skrull recruits Devos the Devastator into his latest revenge plot against the FF which involves the return of Lyja... 
Wonder Man #12 (tie-in)
Wonder Man's been losing control of his powers since he was caught in a Nega Bomb explosion (during OPERATION: GALACTIC STORM) and learned that his powers now increase with his rage. When he returns to his apartment, he loses control and blasts ionic energy around the other tenants. Wonder Man asks his fellow West Coast Avengers for help in fighting Angkor, but they're heading to New York or Mister Fantastic's emergency meeting. Faces Angkor alone, Wonder Man discovers that his rage is making Angkor stronger. He pummels his foe until Angkor explodes, leaving our hero in a heightened state of rage and savagery...

Alpha Flight #109[2/2]
Alpha Flight cut their 'world tour' short when they receive the call from Mister Fantastic. Meanwhile, Beta Flight escape the Dreamqueen's LiveWorld and return to Department H.
Deathlok #16
The ruthless Deathlok Doppelgänger murders a gang while hunting for the real Deathlok who misses his called from Mister Fantastic. Deathlok refuses to kill his deadly double, despite their heated battle causing untold carnage. Eventually, Deathlok takes uses his onboard systems to take control of the Doppelgänger which overloads and disappears, with Deathlok none-the-wiser about what just happened.

Nomad #7
A Gambit Doppelgänger ends in LaGuardia instead of Louisiana, then makes the same mistake by catching a plane to Los Angeles. He kills his way through the passengers on the plane, then continues his murder spree through LA International Airport where Nomad (Jack Monroe) is waiting for a flight. Nomad and FBI agent Vernon 'Hatch' Hatchway trick 'Gambit' into boarding a plane, then fool him into using a parachute filled with plastique, blowing him up when he throws himself from the plane.
Silver Surfer #67 *
The Silver Surfer visits the drooling, mindless Nebula imprisoned on Titan until he learns Galactus has returned to Earth. Initially, the Surfer orders Galactus to leave Doctor Strange - his old Defenders ally - alone until Strange has convinces the Surfer that he's agreed to help Galactus.

Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #43
Galactus' straps Doctor Strange into a device that will draw the power from the Eye of Agamotto and use it to follow a trail after the cosmic culprit behind Eternity's coma. Agamotto himself teleports Strange and the Eye back into his home dimension to express his concern over giving Galactus access the power of the Eye. Strange summons Galactus to aid him and the Devourer of Worlds finds himself in battle against Agamotto. Strange calls upon the other two members of the Vishanti - Oshtur and Hoggoth - who convince Agamotto to let Strange help Galactus. Back on Earth, Clea leaves for the Dark Dimension with her diminutive companion, Flyx...

Infinity War #2 *
The Magus's subtly interferes when Galactus, the Silver Surfer and Doctor Strange are moving a little ahead of schedule in investigating Eternity's coma. Doctor Doom and Kang start tracking the Magus' mystery energy source. Thanos, Adam Warlock and the Infinity Watch learn that Warlock expelled good and evil from himself when held the Infinity Gauntlet and his 'evil' side manifested as the Magus. 

On Earth, Hawkeye and Spider-Man are taken out by corrupted Iron Man who then heads to the big meeting at Four Freedoms Plaza. Mister Fantastic explains the existence of the Doppelgängers to the gathered heroes, spreading uncertainty among the super-teams. Wolverine announces Iron Man and Mister Fantastic aren't the real deal, so the corrupted Mister Fantastic hits a button on the podium that sets off a gamma bomb, blowing the top of the building sky high along with everyone in it...
Fantastic Four #367
The Invisible Woman (Sue Richards) realises her husband is an imposter, sets up a robot to look after Franklin and allows Wolverine to break through Four Freedom Plaza's defences. The Thing and Sharon Ventura's catch-up is interrupted when Ben sees the Puppet Master spying on him. And their conversation is interrupted by the arrival of the Thing Doppelgänger. Puppet Master uses his magic clay to defeat the fake by electrocuting an effigy. Later, Sue scans the Thing and Human Torch to make sure they're the real deal and joins the meeting of heroes, only to see her husband set off a gamma bomb...

Silver Surfer #68
Doctor Strange continues to track the mysterious energies to their source in the Relay Dimension. Galactus' herald, Nova (Frankie Raye), begins to feel the same sense of remorse that the Silver Surfer felt while he was a herald. Their travels are interrupted when an inter-dimensional traveller called Khoon (which is actually Hindi for 'blood') tries to commandeer Galactus' Star Sphere ship...

Silver Surfer #69
Khoon and his robot Wolf Pack somehow prove to be a challenge for the two heralds of Galactus. Khoon enters the Star Sphere where Galactus makes short work of him and absorbs Khoon and his technology into his ship. Back on Titan, Geatar violently breaks the drooling Nebula out of prison. And, on a distant planet, an executioner does some executing...

Marvel Comics Presents #112[4/4] (tie-in)
The Demogoblin puts the Spider-Man Doppelgänger in cold storage while he goes looking for a way to revive it. Code: Blue are alerted to the Hobgoblin's presence in Manhattan and the team manage to apprehend him and send him to the Tombs Prison...
Guardians of the Galaxy #27
The Guardians of the Galaxy of Earth-691 have travel 1000 years from the future to our present to end the threat of the alien Badoon before they invade Earth. But Talon, their newest member, becomes seriously unwell, reveals himself to be on the the Inhumans and asks to be teleported to the Moon where the team meet the Inhuman Royal Family. Following a brief clash, the two teams join forces to defeat their Doppelgängers and the Guardians teleport to Earth to find out if anyone has survived the explosion at Four Freedoms Plaza...

Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #44
Cyttorak attacks the Star Sphere as it hurtles through dimensions, taking Doctor Strange and Nova captive. Strange summons the Juggernaut (who gained his powers from the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak) to aid him. Together, they free Nova from Cyttorak's grasp, but the Juggernaut's thirst for power gets the better of him. He steals the gem from Cyttorak's head and almost breaks Doctor Strange's back. Strange restores Cyttorak's gem and sends Juggernaut back to Earth, earning his and Nova's freedom and allowing them to return to their mission...
Infinity War #3 *
The Invisible Woman catches the radioactive gamma explosion and Thor casts it out into space, saving all their allies but losing the top of Four Freedoms Plaza. The Magus and his Thanos Doppelgänger teleport in and take the Mister Fantastic and Iron Man Doppelgängers back through his portal. The heroes mistake the Magus for Adam Warlock and believe he's working with the real Thanos. Magus blows up Galactus' Star Sphere with his godlike power to slow him down. 

Thanos, Warlock and the Infinity Watch arrive at a point in another dimension at the same time as a select group of Earth's heroes who believe they've located the cosmic threat. On Earth, the remaining heroes come under attack from a Doppelgänger army. In another realm, the Living Tribunal appears to Eternity and awaits his appeal...
Alpha Flight #110
Beta Flight rename themselves Gamma Flight and sneak out of Department H for a night on the town while Alpha Flight are in New York. Madness begins to grip the streets of Toronto, the team take out muggers, face a super-powered pyromaniac called Firebug and Talisman is beaten senseless in a mall by the all-new Omega Flight. In New York, Guardian (Heather Hudson) still wonders if Alpha Flight can cut it as a team, why Shaman has returned, how long it'll be before before Weapon Omega's identity is revealed and begins to think Windshear upgraded to Alpha Flight way too soon...

New Warriors #27
Rage and his Infinity Doppelgänger, En-Rage-d, run right into each other, becoming one. After picking up pizza for the heroes at Four Freedoms Plaza, Speedball bounces back home to Springdale where his Doppelgänger, Blackball, is sullying his name. Speedball obliterates Blackball with kinetic energy, but his father finds out his secret identity in the process. Nova is very pleased to have been selected for the space-bound team who'll be taking on Thanos...

Silver Sable & the Wild Pack #4
Just as the real Doctor Doom departs for outer space with Kang, the Doctor Doom Doppelgänger arrives in Latveria. Silver Sable turns up for her annual dinner with Doom, but soon realises this isn't the real deal. 'Doom' imprisons Sable and threatens to destroy her home country, Symkaria. She escapes and dodges reprogrammed Doombots while searching for the Doppelgänger, unaware that the Wild Pack are on their way to help her. Though one of their number, the Sandman, has been replaced by a Doppelgänger, too...

Quasar #37 (tie-in)
Quasar and two Elders of the Universe (Contemplator and Caregiver) save a giant cosmic fish. When Captain America asks Quasar to track down Eternity, the Contemplator takes him to Overspace, which houses the forms of abstract beings, as created by Anthropomrpho. He's chased around by the cosmic Anomaly when he tries to get Eternity's attention at different points in the past, then again when he discovers the comatose Eternity in the present day. On Earth, an Antibody (of Earth-148611) jumps aboard Quagmire (of Earth-712) as he makes his way to Earth-616. Makkari suggests Her rename herself Kismet. On Scadam, the Chief Examiner reveals to Kayla Ballantine that she's the most powerful person in the universe...
Marvel Comics Presents #108[4/4] *
Thanos is shocked to find his spirit being sucked right out of his body and into Death's realm where he faces her Legion of the Doomed...

Marvel Comics Presents #109[4/4]
Thanos battles the dead army while trying to figure out if Death is still angry with him for gaining the power of the Infinity Gauntlet and become her superior (during REBIRTH OF THANOS). When she emerges, he tries to explain that she's snatched him at the worst possible time. And for the first time, she speaks to him by uttering two words: "I know".

Marvel Comics Presents #110[4/4] *
Death goes on to explain that she was hurt by his betrayal and that she can never return his love (as an abstract deity, she can't favour one being over any others), but she wants him to prove his affection for her once again. If Thanos kills Adam Warlock, she'll be his for all eternity...

Marvel Comics Presents #111[4/4] *
Death returns Thanos' spirit to his body, leaving him wondering if what happened was for real. And, if it was, would killing Adam Warlock grant him his Death's love? But Warlock's death means not stopping the Magus, which means not saving the universe, which means everything ceases to exist. Then 'eternity' with Death would be a very short time. Thanos disengages his weapons systems and decides not to kill Adam Warlock. Which leaves him feeling a lot more disturbed than he was expecting...

Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #45
Doctor Strange, Galactus, the Silver Surfer and Nova are all dead, having been blown to particles by the Magus. Galactus might well be powerful enough to reconstitute himself and the others along with him, but Death herself intends stopping him. The only thing that stands against her is the soul of Doctor Strange. Strange defies Death, despite her throwing all his life's failings at him, giving Galactus the chance to resurrect them all. But Death will have him, one day...

Wonder Man #13
Wonder Man spouts anti-mutant diatribes while trying to stay angry in order to keep his powers up during the in-fighting between the X-Men and Avengers. This puts a strain on his relationship with the Scarlet Witch, as well as Wolverine's trust in him. Wonder Man, Hercules and Thor go off in search of the missing Spider-Man and Hawkeye only to end up fighting the Wonder Man Doppelgänger. Thor defeats the double when Wonder Man's self-doubt costs him his strength his strength. Later, Wonder Man is selected for the space team who'll be going after Thanos. Meanwhile, Wonder Man's Hollywood buddies who were subjected to his ionic energy start showing signs of super-powers...

Fantastic Four #368
After the Invisible Woman and Thor save the heroes from the gamma bomb and the heroes fight over who's responsible, Speedball stop a fights between the Thing and the Hulk, so they settle their differences over table football instead. The Human Torch takes some time out only to suffer a sneak attack by X-Men Doppelgängers and the Human Torch Doppelgänger. The Torch kills the X-Men Doppelgängers only to be taunted by the surviving Torch Doppelgänger for resorting to murder. Agatha Harkness is called in to locate the source of their foe's magical power and agrees to become Franklin Richards' nanny again.

Guardians of the Galaxy #28
The Guardians of the Galaxy arrives at Avengers Mansion to discover Doctor Octopus leading the new Masters of Evil as they break in to steal the Avengers' advanced weaponry while they're busy dealing with the current threat to the universe. Yellowjacket (Rita DeMara) betrays the Masters to save Nikki Gold from the Absorbing Man. Doctor Octopus defeats Nikki and Yellowjacket and takes them hostage. Meanwhile, a Starhawk Doppelgänger tries to absorb the real Starhawk...
Warlock and the Infinity Watch #8 *
Gamora's Time Gem flashes forward to a moment in the future where Warlock is stuck to a strange crucifix while someone aims the Infinity Gauntlet at him. Thanos questions Moondragon about her increasing mental powers since she obtained the Mind Gem and warns her that her past will catch up to her. Thanos then challenges Gamora to a no-holds barred fight to put their differences behind them. Gamora gets the upper hand and stuns Thanos by striking him in the throat. Suddenly, a band of Earth's heroes arrive looking to take down Thanos and the Watch. The Magus observes all of this, unaware that his Thanos Doppelgänger is planning to betray him...

Marc Spector: Moon Knight #41
Before Moon Knight can reach 'Mister Fantastic' to find out why he's set the heroes against each other, Psylocke stabs his mind with her psychic knife and learns Moon Knight is dying. Having survived the gamma bomb explosion, Psylocke asks Gambit to warn Moon Knight of his impending demise. More Doppelgängers arrives and assault the Earth-based team who remain at Four Freedoms Plaza. The Moon Knight Doppelgänger and Franklin Richards Doppelgänger have their own agenda, though. They use a Psi-phon to drain some of the real Franklin Richards' dream energy to gain enough power to free themselves from the Magus. Moon Knight interrupts their efforts, saving Franklin. With his newfound power, the Moon Knight Doppelgänger absorbs the Franklin Doppelgänger along with as many of the multiversal Moon Knights as he can, becoming Moon Shade...
Marc Spector: Moon Knight #42
Moon Shade hops realities to personally absorb the remaining Moon Knights. Earth-616's Moon Knight comes along for the ride, but fails to stop Moon Shade from absorbing Dark Moon, Moon Fang, Crescent Moon, Dino-Knight, Mr Spector and others until he gets the chance to use Moon Shade's vulnerability to Adamantium against him on Earth-42992. With Moon Shade dead, Moon Knight suddenly finds himself trapped in nothingness...

Quasar #38 *
The heavy-hitter heroes go against Captain America's orders and attack the Infinity Watch and Thanos, anyway. Quasar throws up a barrier to keep them from each other until Pip the Troll tries to knock out Professor X. Battle breaks out and Quasar finds himself distracted by a message from the Contemplator (having discovered the source of the Magus' Doppelgängers as the Dimension of Manifestations) and is taken out of the fight by Warlock.  On Scadam, the Kayla Ballantine agrees to give her alleged powers to the Chief Examiner in exchange for protection form the attacking Black Fleet and transport back to Earth, only for her power to overload and kill him. The Black Fleet disintegrate Kayla, leaving Holly Steckley alone on an alien world...
Alpha Flight #111
The citizens of Toronto give in to their baser instincts and murder, violence and sex spread through the city caused by the extra-dimensional Ska'r. Windshear discovers the trainee Gamma Flight at the centre of it all and, despite his frustration with them, helps them fend offFirebug and Mad Dog. The Master of the World - the power behind Omega Flight - plans to use the chaos to advance his plans to rule Earth. At Four Freedoms Plaza, Aurora and Weapon Omega struggle with their personal issues when they face their Doppelgängers. And in space, Guardian doubts her place among the heavy-hitters...

Guardians of the Galaxy #29
The Guardians and the Masters of Evil's fight for Avengers Mansion is interrupted by Infinity Doppelgängers of both teams, forcing them to join forces. Aleta convinces Starhawk to give her control of their shared body in order to defeat the Starhawk Doppelgänger, but refuses to give it back. When the Doppelgängers suddenly drop without warning, Doctor Octopus tries to press his advantage but he's chased out of Avengers Mansion by his allies turn against him, having just had their lives saved by the Guardians of the Galaxy. As the villains leave, Edwin Jarvis convinces the Guardians to clean up the mess.
Infinity War #4 *
The Magus observes as the Doppelgänger army attacks the heroes on Earth and the heavy-hitters clash with Thanos and the Infinity Watch, unaware that Kang and Doctor Doom have discovered his collection of Cosmic Cubes. Galactus reconstitutes himself, Doctor Strange, Nova and the Silver Surfer, then brings an end to the fight with the Infinity Watch as he brings all the space-bound heroes aboard his ship. Galactus blocks the Magus' signal to Earth, shutting down the Doppelgänger army, then learns what's really been going on by probing everyone's minds. 

Thor is sent back to Earth's moon where he witnesses a copy of Earth starting to merge with the real Earth, leaving everyone on the planet in a trance and asserting the Magus' control over reality. Warlock asks for the Infinity Gems back and reforms the Infinity Gauntlet, but the gems won't work together since the Living Tribunal prevented it (during THE INFINITY GAUNTLET). Galactus takes Gamora with him to appeal to the Tribunal. The Magus teleports in and snatches Warlock and the Infinity Gauntlet. Quasar accepts Thanos' challenge to wield the Ultimate Nullifier against the Magus as a last resort...
Silver Sable & the Wild Pack #5
The Sandman Doppelgänger attacks the Wild Pack before their Stealthcraft can even land in Latveria, making the team believe he's reverted to his 'bad guy' ways. Silver Sable disguises herself as a Doombot to get close to the rogue 'Doctor Doom' and fights him to the death. 'Doom' reverts to his tentacled Doppelgänger form and dies. The Wild Pack arrive in Latveria as 'Sandman' is defeated, freeing the real Sandman. Elsewhere in the depths of space, Kang and the real Doctor Doom discover the Magus' collection of Cosmic Cubes.

Wonder Man #14
Wonder Man doubts himself during the fight with the Infinity Watch, costing him his powers and allowing Adam Warlock to defeat him. When the heroes are brought aboard Galactus' ship and have their memories probed, Wonder Man recalls his death and rebirth among other events and begins to wonder if Simon Williams is still dead and he's just a mass of ionic energy calling itself Wonder Man. Realising he's faced with the possible destruction of the Earth, Wonder Man regains his focus. Back on Earth, a number of Wonder Man's friends begin to exhibit ionic powers...
Marc Spector: Moon Knight #43
Moon Knight finds himself returned to Earth and in the midst of the battle with the Magus' Doppelgänger army at Four Freedoms Plaza. When it looks like he and the other heroes are on the edge of defeat, the Doppelgängers shut down and revert to their true forms. Elsewhere, Jean-Paul 'Frenchie' DuChamp contacts the Shadow Cabinet for help in locating the Demogoblin in order to cure Moon Knight. In Scotland, the Knights Templar meet to discuss their own plans for Frenchie...

Sleepwalker #17 (tie-in)
Just before THE INFINITY WAR began, Sleepwalker and Darkhawk put their differences aside to free Portal form the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants' control and use his powers to pull Spider-Man back out of the Dark Dimension (during PORTALS OF POWER). Now, unaware that the universe is on the brink of annihilation, Rick Sheridan (Sleepwalker's human host) takes Janine Epstein on a successful date, only for her to lure him into an ally where he's surrounded by members of a Chinese street gang...
Quasar #39 *
Quasar creates a cocoon around himself and Epoch and teleports to the Repository of Knowledge to learn about the Ultimate Nullifier. He comes under attack from Deathurge who tries to convince him to accept the void in order to use the Nullifier, while Epoch researches the weapon. Quasar barely defeats Deathurge and Epoch tries to convince him he'll die if he fires the Nullifier. On Scadam, Kayla Ballantine begins to regenerate and Her fights the Black Fleet...
Infinity War #5 *
Sleepwalker tries to help the telepaths led by Professor X to in trying to free the entranced population of Earth, while Thor and Uatu the Watcher observe Earth merging with the Magus' copy of the planet. Quasar's efforts to fire the Ultimate Nullifier at the Magus' stronghold are secretly blocked by the Magus himself who is now in possession of the inert Infinity Gauntlet. Doctor Doom and Kang attack the Magus, but Doom appears to kill Kang when he gets the upper hand. The Magus discovers his Cosmic Cubes have been stolen as he comes under a fierce assault from Doom, weakening his hold over Quasar. 

Just as the Magus is about to hand the Infinity Gauntlet over to Doom, Galactus convinces the no-longer-comatose Eternity to allow the Infinity Gems to be used in unison. With ultimate power in his grasp, the Magus defeats Doctor Doom, turns the Ultimate Nullifier back on Quasar and Imprisons Adam Warlock. Realising the universe is doomed, Thanos tricks the heroes into going through a portal where they're faced with all the remaining Doppelgängers while he transports himself to the Magus' structure where he's faced with his own double...
Sleepwalker #18 *
Janine Epstein and the street gang knock Rick Sheridan out, unleashing the Sleepwalker to whom they reveal that they are Professor X, Moondragon, Psylocke and Jean Grey controlling these bodies from the depths of space. Their plea for help from the Sleepwalker falls on deaf ears as he's not sure of their true intentions. After observing the population of Earth in a trance-like state, clashing with a Beast Doppelgänger, Firestar Doppelgänger and a new Daredevil Doppelgänger and defeating them by changing his shape to appear to be a Doppelgänger, too, Sleepwalker agrees to help Professor X and his team. They don't break the trance, but they do enough damage to slow the merging of worlds down...

Warlock and the Infinity Watch #9 *
Having learned that the final decision to allow the Infinity Gems to be used in unison rests with Eternity, Galactus imbues Gamora with some of his own essence and sends her into Eternity to disrupt the source of his coma. Angry at being used by Galactus, Gamora recalls a time in her youth when she first explored a spaceport alone, disobeying Thanos' wishes that she stay with their ship. Gamora was overpowered by a gang and almost killed. Thanos took pity on his bodyguard-in-training and rebuilt her, coating her bones with unbreakable metal and adding cybernetic parts to replace the ones she'd lost. In the present, Gamora destroys the mystic bands that hold Eternity's core essence, freeing him and the personification of Infinity. When she emerges from Eternity, she's barely noticed by the godlike beings who used her...
Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #46
Doctor Strange leads the Scarlet Witch, Agatha Harkness, Doctor Druid and Shaman back to Earth to find a way to break the Magus' hold over the world's population. Realising Sleepwalker's efforts in conjunction with Professor X and the telepaths is working, Strange decides to check on Clea before returning to space to fight the Magus. Instead, hordes of demons burst from his Sanctum Sanctorum, led by what appears to be a Doppelgänger of Strange, himself. The evil Doctor Strange seriously injures the true Strange with the Sword of Ultimate Shadow when he steps in to protect the inert Wong. With his allies overwhelmed by the demon hordes, the group face a sound defeat...

Fantastic Four #369
When Galactus probes the heroes' memories aboard his ship to learn more about the Magus' plan, it releases the Invisible Woman's repressed Malice persona which immediately fights for control of Sue's mind. Sue overpowers Malice, but absorbs her more ferocious persona in the hope it will help her in the final battle with the Magus. It gives her the ability to take down the argumentative Hulk. The Human Torch considers asking Psylocke out, but passes up his chance. With the Fantastic Four in space and the population of Earth in a trance, Aron the Watcher takes the opportunity to kidnap Alicia Masters. Elsewhere, Paibok manipulates Lyja's genetic structure...
Quasar #40
The Ultimate Nullifier backfires on Quasar, negating him from existence and landing him in Oblivion's realm where the personification of non-existence himself recreates Kid Reaper who successfully kills Quasar. His Quantum Bands are transported back to Origin the cosmic embryo's sac. Her officially becomes Kismet as she continues to destroy the Black Fleet in defence of Scadam, while Kayla Ballantine regenerates on the planet's surface. Kayla and Holly see the Chief Examiner return in a new form to fight the Fleet. Elsewhere, while the heroes mourn Quasar, Thanos locates his 'Marvel Boy' creation (birthed during THE INFINITY GAUNTLET) and assigns him as the new Protector of the Universe, but under his control...

Warlock and the Infinity Watch #10 *
The Magus - who now possesses the Infinity Gauntlet - offers a place by his side to the winner of the brutal battle to the death between Thanos and the Thanos Doppelgänger, trapping them in a room in his deep space hideaway. Thanos considers how he's softened since he lost the Gauntlet's power and lets his true power return as the fight jumps over to the astral plane. The defeated Doppelgänger transforms into a butterfly which Thanos consumes in order to become whole again.

Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #47
The duplicate 'Doctor Strange' reveals to his captives that he isn't a Doppelgänger, but is actually the Stephen Strange of Counter-Earth who calls himself Necromancer. With Counter-Earth destroyed by Thanos, Necromancer escaped Eternity when Gamora cured him and has allied with the Magus. The real Doctor Strange magically transports his allies to space. When they return, Shaman and the others confront Necromancer's demons while Doctor Strange defeats the Rintrah Doppelgänger and Doctor Strange Doppelgänger before forcing Necromancer to channel too much of Eternity's energies and explode.
Infinity War #6 *
Only the Hulk, Hercules, Sasquatch and She-Hulk are left standing in the final battle against the army of Doppelgängers when the Silver Surfer, Thor, Doctor Strange, Moondragon, Drax the Destroyer and Galactus arrive, only to be swept away to adorn the Magus' trophy room with a snap of his fingers. Thanos emerges as the victor in the battle against his own double, but is forced to kneel before the Magus' superior will and power until, that is, he questions the Magus' grip on reality. His pause allows Thanos to attack and, though he falls before the Magus' far superior might, it gives Adam Warlock the chance to free himself and make contact with the Infinity Gauntlet.

Thanos makes his exit and rejoins Galactus and the heroes as the battle of wills over infinite power between the Magus and Adam Warlock threatens to tear reality apart. It seems the 'Reality Gem' Warlock attached to the Infinity Gauntlet was never the real deal and was, instead, a decoy created by Thanos. Eternity and Infinity emerge from within Warlock and a flash of light ends the villain's reign. The heroes are transported back to Earth and are left wondering what the outcome was. 

The gems are separated and returned to each member of the Infinity Watch on Monster Island, but Adam Warlock is left comatose. Eternity briefly visits to announce that the Infinity Gems will never again be used in unison. The Magus's soul is revealed to have been placed inside the Soul Gem, though he's invisible to the other souls within it. Thanos ponders his new role in the universe, now having been it's saviour for once. And he wonders when the cosmos will face Adam Warlock's 'good' aspect, unaware that a cosmic female being was the one responsible for the theft of the Magus' Cosmic Cubes...
Wonder Man #15
Wonder Man reassesses his priorities as the heroes of Earth clash with the Magus' army of Doppelgängers. Retaining the level of rage he needs to maintain his powers leads to him making mistakes - punching out the real Thing and saving a Scarlet Witch Doppelgänger from his allies - until he faces the Wonder Man Doppelgänger once last time. His win may be cathartic and show how far he's now willing to go as he rips the Doppelgänger's head off, but it burns him out and he's absorbed by a group of Doppelgängers...

Alpha Flight #112

The Master of the World has utilised the power of the Ska'r to keep Ontario free of the Magus' hold over the minds of the population, though they now run riot and chaos reigns. Talisman learns that her Talisman of Power was the only thing keeping the Ska'r stranded in their own dimension and her self-pity let them out. Gamma Flight defeat Omega Flight and Witchfire saves Gamma Flight from the Master's last attempt to kill them. He rapidly loses his hold on the Ska'r and is forced to flee. After Alpha Flight return to Earth, Weapon Omega questions his hold over his Wild Child persona and Gamma Flight are upgraded to Beta Flight.
Fantastic Four #370
The Thing notices the Human Torch displaying more aggression in the final battle with the army of Doppelgängers. The Invisible Woman dodges the fight in favour of finding the Magus, assisting Thanos against the Thanos Doppelgänger on her way. Instead of the Magus, she discovers the heroes replaced by the Doppelgängers, including Mister Fantastic, and frees them. After the war ends and the heroes are returned to Earth, the Invisible Woman berates Mister Fantastic for being the only one weak enough to be replaced by the Doppelgängers and the team discover Alicia has been kidnapped. In space, Paibok introduces Devos to the upgraded Lyja the Lazerfist.

Marc Spector: Moon Knight #44

In the wake of the Infinity War, the Knights Templar's plans to retrieve Jean-Paul DuChamp are interrupted when the Hell-Bent murder them all. Some time after the Fantastic Four clean the dead Doppelgangers out of Four Freedoms Plaza, Moon Knight visits for an examination from Mister Fantastic and Doctor Strange, revealing his ravaged body which prompts the demoic infection to take control and fight back. Strange and Mister Fantastic help Moon Knight regain control, but warn him he'll die in 72 hours. Following another clash with the Hobgoblin (during GOBLIN KNIGHT), Moon Knight learns he needs a sample from the Demogoblin to survive.
MCG Note: Fallout from the main mini-series, the Warlock and the Infinity Watch issues and the main tie-in issues of Quasar are entered in black and blue text. Fallout from all other issues is entered in grey text.

Daredevil #311 (1992) 
Calypso defeats Daredevil and briefly makes him her new Nameless One; Daredevil is freed by Brother Voodoo and defeats Calypso, saving Yves Chapoteau.

Sleepwalker #19 (1992)
Rick Sheridan and Janine Epstein escape the street gang when they come-to and escape; Rick and Janine continue dating.

Guardians of the Galaxy #30-33 (1992-1993)
The Guardians of the Galaxy pass up the chance to kill the Badoon in the present day; Yellowjacket (Rita DeMara of the Masters of Evil) stows away on the Guardians' ship when they return to their own time.

Warlock and the Infinity Watch #11 (1992)
Eternity petitions the Living Tribunal again to turn the Infinity Gems over to him by trying to convince him that the Infinity Watch are unfit to protect them; the Living Tribunal disagrees and rules that Eternity won't be able to petition again.

Avengers West Coast #84 (1992) 
Hawkeye and Spider-Man are revealed to have recovered from their injuries.

Silver Surfer #70-75 (1992) 
Geatar takes Nebula to Dr Mandibus to be restored to her original state; the Silver Surfer and Nova rebel against Galactus; the executioner's name is revealed as Morg and is transformed into Galactus' new herald; Mandibus turns Nebula into a cyborg; Morg augments his cosmic powers using the Well of Life; all the former heralds of Galactus and Galactus himself join forces to battle Morg; Morg kills Nova; Galactus strips Morg of his cosmic powers; Terrax kills Morg; the Well of Life powers allow Morg to regenerate.

Avengers Annual #21 (1992)
A flashback sequence reveals that Kang's death at the hands of Doctor Doom didn't stick as death cannot touch him during THE WARLORD.

Silver Sable & the Wild Pack #6-7 (1992) 
Silver Sable's war against Hydra continues.

Darkhold #4-7 (1993)
The strange emanations Agatha Harkness sensed from the Scarlet Witch are explored during WAR OF THE SEVEN SPHERES.

Captain America #409 (1992) 
Demolition Man's defeat leaves him trapped in a cavern beneath Central Park populated by the residents of Zero Town; Zach Moonhunter becomes Captain America's new pilot.

Quasar #41-46 (1993)
'Marvel Boy' becomes the Blue Marvel and clashes with the Avengers; the Antibody is revealed to have been corrupted by Quagmire; Doctor Druid's Shock Troop tackle the corrupted Antibody which is finally consumed by Glom of the Imperial Guard; Kayla Ballantine accesses the Star Brand's power to destroy the Black Fleet, then uses it to transport herself and Holly Steckley off Scadam and back to Earth; the resurrected Quasar defeats the Blue Marvel; the Antibody and Quagmire clash with Quasar.

Marvel Holiday Special #1 (1993) 
Night Thrasher debuts his new armour.

Guardians of the Galaxy #34 (1993)
Yellowjacket joins the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Marvel Comics Presents #132 (1993)
The Contemplator is revealed to have left the Dimension of Manifestations.

Warlock and the Infinity Watch #12 (1993) 
Drax gets close to remembering Moondragon killed him.

Darkhawk #24-25 (1993)
Evilhawk reveals to Chris Powell that his his Darkhawk armour is a separate android body he switches places with when he becomes Darkhawk; Kistur, the alien Portal stole his armour from, is revealed to be alive; many of the revelations provided by Evilhawk are later revealed to be false.

Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #48-50 (1992)
Clea recruits Tiboro and the Lords of the Netherworlds; Clea defeats Umar, but Flyx reveals himself to be a disguised Dormammu who banishes Tiboro and the Lords of the Netherworlds from the Dark Dimension and reclaims the throne; the Vishanti demand Doctor Strange aids them in the prophesied 5000-year-long magical war; Strange refuses to fight, so the Vishanti, Cyttorak and others block him from using their magic, costing him the title and role of Sorcerer Supreme during

Fantastic Four #371-375 (1992)
The Human Torch tries to attract the attention of fellow student Bridget O'Neill; the Torch's self-doubt and the revelation that Lyja is alive leads to him using his nova flame in a battle against her Devos and Paibok that results in extensive damage to Empire State University; under Malice's influence, the Invisible Woman starts wearing a more revealing costume and displays more aggression; the Fantastic Four rescue Alicia Masters from Aron the Rogue Watcher's clutches; Sharon Ventura resumes her Ms Marvel identity; Ms Marvel is revealed to be working for Doctor Doom, but refuses to side with Doom against the Fantastic Four during RISE OF DOOM! 

Web of Spider-Man #93-94 (1992) 
Hobgoblin and Demogoblin's feud continues with Demogoblin aided by the resurrected Spider-Man Doppelgänger; Moon Knight realises the Demogoblin is the source of his illness during GOBLIN KNIGHT.

Moon Knight #45-46 (1992-1993)
Moon Knight breaks into a prison and gives in to his demonic form to defeat the Demogoblin to obtain a skin sample; Mister Fantastic and Doctor Strange help cure Moon Knight during

Moon Knight #47-50 (1992-1993)
The Knights Templar kidnap Frenchie to protect him from the Hellbent; Moon Knight burns his Avengers priority card and deletes the Avengers' files on him before they get a chance to expel him.

Captain America #411 (1993) 
Demolition Man becomes a prisoner of the Night People.

Captain America #418 (1993) 
Captain America rescues Demolition Man from Zero Town.

Wonder Man #16 (1993) 
Lotus Newmark's agents assault Beverley Hills again and are violently beaten by Wonder Man.

Warlock and the Infinity Watch #15 (1993)
Adam Warlock wakes from his coma due to some malicious prodding from Eternity.

Silver Surfer/Warlock: Resurrections #1-4 (1993)
Despite their recent differences, the Silver Surfer and Adam Warlock join forces to save Shalla-Bal's soul from Mephisto's realm.

Wonder Man #19 (1993)
Having gained super-powers from Wonder Man's power outburst, his fellow tenants gain costumes and codenames and form the Crazy 8.

Wonder Man #25 (1993) 
Wonder Man regains complete control over his powers and anger; the Black Talon rips out Lotus Newmark's throat during HIDDEN DEPTH.

Nomad #10 (1993)
Nomad and Vernon Hatchway next meet on opposite sides of a dispute in Arizona.

Quasar #47-48 (1993) 
Caregiver uses Origin's sac to save Quasar's life; Quasar reclaims the Quantum Bands.

Quasar #49-50 (1993)
'Holly D Steckley' is revealed to be Ereshkigal of the Deviants when Kayla Ballantine passes the Star Brand on to her; when her plot to rule the multiverse fails, Ereshkigal destroys herself and the Star Brand to prevent it from falling into the Living Tribunal's hands.

Alpha Flight #120 (1993)
Weapon Omega renames himself Wildheart.

Quasar #51-52 (1993)
Kayla Ballantine learns the Living Tribunal has passed the Star Brand back to her.

Spider-Man #37 (1993)
Carnage kills the Spider-Man Doppelgänger (simply referred to as Doppelgänger) by stabbing him and throwing him off a building during MAXIMUM CARNAGE

Marc Spector: Moon Knight #50, 52-53 (1993)
Gambit finally tracks down Moon Knight and warns him about his impending death, only to learn he's already dealt with the problem.

Nomad #16 (1993)
Nomad meets the real Gambit, mistaking him for the evil Gambit Doppelgänger

Fantastic Four #377 (1993) 
Paibok and Devos recruit Huntara and Klaw into their Fearsome Foursomeas payback for her betrayal, Doctor Doom transforms Sharon Ventura back into her She-Thing form; the real Mister Fantastic places Sharon in stasis until he can find a cure for her condition; Agatha Harkness leaves Four Freedoms Plaza again when Franklin Richards appears to rapidly progress to adulthood during FOUR NO MORE!

Avengers West Coast #94 (1993) 
Darkhawk joins the Avengers as a reserve member.

Marc Spector: Moon Knight #56 (1993)
When Moon Knight discovers an information leak in his network, he blames the Shadow Cabinet and forcibly disbands them; he soon discovers his mistake when he learns the leak came from Marlene Alraune and Frenchie during THE INFINITY CRUSADE.

Infinity Crusade #1-2 (1993)
Adam Warlock's 'good' side, the Goddess, proves to be as much a threat to the universe as his evil side during THE INFINITY CRUSADE.

Alpha Flight #123-124 (1993)
Witchfire learns her father is the demon Belasco who tries to use her power to oppose the Goddess during THE INFINITY CRUSADE.

Warlock Chronicles #2 (1993)
The reason why reality may mean more to Thanos now is revealed to be because he's the secret sixth member of the Infinity Watch and possesses the Reality Gem during THE INFINITY CRUSADE.

Infinity Crusade #3-4 (1993)
In an effort to gain the upper hand against the Goddess, Adam Warlock turns to the Magus for help during THE INFINITY CRUSADE.

Warlock Chronicles #4 (1993)
Adam Warlock battles the Magus inside the Soul Gem during THE INFINITY CRUSADE.

Infinity Crusade #5-6 (1993)
Thanos helps save the universe again; Warlock traps the Goddess within the Soul Gem, making her a ghost that only the Magus can acknowledge, though they're too intangible to even touch each other during THE INFINITY CRUSADE.

Daredevil Annual #9 (1993) 
Calypso clashes with Daredevil again, unearthing Simon Garth (the Zombie) to use against him.

Daredevil Annual #9 (1993) 
In a back-up feature, following her defeat at Daredevil's hands, Calypso resurrects the Daredevil Doppelgänger, making him fight Simon Garth; Calypso loses control of the Doppelgänger and it escapes during FALL FROM GRACE.

New Warriors #37 (1993) 
Rage loses control of his anger when the Poison Memories gang kill his grandmother during POISON MEMORIES.

Daredevil #319-321 (1993) 
The Daredevil Doppelgänger - now referred to as Hellspawn - tries to claim the About Face Virus to become a real being; Hellspawn is defeated by Daredevil during FALL FROM GRACE.

Daredevil #325 (1994) 
Hellspawn claims the About Face Virus, but the gift of life also allows him to die, which he does when he's skewered by Erynys' sword; in death, Hellspawn's body resembles Matt Murdock's; Murdock uses Hellspawn's body to fake his own death so he can operate as 'Jack Batlin' during FALL FROM GRACE.

New Warriors #39 (1993) 
Speedball and his father begin repairing their relationship.

Secret Defenders #11 (1994) 
Thanos recruits Geatar during STARBLAST.

Secret Defenders #12-14 (1994) 
Thanos becomes bored and begins a new quest for personal power; despite Thanos having killed the original Geatar and used his corpse to fake his own death, the Geatar clone reluctantly agrees to work for Thanos for one mission.

Quasar #56-57 (1994)
Kayla Ballantine is transported to the New Universe (Earth-148611) by the Stranger to learn the origins of the Star Brand; the Living Tribunal prevents the Star Brand from returning to Earth-616, trapping Kayla in the New Universe during STARBLAST.

Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #60 (1993)
Imei Chang is murdered by the demon Sister Nil before she and Wong can marry during SIEGE OF DARKNESS.

Guardians of the Galaxy #45 (1994)
Starhawk and Aleta finally battle it out over who should be the one-true Starhawk; as punishment, the Hawk God fuses their hands together, forcing them to work together.

Silver Sable & the Wild Pack #25 (1994) 
Silver Sable finally defeats Hydra's Genesis Coalition.

Nomad #22-25 (1994)
Agent Vernon Hatchway is ordered to kill Nomad when he's considered a liability; instead, Hatchway returns Nomad to the cryogenic chamber he was stored in in the 1950s.

Alpha Flight #129-130 (1994) 
Dreamqueen warns Alpha Flight of their impending deaths; the bones aboard the Master of the World's ship are revealed to belong to James MacDonald Hudson; Hudson next appears fully regenerated as Anti-Guard, a pawn of the Master of the World; Alpha Flight and Beta Flight are disbanded by Department H

Guardians of the Galaxy #50 (1994)
Aleta allows Starhawk to continue on as the representative of the Hawk God when she realises the power was removing her emotions.

Spider-Man #48 (1994) 
Hobgoblin and Demogoblin's feud ends with the death of Demogoblin during THE ENEMY WITHIN.

Darkhawk #42 (1994)
Portal begins a brief stint as Darkhawk's replacement during

Fantastic Four #392 (1994) 
Four Freedoms Plaza is finally restored; Psi-Lord (a future Franklin Richards from Earth-6311) uses Malice as a weapon against the Dark Raider (an alternate Reed Richards from Earth-944), freeing the Invisible Woman from her influence during NOBODY GETS OUT ALIVE!

Spider-Man: Funeral for an Octopus #1 (1995) 
The Sinister Six come together when Doctor Octopus dies so they can fight over his legacy during WEB OF DEATH.

Warlock and the Infinity Watch #42 (1995) 
The Infinity Watch leave Monster Isle when the team disbands during THE WATCH IS BROKEN.

Rune/The Silver Surfer #1 (1995)
Rune steals the Infinity Gems from the Infinity Watch and takes them back home to the Ultraverse (Earth-93060) during GODWHEEL / THE WATCH IS BROKEN / CURSE OF RUNE.

Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #80 (1995) 
Having finally given in and fought the War of Seven Spheres (time having moved differently in other dimensions), Doctor Strange returns to his role as Sorcerer Supreme.

X-Factor #112 (1995)
Wildheart is revealed to have changed his name back to Wild Child during HAVOK'S FALL.

Avengers: The Crossing #1 (1995)
Yellowjacket returns to the present day after leaving the Guardians of the Galaxy, only to be murdered by Iron Man during THE CROSSING.

Guardians of the Galaxy #62 (1995) 
Martinex returns to the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Cosmic Powers Unlimited #4 (1996)
Drax fully recalls Moondragon killing him, but forgives her during THE LEGACY OF CAPTAIN MARVEL.

X-Men Unlimited #12 (1996) 
Juggernaut next meets Cyttorak and fights to retain his powers during ONSLAUGHT.

Heroes Reborn #½ (1996)
A new Counter-Earth first appears (which is later revealed to have been created by Franklin Richards) during HEROES REBORN.

Thunderbolts #10 (1998) 
Four Freedoms Plaza is ultimately destroyed by Baron Zemo during HEROES RETURN.

Alpha Flight #5 (1997) 
Diamond Lil and Box (Madison Jeffries) part ways when he officially rejoins Alpha Flight.

Avengers #4 (1998) 
Firestar becomes a reserve member of the Avengers during HEROES RETURN.

Avengers #7 (1998) 
Firestar becomes a fully-fledged member of the Avengers during LIVE KREE OR DIE.

Amazing Spider-Man #4 (1999)
Sandman betrays the Wild Pack and returns to villainy as a member of the Frightful Four (a complete turnaround for the character which is later revealed to have been a result of the Wizard's use of the ID Machine).

Avengers #14 (1999) 
Wonder Man continues to show remorse for killing Angkor.

Amazing Spider-Man #12 (1999) 
Doctor Octopus reforms the Sinister Six during ANOTHER RETURN OF THE SINISTER SIX.

Captain Marvel #32-34 (2002)
The Magus is revealed to have escaped the Soul Gem (due to the gem briefly being possessed by Syphon) and become a devourer of souls in order to gain a fully corporeal form; Magus tries to absorb Captain Marvel (Genis-Vell) to reach his goal more quickly; Genis blasts the Magus with cosmic energy, unaware that this helps him regain his physical form.

New Avengers: The Illuminati #2 (2007)
The Illuminati (Mister Fantastic, Doctor Strange, Iron Man, Professor X, Black Bolt and Namor the Sub-Mariner) obtain the six Infinity Gems and keep one each to prevent them from being used together.

Son of M #2-3 (2006) 
Quicksilver betrays the Inhumans by stealing Terrigen Crystals during DECIMATION.

Annihilation: Silver Surfer #3 (2006) 
Annihilus uses Morg as a battery until he completely drains him of life during ANNIHILATION.

Civil War: The Initiative #1 (2007) 
Ironically, Talisman becomes a member of a new Omega Flight during CIVIL WAR / THE INITIATIVE.

Marvel Zombies 3 #1-4 (2008-2009)
Portal is revealed to have become Director of ARMOR (Alternate Reality Monitoring and Operational Response Agency), an organisation who protect Earth from inter-dimensional threats.

X-Infernus #1-4 (2009)

Witchfire gives in to her father's legacy and takes control of Limbo; Witchfire's plan to obtain the Bloodstone Amulet is thwarted by Magik and the X-Men, costing her Limbo's throne.

War of Kings: Ascension #1-4 (2009)
Chris Powell learns the true origin of Darkhawk, including his role as one of the Fraternity of Raptors who were created to maintain the Shi'ar Empire's dominance during

Guardians of the Galaxy #17-19 (2009)
Adam Warlock grafts the timeline to that of Earth-7528, saving the universe from the Fault but restoring the Magus' timeline; the Magus takes over Warlock's weakened body; Star-Lord kills Warlock/Magus to save the future from his rule during WAR OF KINGS.

New Avengers #53 (2009)
Necromancer is revealed to have returned to life, somehow, during DARK REIGN.

X-Force #23 (2010) 
Diamond Lil is killed when Selene invades the X-Men's island of Utopia during NECROSHA.

Secret Avengers #1 (2010) 
Nova (Richard Rider) joins the Avengers during THE HEROIC AGE.Nation X #3 (2010) 
Madison Jeffries buries his wife, Diamond Lil, at sea during NATION X.

Carnage #1 (2010) 
Doppelgänger (Spider-Man's Infinity double) is revealed to have survived Carnage's attempt on his life and even aids in breaking him out of a prison transport.

Guardians of the Galaxy #22-23 (2010)
The Magus is revealed to have survived and maintained control of Adam Warlock's body; the Magus tries to turn Earth-616 into a realm like the Cancerverse during REALM OF KINGS.

Thanos Imperative: Ignition #1 (2010)
Magus is killed by Lord Mar-Vell of the Cancerverse during THE THANOS IMPERATIVE.

Annihilators #1-4 (2011)
The Magus is resurrected as a child by the Universal Church of Truth, but is imprisoned by the Annihilators during ANNIHILATORS.

Uncanny X-Men #542 (2011) 
Cyttorak strips Juggernaut of his powers when he begins serving the Serpent as a host for Kuurth; the Juggernaut powers are passed to Colossus of the X-Men during FEAR ITSELF.

Fear Itself: The Fearless #8 (2012)
Witchfire is revealed to have given in to her dark side and joined Hydra's Department of Occult Armaments during FEAR ITSELF.

Uncanny X-Men #20 (2012) 
Magik frees Colossus from the power of Cyttorak.

New Avengers #1-3 (2013)
The Illuminati combine the Infinity Gems to form the Infinity Gauntlet (despite the Living Tribunal's ruling) in order to save Earth from an incursion that would destroy the planet; after using them successfully, the Infinity Gems are destroyed (except for the Time Gem which disappears) during MARVEL NOW!

Uncanny Avengers #1 (2015)
Counter-Earth returns with little explanation as to how it survived destruction at Thanos' hands during AVENGERS NOW!

Amazing X-Men #18 (2015)
Juggernaut is restored as the avatar of Cyttorak.

Sam Wilson: Captain America #3 (2016) 
Sam Wilson (as Captain America) is transformed into Capwolf by Dr Karl Malus.

Thanos: The Infinity Finale OGN (2016) 
Thanos finally feels Death's passionate embrace during THE INFINITY FINALE.

Infinity Countdown: Prime #1 (2018)
The Magus' attempt to obtain the Infinity Stones is cut short when he's killed by Ultron/Hank Pym during INFINITY COUNTDOWN.

Infinity Wars #3-6 (2018)
The Magus' plan to merge the universe with a duplicate of his own is a little similar to Gamora's act of using the Infinity Stones to trap the universe in the Soulworld, fold it in half and merge every soul with another; Gamora's actions create a version fo Earth-616 called Warp World which is duplicated and left intact in the Soul Stone when Gamora is defeated; the Magus is resurrected again and joins Gamora on her mission to be where she can do the most good during INFINITY WARS.
Infinity Gauntlet Box Set Slipcase
Infinity War Omnibus
Includes Alpha Flight #109-112, Captain America #408, Daredevil #310, Deathlok #16, Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #42-47, Fantastic Four #366-370, Guardians of the Galaxy #27-29, Infinity War #1-6, Marc Spector: Moon Knight #41-44, Marvel Comics Presents #108-112, New Warriors #27, Nomad #7, Quasar #38-40, Silver Sable & the Wild Pack #4-5, Silver Surfer #67-69, Sleepwalker #18, Spider-Man #24Warlock and the Infinity Watch #7-10 and Wonder Man #13-15.

Infinity War

Collects Infinity War #1-6, Marvel Comics Presents #108-111 and Warlock and the Infinity Watch #7-10.

Infinity Watch vol.1
Includes Warlock and the Infinity Watch #7-10.

Captain America: Man and Wolf
Includes Captain America #408.

Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme Omnibus vol.2

Includes Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #42-47 and Silver Surfer #67.

Guardians of the Galaxy by Jim Valentino vol.3

Guardians of the Galaxy by Jim Valentino Omnibus
Includes Guardians of the Galaxy #27-29.

New Warriors: Darkness and Light
Includes New Warriors #27.

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Red Hulk gave She-Hulk ( Jennifer Walters ) a humiliating beating when he invaded the SHIELD Helicarrier (during GREEN HULK/RED HULK ). Now, Shulkie's looking for revenge and to learn the identity of her rage-red attacker. And to do it, she's going to call on some of her female super-buddies from around the Marvel Universe . The Lady Liberators were originally a ploy by the Enchantress to ruin the Avenger s. Now, She-Hulk's taking the name and using it on her all-woman revenge mission.... [GREEN HULK/RED HULK - Introducing the Red Hulk] King-Size Hulk #1 [2/6] (also see GREEN HULK/RED HULK ) Hulk #7 [2/2] -9 [2/2] King-Size Hulk #1 [2/6] She-Hulk has her first, brutal battle with the Red Hulk (told in full during GREEN HULK/RED HULK ). When she's soundly beaten, Red Hulk tells her that he could kill her whenever he wanted. She-Hulk formulates a plan for revenge for this humiliating defeat and intends discovering the Red Hulk's identity... Hulk #7 [2/2] She-...

AVENGERS READING ORDER: Before the Avengers (1962-1963)

I'll openly admit to not really being a fan of the '60s comics. No one should feel obligated to go back to the very beginning to understand the Marvel Universe , no matter what anyone tells you. But, for those of you who love that era or are just plain curious about it, I present to you the earliest appearances of Ant-Man , Hulk , Thor , Iron Man and the Wasp. Five heroes who go on to become Earth's Mightiest... After this little run down of their early days, you'd be looking to pick up the very first issue of their team book when they become the Avengers ! See how they gain their unique powers, fight Communists, fend off alien invasions, fight Communists, face odd arch nemeses and fight Communists. As always, I'd like to thank the guys over at which I use as a basis and work out my own continuity. Those guys have done all the heavy lifting for me! MCG Note: Issues in  blue  are worth reading or introduce the characters who play are larg...


OK, so you don't need to read the Avenging Spider-Man issues listed below, but issue Avenging Spider-Man # 9 came out a week before Captain Marvel #1 , making it Carol Danvers '  first appearance as Captain Marvel . Plus her odd, pseudo-flirtatious relationship with Peter Parker continues in that series and the storyline is also written by Kelly Sue DeConnick, writer of Carol's solo Captain Marvel series. Carol Danvers first appeared as a love interest for the original Captain Marvel (the Kree hero Mar-Vell ) before gaining Kree powers from exposure to the Psyche-Magnitron and becoming Ms Marvel . From there, she lost her powers and emotions to Rogue , gained different powers to become Binary , returned to her Ms Marvel costume but took the name Warbird , then returned as Ms Marvel once again. Isn't it time she jus took on the Captain Marvel mantle? [THE COMING OF CAPTAIN MARVEL - Carol Danvers' first appearance] Captain Marvel #1 Avenging Spider-Man #9-10 C...