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If the loss of his adamantium (during FATAL ATTRACTIONS) and the looming threat of Onslaught weren't enough, Wolverine's about to find that it's only the tip of the iceberg. Genesis (Cable's 'son', Tyler Dayspring) plans on covering Logan's bones in indestructible metal again. But fate's not going to be so kind to the feral mutant and he may just end up losing even more of his humanity, instead...
[FATAL ATTRACTIONS - Magneto rips out Wolverine's adamantium]
  • Wolverine #98-100
  • Uncanny X-Men #332
  • Wolverine #101
Wolverine #98
Wolverine (Logan) wakes up in the Princess Bar in Madripoor with blood on his claws, no memory of how he got there or why his friends O'Donnell, Rose Wu and Archie Corrigan dead. He's arrested for their murder, but soon figures he's been set up by Prince Baran and General Coy. Wolverine kills the men they send to assassinate him and goes after them, only for Coy to kill Baran to aid his own escape. Tiger Tyger shoots Coy and drives Wolverine to the ruins of an old Landau Luckman & Lake office where he and Zoe Culloden step through a portal...

Wolverine #99
Wolverine and Zoe Culloden arrive in Akaba in Egypt where she explains to Logan that it's his destiny to confront Genesis, the adopted son of Cable (Nathan Summers). Logan sneaks into Genesis' citadel where Dirt Nap sniffs out Logan's presence. Genesis blasts Logan into unconsciousness and orders the Dark Riders to drag him to his lab. Elsewhere, Cannonball of the X-Men is sent to Akaba to act as Logan's back-up...
Wolverine #100
Genesis aims to rip the adamantium from Cyber's corpse to restore the metal to Wolverine's bones and make him Death, a new Horseman of Apocalypse. He then hopes to resurrect Apocalypse himself. Cannonball arrives, but his failed attempt to free Wolverine only damages the adamantium containment unit, causing an explosion. Adamantium shrapnel shoots out, killing Hurricane and Lifeforce. The remaining Dark Riders beat Cannonball into unconsciousness. Wolverine breaks free and slaughters the Dark Riders and Genesis while Cannonball wakes up in time to stop the resurrection process, only to find Apocalypse was never there. or was he?

Wolverine stays in the shadows and refuses to come back to the X-Men, telling Cannonball to apologise to Cable for him. At the top of a mountain, somewhere, Stick senses a great warrior has become lost from his path and sends Elektra to help him...

Uncanny X-Men #332
While the X-Men desperately try to locate Wolverine in Morocco, Cyclops senses something a little off with Professor X. Wolverine happens upon the home of Ozymandias (an enemy of Apocalypse cursed with immortality and visions of the future which he carves on the walls of his home). Wolverine sees the carvings that show his current mutated, feral form. When the X-Men arrive, Ozymandias sends some of his carvings to attack them. During the fight, Cyclops falls into a pit and Ozymandias prepares to hurl Wolverine down there with him...

Wolverine #101
Wolverine slices Ozymandias and throws himself down the pit after Cyclops. He rescues Cyclops and drags him back up to the surface where they join the other X-Men in defeating the living carvings. The damage to the castle during the battle cause it to collapse. Phoenix tries to save Ozymandias, but he crumbles to dust. The X-Men get a good look at Wolverine's new form - complete with hunch, jagged claws and no nose - and he agrees to return with them to the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, despite sensing Elektra nearby...
Wolverine #102 (1996)
Elektra begins helping Wolverine regain his humanity during WAY OF THE WARRIORS.

Cable #32 (1996) 
Cable is revealed to have buried Genesis' remains, but refuses to discuss it or talk to Wolverine during THE ROAD TO ONSLAUGHT.

X-Men #54 (1996) 
Professor X is 'off' because he's hosting Onslaught, as revealed during THE ROAD TO ONSLAUGHT.

Uncanny X-Men #335 (1996) 
Ozymandias aids Apocalypse when he rises again during ONSLAUGHT.

Wolverine #105 (1996) 
Wolverine adopts a new costume to hide his mutated face during ONSLAUGHT / WAY OF THE WARRIORS.

Cable #36 (1996) 
Cable makes peace with Tyler Dayspring's spirit during ONSLAUGHT AFTERMATH.

Wolverine #½ (1997)
Cable makes peace with Wolverine over the death of Genesis during ONSLAUGHT AFTERMATH.

Rise of Apocalypse #1-4 (1996-1997) 
Ozymandias' origin is revealed.

Wolverine #110 (1997) 
Wolverine slowly reverts back to human form over time (occasionally using an image inducer) and starts to look human again.

X-Men #61 (1997) 
Jamil 'dies' when Carima is killed.

Deadpool #1 (1997) 
With Wolverine struggling with his own issues, Zoe Culloden looks into recruiting Deadpool, instead.

Hulk #8 (1999) 
Apocalypse's new Death Horseman first appears during GRUDGE MATCH.

X-Men #95 (1999) 
Death is revealed to be Wolverine during THE SHATTERING.

Wolverine #145 (1999) 
Apocalypse is shown to have restored Wolverine's adamantium during THE SHATTERING.

Wolverine: Origins #11-12 (2007) 
Cyber is resurrected.

X-Force #21 (2010) 
Deadbolt, Spyne, Hurricane and Lifeforce are among the mutants resurrected by Selene during NECROSHA.

Death of Wolverine #4 (2014)
Wolverine ends up being coated in molten adamantium, resulting in his death during THE DEATH OF WOLVERINE.

Hunt for Wolverine #1 (2018)
Wolverine's body is resurrected by Persephone during THE HUNT FOR WOLVERINE.
Wolverine Epic Collection vol.8: The Dying Game
Includes Wolverine #98-100.

X-Men: The Road to Onslaught vol.3
Includes Uncanny X-Men #332 and Wolverine #101.

Essential Wolverine vol.5 (black & white)
Includes Uncanny X-Men #332 and Wolverine #98-101.

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